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Messages - Gothick

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Thanks for that deliciously dry and witty comment upon "that year of insanity, 1968" (I've always wondered just who Kathy and Marcy were quoting with that subject line).  I have to wonder whether DC wasn't dictating plot lines at this point, and the daffy dialogue and situations weren't Gordon's and Sam's way of quietly fighting back.  Loony though it is, I just love the episode where Roger goes to Lang's creepy home and nearly harpoons him.  Just wonderful stuff.

Agree with you, too, about the set for Stokes' cottage.  I always love the scenes set there.  

I bet Clarice Blackburn did rewrite some of her dialogue for that scene.  I sometimes suspect Thayer David of improvising his own dialogue, too.

Thanks again!  Please do share with us your thoughts about the arrival of the new Mrs Roger Collins at the manor.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: I don't understand it!!!!
« on: May 08, 2002, 10:38:04 PM »
How many times did Barnabas say variations on the line "You have betrayed me" or "You know better than to betray me" in 1967?  I remember when I started watching DS in 1968 that the fact that they used the word "betray" with the same frequency as regular folk ask for the salt at the dinner table made a definite impression upon me.

So many of the fans complain about how unreal DS was--for me that was one of the top draws of the show!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: But Can She Twitch Her Nose?
« on: May 08, 2002, 09:40:50 PM »

IMNSHO, there's definitely a Sixties Serena/Cassandra groove thang going on, although I'm quite sure that Serena wouldn't be caught DEAD in that ghastly cape-coat dear Cassandra wore for her very first appearance at Collinwood.

Also, do you notice how HEAVILY greased and shellacked Cassandra's wig is on her first day?  She must have been creating an ozone hole right over Collinsport as Roger drove up the coast (let's pray he had the top down on his Chevy convertible) and Cass was spraying away, seemingly for hours, to make that damned hair lay down and fluff up.

My dear friend Nicky wrote a HILARIOUS story about Angelique first appearing in a very "square" blonde persona in a NYC discotheque and getting some help with her look from "Cousin Serena" before proceeding to Rockport and that ill-fated semiinar with Prof. Stokes.

I'm looking forward to more comments on this topic.  Love your idea of Clarice playing Endora (I bet that Agnes would have mown her down with an Uzi if she'd gone NEAR the part, though)!  I'm too attached to Marion Lorne's wonderful portrayal as Aunt Clara to consider any other actress in the part, even the divine Anita Bolster.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: May 07, 2002, 10:22:41 PM »
As if you couldn't guess ...

Julia! Julia! Julia!  

Other characters for whom I have a sentimental attachment...

Barnabas ... I wonder whether other gay men of my generation (early 40s) identified with Barnabas as a child?  He just seemed to encapsulate so perfectly the sense of being an outsider, a misfit, someone who didn't belong.  I felt there was a world of difference between how his curse affected Barnabas, and how it affected Quentin.  

Cassandra.  I'm looking forward to the comments about her imminent introduction!  She was on my second episode of DS, and her melodramatic flair had a lot to do with my getting hooked into watching the show.

Prof.  T. Eliot Stokes was in my FIRST episode of DS, and I thought he was simply grand!  Still think so today!

Nicholas.  I still remember his arrival at Collinwood, and how intriguing he was.  I thought Humbert added a very different kind of flair to the show--just as Grayson did when she arrived.

Chris.  For some it's Barnabas, for others it's Quentin--for me, Chris is the major male heart throb of DS.  And I thought that Don Briscoe made Chris (originally not a very sympathetic character--I think the "Marilyn" Ross novel involving the character gives you an idea of how DC might have seen the character play out) more three dimensional, poignant and real.

Count Petofi.  I just love ALL of Thayer David's characters, but Petofi has such wonderful wit and cosmopolitan grandeur.  I never tire of watching his episodes!

Pansy/Charity.  I really love her scenes, especially whenever she's onscreen with Jerry Lacey (and he starts barking "Daughter!" at her).

Magda.  Grayson Hall's favorite character, and I can really understand why!

There are others, too, but I am starting to write a book, so I'll desist for now.  Julia still rules!


