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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS Closing Credits
« on: June 03, 2002, 09:33:54 PM »

Thayer David comes on camera during the closing credits of an episode that should be among those screened this week (unless, of course, Sci Fi decides to run a LEXX chain reaction in place of DS--lol!).

And, appropriately enough, it is the set of Prof Stokes' living room that he walks onto.


Although I have nothing new to contribute to this discussion, I must say I find all of this fascinating.  I hope you will all continue to share information here in this public forum.  It makes for sad but instructive reading.  

Darren, have you tried getting any Catholic friends of yours to say a prayer to St. Anthony of Padua for the hoDS footage?  I've heard that if it is anywhere, St. Anthony will find it!  

Best wishes,


I personally think the quality of any Dark Shadows related product plummets in direct proportion to DC's personal input.  But that's just me.  As Grayson points out on the anniversary CD, "Dan really does have a genius for spook!"


Current Talk '02 I / Re: O. T.....but maybe not.
« on: May 30, 2002, 04:18:03 PM »
Hi R. P.,

Herbs only pop up every so often on DS.  I remember Aunt Hannah and Angelique using mandrake to enchant Quentin during the Parallel Time storyline.  In 1795 it seems as if they started out trying to depict Angelique's powers a little more authentically in terms of island cunning woman type lore and practice.

Another great herbal reference is Julianka and her gathering the "blood" of the orris root--which actually IS a powerful binding agent used to give many spells an extra "kick."  I'm pretty sure Violet Welles was responsible for that--she seems to have been more enthusiastic about research than the others.

I helped a friend plant his herbal seedlings the weekend before last.  He had a couple of good books, one of them by an old-school hard-line gardener who made very strict recommendations about the distance between plants for the herbs.  Many of them do better planted in pairs, and she also mentioned about that.  I can't recall this particular author's name--the book was of the "Herb Gardening Made Easy" type, and the original publication date was ca. 1976.

What I do remember is that taller plants like fennel and rosemary should ideally have 2 feet of room between them.  You may not need to worry about this, though, since the plants will not survive the winter.  Unless you save the pots and transplant them out of the garden and bring them indoors in Sept.  I guess there's a chance you could keep them going if you did that.

Good luck!  Isn't gardening the best?


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DVD Review in EW
« on: May 30, 2002, 04:07:40 PM »
Thanks for the link to Alan Hayes' review of the DVD set, Stuart.  It's too bad that MPI skimped on the actual presentation of the episodes on the DVD's, but that is pretty much what I had expected.  I'd also figured that the trumpeted "new" extras would be recycled from material previously presented on video, and such proves to be the case.

As far as I can see, the only advantage the DVD's have over the tapes is that they take up less shelf space.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS and CATS
« on: May 29, 2002, 08:21:33 PM »
Sheenasma, I am sorry to read about your loss.  Sheena was a beauty and I know she will shine in your heart always.  Thank Heaven you now have Sami to keep you smiling through your day.

I love cats, but neither of my parents like animals, and we were never allowed to have any pets.  In fact my Mom is allergic to cats, besides absolutely loathing the sight of any member of the species.  Well, nobody's perfect, right?  I have been blessed for several years now to share my home with other folks and their cats, though.  The house since 1998 has been ruled by our sovereign lady Thumbelina, an absolutely gorgeous brown-and-black tabby with the cutest marking on her right paw.  She isn't really a DS fan, but will occasionally deign to settle on her favorite cushion (which I always plump up in readiness for her) when I'm watching.

Interesting to see how many other cat fans there are into the show ...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DVD Review in EW
« on: May 29, 2002, 08:10:30 PM »
A PS to my previous post about replacing tapes--

when I went to play MPI vol. 50 (which covers the 3rd or 4th week of the recently broadcast 1968 storyline), my copy of the tape had a playback that was very washed out, as if the brightness button on the tube console had broken (which was what I had thought at first).  Has anyone else found anything like this with this specific volume, or any other tapes?  The others seem to have held up well, although there are obviously some I haven't played in quite some time.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DVD Review in EW
« on: May 29, 2002, 08:08:04 PM »
Has anyone seen or written a detailed review of this set, one that compares the actual quality of the allegedly remastered episodes with the ones released on video?  I'd really like to read something along those lines.

I've been going through my videos and making notes of tapes I need to replace.  Sorry, guys, but that takes precedence for me over getting the DVDs.

