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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Today's Julia-7/23
« on: July 26, 2002, 10:28:39 PM »
Julia, that's an interesting point about Julia's smoking on the show.  For me, her smoking types her more as a "professional" and a member of the medical profession, than as bad ... though her character was definitely morally ambivalent (and continues to be so as the show continues).

There are still a couple scenes where Julia smokes. The one I remember best is in the cottage--great camerawork in that (pretty extraordinary given that they were more or less just making it up as they went along).

Today, it seems like a death-knell if a character is seen smoking on network tv.  You know, they light up a cigarette and 10 seconds later they get run over by a mack truck.  The only exception I've noticed (I don't really watch network TV anymore) is Justin on Queer as Folk.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where is Tom's Coffin located???
« on: July 23, 2002, 11:20:02 PM »
Dom and John,

You both have me bustin' up laughing!  Now Dom, you know you're not supposed to let people KNOW my terrible secret.  I sleep with the key to Tom's boudoir, I mean crypt ... around my neck at all times.

And it is a vicious LIE that I am the first vampire victim in history to leave hickeys on my be-fanged honeypie.

Dom, I'll be the next Vicki Winters, as long as YOU will be my Liz.  Because you CHOOSE to do so!

Getting all batty,


Current Talk '02 II / Re: House of Grayson in Architectural Digest
« on: July 23, 2002, 11:11:30 PM »
Hi John,

I just love that article about Grayson and Sam's country home.  Incidentally, there was a followup about what the same decorator (Harrison Cultra) did with their New York apartment--I believe this was the Sept. or Oct. 1983 issue.  For this number, a scene in the Halls' apartment made the COVER of the magazine.  The essay, which had been planned as a showcase of Cultra's skills, became a memorial to him as he passed away very suddenly in the Summer of 1983.

Yes, it is true that the house was named Wildercliff when it was first built in the late Eighteenth century---if you can believe it, in the 1790's.  Talk about coincidence.

"Windcliff" was a house in an Edith Wharton novel.  It was also the name of an actual estate in the Hudson Valley area--can't recall just now whether it was in Dutchess or Columbia County.  If the house still exists, I believe it is now a ruin.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Bad back, corset or both???
« on: July 23, 2002, 06:40:09 PM »
Hi Julia,

I'm ba-ack from my trip to Maryland.  Sorry to hear about your computer woes.  I hope everything is all sorted out now!

In the Seventies, Grayson suffered from osteoperosis, and I think if you look carefully you can already see signs of a stoop in her Sixties episodes on Dark Shadows.  One fan who spent some time with Grayson in the early Eighties told me that she thought a big reason why G avoided attending the DS conventions that they held then was because she was worried about pushing, shoving fans such as she had been around on certain occasions in the Sixties.  She could have easily fallen and suffered another major break (she broke an arm in 1977 and her hip in 1980).

In addition, I have been informed that an actress who did stage work with Grayson recalls her wearing a back brace.  I don't have a time frame for that but I imagine it was in the Seventies, possibly at some point in the early Eighties.  

One last note on this topic--I believe that in the script for the conclusion of the 1995 Parallel Time sequence, Barnabas was supposed to pick Julia up from the floor and carry her up the Stairway through Time.  If you play the tape you'll see that they settled for having her lean on him.  I suspect that back issues may have been responsible for how they played that scene.

Given all this, it is truly remarkable that Grayson seemed so limber and physically vibrant in the video of the Suicide production in 1980.  She had just recovered from a broken hip when she did this!

She was, in every sense of the word, a truly REMARKABLE woman.


Current Talk '02 II / Snip Snip
« on: July 20, 2002, 05:58:20 AM »
Usually I don't get the chance to watch these on Sci Fi--I watch my tapes, when leisure permits.

I'm on vacation in Maryland and happened to catch part of today's broadcast. I'm sure I spotted at least one brief cut when Julia and Mrs. Johnson left the room and the action went back to Blair and Roger.

I'd pretty much figured that Sci Fi must be snipping away little bits of the episodes. But of course, the only viewers who would care about that would have to be total fanatics, zealously dedicated to watching every possible second of Dark Shadows. And I'm sure there aren't any people like that in this room.

Of course you know I fast forward through nearly EVERY Jeff and Vicki scene. I'm glad we have our Maestro Mysterioso to keep track of just how many times Jeff touches his hair. A truly Herculean labor!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: !! Hair Touching Alert !!
« on: July 18, 2002, 01:15:27 AM »
I often think of Jeff Clark and his relationship with Vicki as the true Curse of Collinwood!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: This is complicating things alot isn't it?
« on: July 18, 2002, 01:11:14 AM »
Per'ankh, you have some great episodes in store!  Don't miss any of the next few days shows!  I'm surprised I haven't worn my tapes out because I have watched the next 8 shows so many times.