Thanks for all these replies.  I forgot all about this post until today, sorry about that. You guys are making me feel like I've got a Greek chorus following me around, since I have two friends who also ask me, practically every time they call, "did you buy a DVD player yet???"  I really can't afford to replace everything I have on tape onto DVD, but I'm definitely going to get stuck acquiring more of those pesky discs.  Believe it or not, I waited till 1995 before breaking down and buying a CD player.  I generally wait at least a few years to make sure the new format isn't just another fad (which was pretty much the case with laser disc--I do own 2 of them, both well worth it; one is the double house & Night of DS set, & the other is Night of the Eagle, aka Burn Witch Burn!)

John, I'm looking forward to reading your report on the Satan in High Heels DVD.  I looked at it in the shop, and was frankly annoyed that there weren't any extras that I could discern that bore any relationship to the film.  They could have at least cleaned up the trailer, since bad copies of that have been circulating for years.  I also find that Something Weird logo they put on their product VERY annoying.

Curmudgeonly old emigre New Englander,


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: DS 1968 Avatars - Part 2
« on: May 07, 2002, 05:54:18 PM »
Darling, You know, I just realized that the initials "MM" can mean both "Maestro Misterioso" AND "Marilyn Monroe"!  As well of course as the more "common" meaning of a sweet, colorful candy that melts in your mouth, not in your hand (a wonderful attribute, to be sure!).

Thanks so much for thinking of me!  I just adore that photo.  Although I'm starting to realize the repercussions that may ensue from the fact that people will now associate me with a screaming, hysterical, red-headed physician!

No Marcus Welby, I.

TTFN,  Gothick

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: DS 1968 Avatars - Part 2
« on: May 06, 2002, 10:40:34 PM »
Wow, I persisted and added the Julia C2 photo to my profile.  And it seems to have been added retroactively to some of my posts!

Isn't modern technology wonderful (said with Hermione Gingold drawl)????

Thanks again O Maestro Misterioso!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: DS 1968 Avatars - Part 2
« on: May 06, 2002, 04:50:16 PM »
Oops, guess I should make it clear that I'm not going to try to "set" the Julia photo for my "avatar" (I'm sorry, that word BOTHERS me used this way).  I remember seeing the option when I was setting up my profile but just don't have the 2 hours it would probably take now to figure out how to put it in!

So, anyone else who wants this DIVOON PHOTO OF HYSTERICAL JULIA being advised by evil, crafty Barn to "remember SOMEONE," ... be my guest!

Isn't Dark Shadows a great show???


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: DS 1968 Avatars - Part 2
« on: May 06, 2002, 04:47:28 PM »
Caro Misterioso, these are all FAB!!! but you know my top fave is HYSTERICAL JULIA ON THE PHONE!!!!

I'm going to go home and watch this episode in your honor tonight.  A Webmaster and a Gentleman!

The Cassandra icons are fab too, btw.  I hope our buddy Nicky gets to see them.

Cheers,  Gothick

Well, I'm interested, but I long ago gave up on webchats--generally one either can't log on, or the chatroom keeps getting flooded and everyone gets kicked out, or the mods just ignore one ... or a combination of all 3...

If anybody here does go, I'd love it if you would ask Karlen if he has any memories from working with Grayson Hall.

And tell him he should get Sharon Gless on the horn and have her get him on Queer as folk!

Best,  Gothick

Wow, how fabulous that you got to interview Ian Ogilvy!  I'm jealous!

I think the favorite thing I've seen him in was an episode of Robin of Sherwood (the 1980s series with Jason Connery).  He was also in one of the episodes of From Beyond the Grave, wasn't he?

And Stephanie Beacham is such a cool, fun lady.  Wonder what she's been up to lately?

Another reason for me to regret not owning a DVD player!


Current Talk '02 I / Fervently clutching the phone
« on: May 01, 2002, 09:37:56 PM »
To the Mysterious Benefactor in all his mysterious May Day delight,

Many thanks for including that FAB shot of the Queen of Fabness Herself, Dr. Julia Hoffman, fervently clutching the phone at Collinwood, as gnostic and hieratic as an image in a Wallace Stevens alchemical chapbook.