I did hear from a friend that Walmart is selling some make of DVD player for 68 bucks. I hope the players don't all self destruct over the 4th of July weekend.


Current Talk '02 I / Cassandra's Aging
« on: May 29, 2002, 08:00:54 PM »
I've always been curious how today's first episode was shot.  Did they do it all on one day, or did they need to take a break--either of some hours or a day--while the second phase of makeup was added to Lara Parker?

I've read how the "withered claws" effect from yesterday's episode was accomplished, but have never seen any discussion of how the 2 phases of Cassandra's makeup were applied.  It's possible that the long scene between Tony and Carolyn was scripted to give the makeup man time to apply layer #2 to Ms. Parker.  I simply wonder whether it was something that could have been accomplished that quickly.


Watching my copy of this episode this a.m. (my tape of it is in wretched shape and needs replacing), I was also struck at how incredibly good Clarice was here.  It reminded me of how wonderful she was in the 1966 shows when the character had more dimensionality.  I still scream every time I think of the scene where she hands Maggie Evans a dime!

I thought Grayson played Julia's discomfort and guilt very well, too, in these scenes with Clarice.  I love watching those 2 ladies work together.  Clarice and Grayson had a similar career pattern Off Broadway in the Fifties.  I've read that they were friends and wondered whether they kept in touch after DS went off.  I know that Clarice began writing for other soaps, and if they were on ABC, presumably she and Grayson would have seen one another at the soap opera staff holiday parties.


Current Talk '02 I / Julia Smackdown Fest!
« on: May 28, 2002, 09:37:43 PM »
... not sure I am using the term "smackdown" correctly in that title ... but I know that some folks would get their knickers in a twist if I titled this post "Julia's B*tchslap Fest."

From studying today's Montage, I take it that the episode where Julia has to SLAP Mrs. Johnson out of her hysteria aired.  I should study her technique; I witnessed an individual yesterday who was literally screaming and throwing things, and I was thinking what a salutary effect a crisp, clean "Juliaslap" would have had on him.

Let's collect ALL of Julia's slaps.  As of today, she has slapped ONCE.  I'll attempt to keep a running total.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Whose Hair...?
« on: May 22, 2002, 11:56:02 PM »
Well, I'm a guy, but I'd love to have Cassandra's hair.

Instead of wearing it, though, I'd keep it on a stand and use it to frighten religious canvasers and others attempting to make a nuisance of themselves around the house.

I wonder whether that hair can shoot quills, like a greasy, shiny black porcupine?

Cackling maniacally,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: I can't think of a subject header
« on: May 21, 2002, 09:18:09 PM »
Hi Arashi,

Welcome back!  I always enjoy your posts.

Willie is the one who gets the big stuffed wolf with the VERY canned growling.  Johnny Karlen rips up the scenery like nobody's business in that one!

Another GREAT swathe of videotape in DS history!


Thanks for this, Robin.  I'm interested in the first episode in this pair; my MPI tape of that is missing a bit, in the teaser scene at the beginning.  I presume that the footage was missing on the master tape, though I remember reading about a 1967 episode that had a similar hole in it, and the footage was found subsequently, and replaced (the incomplete tapes were recalled by MPI).


Current Talk '02 I / Goddess Grayson Hall
« on: May 21, 2002, 06:44:43 PM »
I just have to share the perhaps unwelcome observation that Dr. Julia Hoffman's Dream Curse sequence may be one of the most brilliant bits of videotape in the history of American television.

I have also seen the fan version but the original is SO much better.  My two favorite moments are when Mrs. Johnson is silently beckoning Julia to the door and Julia is hysterically asking her, "Why are you doing this to me???" and it looks as if Mrs. J is about to grab Julia's breast!  I can imagine "Sister Wendy"'s comment on that!  "The religouth thignificanth of Dr Julia Hoffman's BREATHT"  THEN the climactic scream as the Death Bride is revealed is so transfigurative, transcendental and, well, just a HOOT to witness.

I really wish there was video of Grayson and Clarice discussing that scene after taping. I'm sure both ladies had some hilarious comments to make about shooting it!

As far as I am concerned, moments like this are DS at its most inspired.  I know others do not agree, but I had to just TELL THE DREAM.  Now I can rest ...

But no, cigarettes do NOT calm my nerves,


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