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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tapes Or DVD?
« on: April 12, 2002, 04:22:37 PM »
Sci Fi cutting DS episodes isn't just speculation; I've read very well documented statements about this from fans who watch the Sci Fi channel broadcasts AND own the MPI videos. The most extreme case that comes to mind is an episode in the 1969 Leviathan storyline where Sci Fi cut out the entire teaser act, including the beginning voiceover.  

There was another episode where I recall several complaints because they went to a commercial literally in the middle of a scene.

And then there is that ANNOYING logo they insist in putting in the corner!

So, while I'm glad they are running the show (since it helps people who have never seen it get to find out about it), for myself, I have to have my tapes!  I'm so pleased because after years of having them stored in boxes, I got some new shelves and put all of them up in order!  I positively glow with pride every time I go to the shelf to grab a tape.

Another crazed fan,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tapes Or DVD?
« on: April 11, 2002, 10:22:52 PM »
Well, Gambit (sorry, I love that name--ever watch The New Avengers from the 70s??),

There's the rub--it is hard to say how quickly MPI will release further DVD sets after the first one.  One would think monthly, but it is unwise to assume anything about MPI's schedule.

I'm sure, however, that if they release the 1966/67 pre Barnabas episodes on DVD, it won't be until AFTER they have finished the rest of the series from Barnabas onward.  When they first started issuing the series on VHS, it was not at all clear that they would do the whole thing; they were looking at sales figures, or so I have been told.  They may wait to see what the figures are like for sales on the first DVD set before they make a decision about continuing.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: they call me.......reverend TRASK!
« on: April 11, 2002, 10:01:42 PM »

It's great to see you back!  And boy, do I ever agree with you about Rev Trask and THAT EYELINER!!!  I particularly love this episode where Nathan visits the Rev in his rooms to have a chat and I could swear Trask keeps looking at the good lieut's manhood!  I'm sure I'm just IMAGINING things ... THINGS ... THINGS WITH A LIFE OF THEIR OWN ...

Can't wait to see your post on the Hunk-o-meter!

Setting browser to "cruise" control,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tapes Or DVD?
« on: April 11, 2002, 09:56:30 PM »
Well spoken, Luciaphil!  I have a few friends who are absolutely ga-ga over DVDs.  While I enjoy going over to their homes for DVD parties, I also have no intention of blowing the cash on yet another gizmo at this stage of the game.

Gambit, if you don't already have the MPI tapes, one thing that might make you want to hold out for DVDs (especially if you enjoy that format more than VHS) is that there are scheduled to be some "extras," at least with the first set of discs.  Also, supposedly MPI has paid for new prints to be made for the DVDs--I'll believe it when/if I see it!!

Happy viewing,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Professor Thayer David
« on: April 11, 2002, 05:54:55 PM »
Thanks for sharing that wonderful photo, Midnite, and thanks to Nancy, too, for finding it and sharing it!  and I suppose ultimate thanks has to go to Jonathan Frid, not just for being so generous, but for still entertaining us with his amazing performances!  

Some facts that have been posted many times about Thayer David ... this is just off the cuff, in case some of the new fans want to know more about this amazing gentleman...

Thayer David was born David Thayer Hersey in 1927 in Medford, Mass., a suburb of Boston (actually the town right next over from where I've lived--I've checked the Herseys still living in the area in the phone book and thought more than once of calling around to see if any of them are relatives--he had a sister, I believe).  

The family owned a paper mill and were well enough off to be upper class if not quite rich.

He attended Harvard University and was in the same circles as Edward Gorey and Frank O'Hara (a distinguised poet who was also a curator at the Museum of Modern Art).  O'Hara wrote a poem in honor of Thayer's performance in the role of Prospero in the Tempest (look up David Hersey in the index of O'Hara's Collected Poems).

Thayer was one of the founders of the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge.  It lives on as a repertory film theatre with the occasional concert or performance.

His first film role listed on IMDB was in 1957's Baby Face Nelson.  He achieved somewhat better exposure in Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) and The Story of Ruth (1960).  He did a lot of theatre on and off Broadway in the Fifties and Sixties.  He worked with Louis Edmonds in Cat-stick in '61 (starring the remarkable Patricia Jessel) and with Grayson Hall in the spectacular 1966 flop Those that play the Clowns.

After DS, he was one of the busiest actors in the industry, constantly shuttling between the 2 coasts doing film, television and theatre.  Shortly before he passed away from a heart attack he did a feature-length pilot film for a new Nero Wolfe series which presented one of his best performances.  I really do hope this is released on home video some day.  He looks fabulous in it ... believe it or not, fresh and healthy!  

Hope you all continue to enjoy his performances on Dark Shadows.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Second Episode, April 11
« on: April 11, 2002, 05:35:32 PM »
Tanis, Love your handle btw ... I love all things Egyptian!