Wish I had a nice, crisp, large jpg of this image for my very own.

I just love that scene where Julia goes to the Old House and lays down the law to vampy Barn.  And even more I love the scene between Julia and Dr. Lang in the hospital.  I can just see Julia thinking:  "time to get one of Angelique's voodoo dolls out and one of Eric Lang's scarves for a special treat!"

I swear, that scene where poor befuddled Addison Powell blurts out (obviously struggling not to burst out laughing), "He's a vampire, isn't he?" always cracks me up!  ONLY Grayson's dignity and focused saved that scene from degenerating into a Monty Python skit!

Gothick (hoping for a post from HENRY the Magnificent about the new shows!)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DID ANYONE SEE THAT?
« on: April 30, 2002, 10:14:30 PM »
Dear Raineypark, Count me among the fans who think ANY remake of DS is a bad idea.

I'm much more pleased by the continuing broadcast of the episodes (even in edited form) on Sci Fi and their reissue in the "hot" new DVD technology. In my opinion, THIS is the sort of thing that will continue to generate interest in the series.

Ever see the 1991 series?  Those shows were often unwatchably bad.  I can't wait to see someone take one of those scenes where Lysette Anthony is hissing "EAR me, Barnabas Collins!" and dump a giant prop ear on top of her with the aid of state-of-the-art computer technology!

The only good thing about a new series would be if they decided to use Seaview Manor for the filming, and that brought in some cash to fix the place up.  It is literally crumbling into pieces.  At the current rate of decay, I don't know how much will be left 30 years from now.


Hi Darren, Just a note to thank you again for alerting me to the restoration of Price's Over the Rainbow vocals on the Phibes Rises Again DVD.  I wonder whether the scenes that were cut from the VHS release due to music rights issues were restored as well?  I checked a couple of online DVD reviews but obviously none of the reviewers knew the films well enough to comment.

Good luck with your quest for the Japanese print of hoDS.  I still feel doubtful whether the footage of the Barnabas/Julia walk scene will be recovered there, but perhaps the hanging David scene will be.  I don't know that the Stokes/Willie scene was ever included in ANY print--ditto for the Barnabas/Julia one ...  Obviously, though, you've researched this thoroughly!

I just lent VHS copies (taken from the LaserDisc, in my untutored opinion the best available versions) to a friend for viewing.  He was quite complimentary about NoDS, believe it or not--in my opinion even in its current "trimmed" state it's head and shoulders above hoDS as a film and a theatrical artifact. There ARE characters, there ARE motives, which is more than one can say for hoDS.  About the latter, my friend made a witty comment you might appreciate (or see as the unkindest "cut" of all???):

I have some old trees I'd like to clear off my property, and wonder where the editors of HODS got the *AXE* they edited the movie with! I guess that and a blindfold were all they needed. Dear, I've haven't seen editing that bad since Paul Morrissey made it an art form in the Warhol films. There are times when the soundtrack just DIES.

I did warn him that as it stands, the movie is something of a train wreck... It does remain one of my guilty pleasures, nonetheless!


Hi Darren,

Many thanks for taking the time to comment upon my OT whinging about the Phibes films. I hadn't heard that the missing scenes/cues had been restored for the DVD release--this is exciting news!  I wish reviewers would include this kind of info when they review the discs! Ah well...  I could've sworn I checked the Video Watchdog reviews for the Phibes DVD, but not a clue about any restoration there.

I suspect that the footage slashed in the original cut (to bring the film down to the 90 minute running time dictated by AIP) has been lost.  But Director Robert Fuest is still active & on the scene so far as I know, so he may still have a copy of the intact thing.  Who knows.  

Getting back to hoDS, I wonder whether "Japanese version" prints might not be around over in Japan that might have the lost footage?  It might be worth tracing ...

Christopher Lee reminisces in his long interview on the new City of the Dead ("Horror Hotel") DVD about filming the Kharis tongue-slicing sequence from the front for "the Japanese version."  He said that he has still never seen a print that contained this footage.


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