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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: That Fiercely Ruling T. Eliot Stokes!
« on: July 15, 2002, 06:02:31 PM »
Hi RP and others,

Wish I could take credit for Ali Crowley but I can't.  The occult bookshop down the street from the office has (or had) a few shelves devoted to Crowley and his disciples (of which there are MANY still working in the present day) and THAT is how they were labelled--Ali Crowley!  I thought it was brilliant, I imagine him wearing outsized glasses like Ali McGraw in Love Story.

To whomever read Crowley spontaneously combusted--alas, he died in bed of good old natural causes. His drug addiction was caused by an illness (possibly syphilis?) for which he could not get adequate medication in England at the time.  His attempts to substitute resulted in drug addiction.  He also experimented with drugs ritually.  This was many decades before Carlos Castaneda or Timothy Leary.

I don't think it is correct to describe Crowley as a "Satanist" at any point in his career. though his use of names such as Baphomet (the legendary God of the Templars, who bears a "shocking" resemblance to the Christian Devil in a well known engraving from the pen of Eliphas Levi) and Our Lady Babalon in his writings would understandably lead a reader uninformed on esosteric topics to believe that he worshipped that Old Fellow known to the Church Lady as "... ... ... SATAN???!!!"

Incidentally, there are several movies out there that have characters based upon Crowley as their villains.  The Black Cat (1934) and The Devil Rides Out (aka The Devil's Bride, 1966) are two of them.


Hi Per'ankh, Keeper of the House of Life (cool name),

Althought the current 1968 storyline (now being show on Sci Fi--we call it "1968" because it was set in the present day and first broadcast in that year) is my sentimental favorite, my all round favorite storyline is the Leviathans, which is still many months away.

I think the storyline which follows immediately after the current one is one of the best on DS, and after that comes the legendary 1897 storyline which is many folks' favorite.  

Just to give one fan's opinion--the best is yet to come!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: My name is Victoria Winters....
« on: July 12, 2002, 10:13:23 PM »
Dear Aunt Rainey,  (sorry, I'm evil, but I LOVE that name),

Apologies for the false alarm.  I was just fantasizing that Johnny K's audio track for the NoDS DVD WOULD BE a hoot to hear.  But NoDS hasn't been issued on DVD yet, and I hope that doesn't happen for some time, given that a DVD release is one of the few hopes remaining to see Darren's restoration project get off the ground.

I have heard some funny stories about the shenanigans that ensued during the making of NoDS, but board regs forbid my posting them here.  You're welcome to IM me if you want to know what I've heard.

Have fun!  Steve

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm sooo Confused..
« on: July 12, 2002, 09:21:07 PM »
Hi Patti, I'll do my best to help clear up your confusion, at least where Dark Shadows is concerned.

Nathan Forbes, played by Joel Crothers, was killed off near the end of the 1795 storyline.  He does continue to show up in the occasional flashback or dream sequence.  Joel Crothers left Dark Shadows permanently in January 1969 ... I believe the episodes they are currently screening aired in August (or Sept?) of 1968, so that gives you a ballpark idea of how much longer Crothers will be on the series.

Don Briscoe debuted on Dark Shadows in an episode aired 2 days ago, playing Collinsport Handyman Tom Jennings.  Later, Briscoe appears in his longest running role of Tom's look-alike brother Chris.  Briscoe also plays Tim Shaw in 1897, and Cousin Chris Collins in Parallel Time 1970.

Angelique has risen from the dead as a vampire.  Nicholas thinks he's got her under control .... if he knew her at all as well as he claims to do, he'd know what a foolhardy statement that was!

Hope you get to start enjoying Dark Shadows again soon!

Best wishes,


Current Talk '02 II / Re: My name is Victoria Winters....
« on: July 12, 2002, 09:14:50 PM »
I just love Daughters of Darkness.  Since I don't own a DVD player, I content myself with the Anchor Bay video, which has a beautiful quality to it. It's been several years since I last watched it, but I have wonderful memories of it. So pleased they restored it from video release.

The Karlen audio track does sound like a hoot!  He must get a kick out of watching it now, remembering all the good times of yesteryear.

From some of the stories I've heard, his audio track of NoDS would certainly make "interesting" listening!

It's too bad that one of Johnny's most photogenic features went sight unseen in NoDS.  Thankfully, we can enjoy it in all its replete splendor in Daughters of Darkness. What a sensual, gorgeous hunk o' celluloid.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: off-beat question DS
« on: July 12, 2002, 07:44:38 PM »
There is at least one episode where a scene begins with a tight close up of the scene painted above the face of the grandfather clock.  Then the camera slowly pulls away and you get to study all the details. I think it is from the 1840 storyline (towards the end of the show--late 1970?).  I thought it was really cool when I saw it.

Fascinating that someone has a warehouse containing some of the props used on DS.  I heard some years ago that some of the flats (from the sets) turned up in the theatre program of a school on Long Island.  I wonder about this because another friend noted how panels from the old DS sets showed up on One Life to Live and other ABC soaps.  It makes me wonder whether Sy Tomashoff, or the network itself, held onto the sets after the show ceased production.


Current Talk '02 II / That Fiercely Ruling T. Eliot Stokes!
« on: July 12, 2002, 07:35:16 PM »
Who thinks Thayer David should be awarded some sort of posthumous emolument for GREATLY heightening the tone of this week's episodes?

I watched these shows on tape, and it was amazing how sharp, exciting, and plain old watchable the proceedings were with Stokes on the case.

