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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who do you dislike the most?
« on: November 04, 2002, 11:15:14 PM »
I agree with Linda, I think Dirk is a hoot!  He is the only Roger Davis character I find remotely watchable.  Though I think Diana Millay came close to slapping him a couple of times in their scenes together ...

According to Mr. Davis himself, as reported in one of the MPI DS behind the scenes videos (it might have been the 25th anniversary or the 30th anniversary one I'm not sure), Dan Curtis was very fond of RD and sort of kept him around as a matinee idol type on the series.  Given the source, I've always taken these stories with a grain of salt.  Generally, if a performer got good fan mail, they were brought back.  It could be that Davis had something of a following in illo tempore.  He does get profiled a fair amount in 16 and the other magazines, as do Don Briscoe, Chris Pennock, and Mike Stroka. Of course coverage for these guys is far outstripped by the publicity Jonathan Frid and David Selby received.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: ANGIE'S BEST ANGLE
« on: November 04, 2002, 11:07:46 PM »
My favorite incarnation of Angelique is Cassandra.  She was just such a delicious mixture of venom and glamour, yet the bitch had feelings, too.  There's something heartbreaking in those final scenes, when she comes to the Old House to kill Barnabas with a pistol, and says "You never had any idea what I was thinking or feeling!"  And then how beautifully Parker played the scenes when she was aged and literally fighting for her life. I always thought Cassandra was ultimately the most honest of Angelique's incarnations, in terms of confronting the reality of her relationship with Barnabas.

As for helpful Miss Ange in 1897, I always find it a hoot that she offers to help save David, but very much in her own interests.  And at one point when she's incanting, she offers the Devil Quentin's soul if he'll grant her prayer!  Yep, that's our Favorite Witch!

Lara Parker has a chapter entitled Out of Angelique's Shadow in the Dark Shadows Companion (this book may be out of print, for all I know) in which she discusses what she remembers  of the role.  I think she made it fairly clear there that her favorite scenes were from Angelique's original story in 1795.


Very sad to hear this news.  I'd come to think of Jonathan Harris as indestructible after seeing him in action at a couple of autograph shows 7 or 8 years ago.  He had the most unflappable energy.  Magnificent.  The voice was still very much there; the way he told his stories was dramatic and beautifully paced, but to the untrained eye, not "practiced" or seeming rehearsed at all.   His dark eyes twinkling with wit and sometimes, delightful malice as he retailed some tidbit or let fly a choice four letter word, invariably coming like a spicy amuse-gueule at the end of some impossibly fruity, flamboyant phrase.  After spending half an hour or so listening to his stories, one had no doubt that he put a hell of a lot of himself into the notorious Zachary Smith.

I'd always assumed that dear Jonathan was in my "family" so was quite surprised when I learned he was married and has a son, I believe, living somewhere. Of course, in the bad old days, everyone got married, and Jonathan would sometimes lob wicked innuendoes in the direction of a wide eyed sweet young thing (who often turned out to be not so sweet) to make sure everyone stayed on their toes.

As I've told several friends, one of my favorite memories is of Jonathan at a 1995 Boston Lost in Space cast appearance.  A break was ending in the autograph signing and they needed all the celebrities there so the signing could start again.  June Lockhart was missing.  Jonathan grabbed the mike and uttered these words, which rolled with exquisite and mellifluous modulation around whatever sports center/shopping mall it was where the show was happening in suburban Boston: "June Lockhart wanted to the podium instanta! Now get your ass up here, honey, pronto!"

I'm not sure she ever forgave him for that.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Slightly OT: Mame Article
« on: November 01, 2002, 10:08:48 PM »
Thanks for this news.  I had wondered who was playing Auntie Mame.  I really cannot imagine McBroom in the role, but I really know nothing about her apart from the name.  I've never seen the Smurfs.

For me, Mame the musical will always be dominated by the figure of Angela Lansbury, although I first saw it in a touring production starring the great Edie Adams (another actress who deserved to be better known).  It was from reading the program notes to that production that I learned the word "effervescent" which was used to describe Edie, and boy, did it suit her to a T.

A year or two later my parents, after MUCH begging, took me to see Angela Lansbury in the show (I believe this was her last tour of it).  Priceless, magic, brilliance come to mind as adjectives to describe Miss Lansbury's presence onstage.

I'm probably the only person who thinks this, but I believe Grayson Hall would have made a grand Vera.  I know she would have done well with "The Man in the Moon is a Lady," given how she stopped the show with "The Ballad of the Lily in Hell" in Happy End.

Best, Steve

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT:  Joking
« on: November 01, 2002, 10:03:19 PM »
I've said it before, Midnite, and I know I'll say it again ...

You and the Mysterious Benefactor deserve platinum medals (gold just ain't classy enough, lol) for all you both do in this blessed corner of cyberspace!