And don't you all just love today's collage!  With that capture of Tom in full vamp mode, I want to shriek:  "Bite me, you fool!"  Jonathan Frid actually commented in an interview about how Briscoe's performance (of course, he did not mention the actor's name in the article) verged on the pornographic.

Seasoned fans, who do you think is the kinkier vamp--Tom or Dirk Wilkins?  Tom wins without a shadow of a doubt in the snogging dept (or should that be fanging?) but Dirk telling Judith to come for her "reward" with fangs bared is pretty darn kinky.  Of course, we have yet to see Tom and his legendary tongue action ...

Panting heavily,


Mark--always happy to be of service!

Best wishes,


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Drooling over that neck
« on: July 17, 2002, 05:39:45 PM »
Now, if I wanted to make a nuisance of myself, I'd start writing the Darling Maestro Mysterioso begging him to post more luscious shots of Tom here ... especially since I'm going to be away from tomorrow through next Monday evening and will miss out on the next few days' montages (boy, do you guys have some great stuff coming up to watch!)


Current Talk '02 II / Drooling over that neck
« on: July 17, 2002, 05:37:26 PM »
Boy, am I finding it difficult to concentrate since looking at the Montage today and that luscious, delectable shot of hunk Tom Jennings helpfully proffering his neck for our fave B*tch-on-Wheels vampire chick, Missus Angelique Collins.

It's a lucky thing I wasn't in the room, cuz I would have shoved her aside and said "Outta my way, WITCH!  I get to hickey that man FIRST!"

Gothick who's wondering why on Earth the mortician buried Tom in his ... hospital pajamas???

Dear Mark,  I spotted a couple of odd statements in Dr. Karswell's big speech to Julia.  Ra, not Osiris, was the Egyptian sun god, and Moloch if memory served was worshipped by the Carthaginians, a people I would certainly hesitate to describe as "Hebraic."

But I suppose these idiosyncracies add to the character's sinister approach to theological erudition.

That creature, the Xianges (boy, that's not like any Sumerian word I've ever come across) seems VERY Fungi from Yuggoth.  Brrrrrr!


Em hotep, Per'ankh!

My major in college was Egyptology.  Tells you what lovely people I have for parents, that my Dad didn't just take me out and shoot me when I informed them of my career choice.

I wound up a library assistant.  I read with a diligence generally associated in our society with physical training and hair care product application.  I've tried to stop but I can't.

Fortunately, in my early 20s I learned how to meditate; otherwise, by now, my brain would probably be worn to a cinder with all the information that's passed through it (only some of which has taken up personal residence, thank the Gods).

I am still a fan of Egyptian topics, btw.  My parents brought my copy of Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar from the house on a recent visit so that I could revisit some delightful temple corridors of yore ("memory lane" somehow does not seem appropriate for Egyptian studies).  And I've been reading Ellen Cannon Reed's Circle of Isis, which has some really fascinating material on working with the Gods of Ancient Egypt in a modern day setting.

TTFN, Gothick

Thanks for sharing, Mark!  You are weaving a tale as complex and magical as Ariadne's web.  Wonderful work.  I chuckled at the Keziah Mason reference--Lovecraft would have been pleased, I'm sure.

If "Dr. Karswell" is who I think he is, Quentin and Julia should be soundly scolded for not recognizing him.  His appearance may have changed but those chilling, distorted eyes are a dead (?) giveaway.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
« on: July 15, 2002, 11:54:00 PM »
My theory is that Nicholas did want to get rid of Angelique permanently, but his master wanted her to remain on Earth for reasons of his own.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Adam Storyline - your thoughts?
« on: July 15, 2002, 07:13:23 PM »
I think it's a mixed bag.  On the one hand you get things like Tom Jennings (pardon me while I drool), that creepy Leona Eltridge, the fabulous, glamorous, diVOON Marie Wallace, and let's not forget some marvelous Barnabas/Julia moments.  Prof. Stokes has some great scenes, too, and Angelique is just so deliciously OUT THERE as a vampire.  And presiding gloatingly over it all is the sinisters, insidious, devilishly smarmy Nicholas Blair, one of my fave characters in DS history!

On the other hand ... Liz is away, Roger barely exists, way too much Jeff & Vicki, and Adam gets reduced to the level of a Mafia hit man (I'm charitably assumign that the writers were simply baffled by what to do with his character).  At this point I cringe whenever Adam or Jeff enters the scene--no, that's not quite true, at ANY point I cringe whenever a Roger Davis character is onscreen.

But to me, all of DS is like this.  There are weak spots in all the major storylines IMO.


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