I'm thinking some of the regulars were suffering a case of the Summer Doldrums.  Lara Parker was very good, and Nicholas was a sly, sleek minx in his dressing gown.

When Stokes was reading some fascinating occult tome (Magick in Theory and Practice by Ali Crowley, perchance?) and Barn was banging at the door and he intoned "Go away, go away, there's no one at home!" I cheered him on.  But Professor, that spell works much better if you sprinkle some wormwood and verbena at the threshold beforehand.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Bonus Hunk
« on: July 12, 2002, 03:41:51 PM »
LP's performance in that scene had me screaming EMMY, especially when she was on the sofa doing the heavy breathing with her hand over her fangs!  It's for moments like this that I keep coming back to Dark Shadows.

I'm glad that they brought in James Shannon for this scene.  It would have been ludicrous to have had her "working" on Sheriff P.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who has the best scream?
« on: July 11, 2002, 07:36:55 PM »
I don't think they're the "best," but my favorite screams HAVE to be Julia's.  Her screams are just so ... out there!

It's interesting that Grayson felt that Julia should scream when she first opened Barnabas' coffin and caught him napping.  The director persuaded her to settle for a sharp intake of breath (and we all know how well she could do THAT!) as the good Doctor was simply seeing the confirmation of her theory.  

I personally think Carolyn (or any other Nancy Barrett character) had the best screams in terms of volume and staying power.  Of the male characters, it seems as if Roger Davis screamed, yelled and hollered a lot.  I'll have to pay attention to Quentin's screams next time I watch one of his werewolf episodes.  I recall them being quite ... penetrating (and I will leave it at that)!

Bruno's wardrobe often screamed, but I don't think that's what you meant.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Who are you?
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:32:23 PM »
Well Ringo, I'm Harry Johnson, and you'd better put the silver away pronto.  (don't be skeered, that's just "con" tawk)

Now excuse me, I have to take some flowers to Tom Jennings at the hospital.  Yeah, flowers.  THAT's the ticket.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: He's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:26:04 PM »
I just love Tom's scene with Nicholas in the basement.  There's such an "edge" between the two of them.  And Tom clearly thinks Nicholas is off his rocker!

Sarah, be sure to watch for Julia's reaction in tomorrow's show when Barnabas mentions the name "Tom Jennings."  She definitely looks "interested"!

Note to Amanda:  there are some GREAT Prof. Stokes scenes coming up this week!  Thayer David really is head and shoulders above the other cast members in this week's episodes.  I find myself wondering again whether Thayer "revised" his own dialogue since it is so much wittier than the remainder of these rather banal scripts.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Memory Lapse
« on: July 08, 2002, 11:26:34 PM »
Hi Lindsay,  

I can state as definitively as anything in this insane world of ours can be stated that the scene you described NEVER aired on Dark Shadows.

There was however a scene between Louis Edmonds and Lara Parker that started out somewhat the way you describe this one ...


In 1840, Edmonds played the aged Daniel Collins. When Angelique arrives, calling herself Valerie Collins, Daniel remembers her as Angelique who was eventually found out to be the witch who caused all the trouble back in 1795.  However, the way the scene is played in 1840, it is Angelique who traps Daniel in the drawing room ...

In general, DS seems to have avoided direct references to religion.  Apart from crosses, and a character occasionally exclaiming some variant of "Dear God!"  The one exception to this rule is with the various incarnations of Trask, and the Trask family in 1897.  The depiction of religious hypocrisy in the Trask family caused some fundamentalist organizations to print pamphlets and leaflets condemning DS as "the Devil's playmate" or something along those lines, which I personally think is a HOOT, but that's another matter.

It was interesting (to continue this discussion just a little further) that when Barnabas and Angelique are fighting Laura Collins in 1897, they both use invocations and holy names from Ancient Egyptian religion, rather as Isis was called upon by the forces of good in the classic 1932 film The Mummy (please don't confuse it with the remake).

Hope you continue to enjoy Dark Shadows.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: who is that?
« on: July 08, 2002, 09:03:48 PM »
I never realized before who that chap was!  Thanks for the informative post.

As for the upcoming episode, a certain Miss should know better than to eat in the living room, if she wants to stay on good terms with Daddy!

I do have to say that so far as I recall, Shannon looked VERY toothsome in that uniform.   So to speak ...


Current Talk '02 II / Re: First Post/And a bit about me
« on: July 08, 2002, 08:57:26 PM »
Dom dear,

Thrilled to see you here!  I was just looking at a photo of you earlier this a.m., and commenting upon how fresh and sassy you looked in it!  but don't worry doll, I won't hate you for being beautiful, "lol"!

This board has some really amusing topics, and some great folks, too.  Hope to see you around more.

Hugs, Tuffie

John, This is a FABULOUS idea!  Of course, there would be ceaseless amorous intrigue amongst the male cast members you mention ... chasing ONE ANOTHER though, instead of the usual dippy ingenues!  Each of the Hoffman sisters would take turns offering romantic advice to the men.  One episode could revolve around the ruckus that ensues when Conrad Fowkes' character "borrows" one of Roger Collins' favorite ascots for a hot date with biker boy Brian S.  The brouhaha over "that ascot" would make the fracas over "that pen" seem like a veritable tempest in a teapot.

I do think the series would need a name change.  Perhaps Sequined Shadows?  Shimmery images of Carol, Grayson and Lovelady in beaded frocks hovering over the waves could be part of the title sequence.

Good luck with your job search, John!


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