The black and white film versions of the DS episodes where the color master tape was missing in the archives continue until 1970 (the "Parallel Time" storyline).  The episodes they are currently showing were originally broadcast in Feb. or March of 1968 so you will keep seeing these for awhile.

Don't you know that little elves live all over the Collins estate and keep those candles burning all over unoccupied buildings of the estate?  They are clever little creatures and even manage to get into all the secret rooms and boltholes with which the property is dotted.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Grayson Hall and Gay Men
« on: April 11, 2002, 05:15:53 PM »
I was able to interview one out gay man who knew her and he confirmed that she knew A LOT of gay men.  Given her love of entertaining and how many parties she hosted for theatre people, it could scarcely have been otherwise.

I think she'd have slugged you if you had asked her if she loved being a "fag hag," though.  In those days, it was a term of abuse, and had NOT been reclaimed through the eyes of love as we have done now living in this shining era of peace and love for our fellow humans (yeah, right).

TTFN,  Steve

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Professor Thayer David
« on: April 11, 2002, 04:55:09 PM »
VAM dear,

Thanks for sharing this wonderful little story.  If I ever finish my book on Grayson, I'd love to produce a little memoir on Thayer.  Not surprised to learn that he corrected his scripts.  I've always thought he probably more or less rewrote large chunks of his own dialogue, especially when he was playing Count Petofi.  It just sounded way too literate compared the rest of the scripts.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Young Peter
« on: April 11, 2002, 12:22:43 AM »
The scenes you mention are ample reason to be grateful for the fast-forward and mute buttons on one's remote!

It's fun to play Angelique and smirk, "You are MUTE!  you cannot speak" as Peter opens his mouth and no sound comes out.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: MONEY MATTERS
« on: April 10, 2002, 10:37:27 PM »
Beth and the cash for Mrs. Fillmore in 1897 that Quentin cast greedy eyes and hands upon.

Julia writing an absurdly large check for a Charles Delaware Tate daub in 1969.

1970PT Angelique Collins had to pay salon victim Bruno cold cash to get hold of the Cyrus Longworth diary with the info about her "sister's" death.

Barnabas in 1967 making indigent drunkard Sam Evans an offer he couldn't refuse for the privilege of having his portrait painted.

More examples would doubtless come to mind, if I thought about it longer.


VAM, There was a post on the old board (I believe) from some DVD website (?) stating that the new tribute DVD and video will not be released until the time of the DS Festival this Summer.

Those of us with a familiarity with MPI's business methods were simply stunned by this delay.

To their credit, MPI HAVE kept the entire DS series in print, which is pretty exceptional.  Of course they have also made lots of money with that wise decision.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: HAVE A HUNK
« on: April 10, 2002, 04:19:10 PM »
YAYYYY Istvan!

Thanks Vlad!  I was trying to remember his name but kept blocking on it!

He was such a doll--nearly 7 foot tall, but still, a doll!

Thanks again,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: How Much Longer???
« on: April 10, 2002, 12:02:53 AM »
Yes, Donna, isn't this part of the story turning into a dreary bore?  Every time folks exalt the 1795 storyline as DS' finest moment, I just remember these excruciatingly prolonged weeks of Roger Davis et al sawing wood in that courtroom set.

I'm afraid there are at least roughly 3 weeks (at the pace Sci Fi airs the series) to go of this.  At least they do take breaks from the courtroom antics to show what's happening elsewhere in town, from time to time. As for the trial, it gets livened up by a special star witness later this week or early next.  Let's just say it'll be an unexpected treat ...

Hope you continue to enjoy the show!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: HAVE A HUNK
« on: April 09, 2002, 10:54:49 PM »
Bob, your posts to this topic and the "chick" one are a scream!  Honestly, you crack me up!  Thanks for bringing a smile to my well-worn features.  You have a wry sense of humor that reminds me of another online buddy of mine.

Incidentally, you named several of my favorite actresses on the show in your chick post.

And now to you, Ladies ... sorry to keep you waiting.  I'll have to check my tapes (and oh, the things I do for you fans!) but I'm pretty sure the episode where Julia rips Joe's shirt right off his hairy, sweat-streaked chest, his nipples ripe with exertion (oops I may be calling down the wrath of the mods now) ... to dress an unfortunate wound, is in MPI volume 77.  If it isn't that one, it must be 78, but I'm pretty sure it's 77 (unless it's somehow or other on 76 ...).

Lots of great scenes involving both Julia and Angelique in these tapes, too. Don't you both think you need to RUN, not walk, to the viddy rental emporium NOW?

Your most obedient factotum,


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Happy B-Day to mfmdpt!
« on: April 09, 2002, 06:54:35 PM »
Hope your birthday is the grooviest ever!

Many happy returns,


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