Love,  Steve

Thanks for posting this, Fran.  I miss Henry's uniquely "artistic" comments and his wonderfully insane genius.

I hope he's happy and having a wonderful day.


The Mysterious Artist rules!

And so, of course, does our darling Mysterious Benefactor.

A fan 4ever (remember that line???)


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Grandmama
« on: October 23, 2002, 09:55:29 PM »
My favorite blooper from this period is when Quentin refers to her as Grandma-mamma!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: 10/23/....69?
« on: October 23, 2002, 09:51:31 PM »
Hi Onyx Treasure, you are correct that the I Ching is traditionally understood as a divinatory system.  The Eight Trigrams, whose origins are lost in the mists of antiquity (to coin a phrase!), were combined to create 64 hexagrams.  Each of the hexagrams has a name and an image associated with it, and each of the 6 lines within each hexagram has a subtle divinatory significance.  Like the Tarot, the I Ching can also be viewed as a sort of map for personal spiritual development.  Interestingly, a text entitled the Great Preface, which found its way into the body of material attached to the hexagrams, describes the 64 images in language that basically states that they contain all the processes of time and space, creation and destruction, within them.  Therefore, it is just barely conceivable that a magickal practicioner in mediaeval China could have used them in a manner similar to that employed by Barnabas Collins in 1969 on Dark Shadows.

Oh RP you know I adore Magda and her "Geeepsee carrrds ... older than thee Tarot!"  But if you think Magda and Sandor are bad, try watching an episode of F Troop.  It's amazing the network wasn't sued by a Native American anti-discrimination group.  Really appalling stuff.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who screams better--Sabrina or Julia?
« on: October 23, 2002, 05:51:46 PM »
Dear Rod,  Julia's definitely at the top of my list as all time favorite DS screamer, though the two snapshots of Sabrina screaming selected by our beloved Mysterious Benefactor for today's montage certainly are enough to make one's manhood quail.  Especially the one where Sabrina is wearing that spooky, cobwebby looking wig.  Brrrr!  Makes me think of that mid Sixties cult no-budget shocker, Spider Baby.  Or a movie by sleaze maven Andy Milligan--I definitely recommend the book The Ghastly One for a fascinating portrait of the sleazy underbelly of late Sixties NYC underground film.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '02 II / Re: BACK FROM HALLOWEEN
« on: October 23, 2002, 04:38:49 PM »
Bob, I'm clearly way out of the loop (and it's my own fault for not attending DS fan events in such a long time).  You now have a Partridge Family act?  Got any photos of yourself in Keith Partridge gear?  Please don't tell me that you play "Danny."  I can imagine the lovely ladies who play Shirley and Laurie.

Can't wait to hear more about your gigs!

I met someone last year who had a bus with the Partridge Family colored panels painted on it.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Todays Shows 10/21
« on: October 22, 2002, 10:08:19 PM »
Dom doll, I just love reading your posts!  I have some Supremes-iana sitting here to mail to you.  Maybe you'll get it in time for Halloween.  No trick doll, just a treat.

Oh, I think Q was definitely aiming for Rachel Drummond.  In the "original" 1897 storyline, Q had the hots for Miss D.  One of the rewrites of the story involved killing RD off because KLS wanted to go on safari with her boyfriend for a month.  Poor, clueless Rachel.  

Hope all is well there.  I think of you now EVERY morning when I leave the house because the next door neighbor is rebuilding his front porch (plus doing something complicated to the windws). He has this radio set to an oldies station, and this a.m. it was playing Come see about me.  A week or two ago I think it was playing Can't hurry love, and there have been other Supremes songs playing as well.  I'm still waiting for my fave--Stop! in the Name of Love.

xo  Tuffie

Current Talk '02 II / Re: BACK FROM HALLOWEEN
« on: October 22, 2002, 06:26:55 PM »
Has anyone heard from Denise Nickerson lately?  I always remember seeing her at a Halloween event that was organized at the Lockwood Mathews House in Connecticut several years ago.  

That is nice about the birthday cake for Miss Parker.  It sounds like a fun event.  I love seeing Terrayne Crawford--she has such marvelous energy.  And it's always fun to see what Diana's been up to.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT:  Hey everyone...
« on: October 22, 2002, 06:18:23 PM »
Take care, Carol, and hope your healing is a smooth and safe process and your hubby keeps you as comfortable as possible!

Best,  Steve

« on: October 18, 2002, 11:59:50 PM »
I loved reading through these.  I think for myself, the scenes that most impressed me were the early ones between himself and Joan Bennett.  He really brought out the best in her, and I think she also stimulated him to go for the gold.  They were marvelous on screen together, and I'm glad we did get a second chance to watch them go at it again during the Paul Stoddard storyline.

Seeing how wonderful he was opposite Bennett makes me want to see the film he did with Agnes Moorehead in the early 70s--her final project, which I believe was released after her death (ironically it was the only movie in which she received star billing).


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