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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: A Question for the Collectors.......
« on: November 27, 2002, 04:59:30 PM »
Hi Raineypark,

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the ornaments you mention, the ones inspired by the Dickens Xmas Carol ghosts.  But my favorite Ghost of Yet to Come images are from the Alistair Sim film (the only Xmas movie I can really enjoy watching) and the Mr. Maggoo version.

The Ghost Yet to Come is such a beautiful image of all the fears that arise in the night of longest darkness, only to be conquered by the light of renewal, sparked by the flames of the Yule Log.

Seasonal thoughts to you and yours,


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Thanksgiving Montage
« on: November 27, 2002, 04:55:11 PM »
Connie, this is brilliant!  I'd like to share what popped into my depraved excuse for a brain when I looked at that image in the upper right hand corner of Quentin with mouth open and snifter ... somehow, I always knew that Q had to have his little drinkie, at EVERY moment of the day!!!!  he does look VERY relaxed in that shot (though if memory serves, that was one of those shows where the poor man was justifiably knackered after a long day chasing after the Hand of Count Petofi, or some other bogey).

I do think the nice scene from ca. Jan. 1967 of the family around the table (one of the last times they used the breakfast nook set?) would make a lovely centerpiece to a Thanksgiving montage.

But in all honesty, I'd rather look at Willie Loomis.  Though I can live without the bit of dismembered dead bird he's holding.

Great shot of Will, too.  I do love William H. Loomis, alcoholic scribbler.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: November 27, 2002, 04:46:45 PM »
Hi Midnite,

Euphemia was born a Ralston; I think she was Yancey's sister.   Her married name was Massey.  After her husband died, she changed it back to Ralston.

There are a lot of other details I don't know about, but I'm pretty sure I've got this one right!

Thanks for your fascinating post about Euphemia's storyline.  I am going to print it out and put it in my file for the chapter on Grayson's appearance on OLTL.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: November 26, 2002, 11:30:13 PM »
Hi Julia,

A mutual friend of ours very kindly made photocopies for me of material relating to Euphemia's story from the Soap Opera Digests of 1982-83.  I have read through them a couple of times and I still don't quite understand it (and my name is NOT Vicki Winters), but I'll tell you what I can remember off the top of my head.

One Life to Live is set in this mythical town called Llanview that is pretty much run by the Buchanan family, headed by perpetually scheming patriarch Asa Buchanan.  For reasons that I now forget, Asa's estranged wife tells the son and heir, Bo, that Asa is not his father; his real daddy was a chap named Ralston.  Bo does research and the only Ralston he can find is an elderly, eccentric recluse, Euphemia (Massey) Ralston, played by Grayson.  While visiting Euphemia Bo meets her nephew, and eventually learns that Euphemia also has a daughter, Delilah, with whom she is not on speaking terms. Delilah was played by actress Shelly Burch.  Delilah meets up with another character in the story when she winds up in a jail cell with someone named Viki whose relationship to the whole plot I now forget.

Anyhow, Euphemia eventually comes to Llanview with her secret aim being to destroy the Buchanan family, whom she blames for the Ralstons' loss of glory and prosperity.  I believe one of Asa's shady business deals was behind it all.  Meanwhile, Delilah meets Asa and the two wed.  It gets more complicated from there on out--at one point Euphemia is trying to get hold of a letter that proves that Bo really is Asa's son, not a Ralston (Bo does eventually learn that he is really a Buchanan).  At some point, after many intrigues, Asa and Delilah tell Euphemia to leave Llanview and she packs her bags.  I believe it was thought that GH could return but I think she was tired of doing it at that point.  And then, of course, about a year and a half later, she became ill and was no longer able to work.

That's what I remember....


Current Talk '02 II / Re: A Question for the Collectors.......
« on: November 26, 2002, 11:12:50 PM »
Well, I'm not much for Xmas (though I've really come to appreciate the Winter Solstice in the past couple of years) but I think a tasteful ornament bearing a nice photo such as the candid one of Jonathan and Grayson in their 18th century costumes on the set of hoDS would make a lovely addition to any tree.

Unfortunately, if there were ever one marketed, I just know they would have one of those ghastly fanging portraits of Barnabas, luridly re-colored no doubt.

A bauble embossed with the silhouette of Collinwood against the rising full moon would be nice too.  For those who must, Santa and his sleigh could by flying against the moon.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: A little question
« on: November 26, 2002, 07:02:28 PM »
Thanks for that cool link, Carol.  Great site!

What fascinates me is that Malcolm Marmorstein or Ron Sproat or whoever did the show where the name Wyndcliffe was first used chose it for reasons we will presumably never know.  In October of that year (1967) Sam Hall started writing for DS as a result of meeting Dan Curtis at a party (this was that point where Grayson had already been on the show for several months, obviously). And then in 1978 or 1979 Grayson and Sam bought WILDERCLIFF, a house that isn't very far at all from Wyndcliffe.

The construction date of Wildercliff?  1799.  How's THAT for synchronicity!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT: DS FEST DATES CHANGE
« on: November 26, 2002, 04:37:09 PM »
Well, there are always guests who cancel at the last minute due to real life events that need taking care of.

It would be ironic indeed if whomever the changes were made to accommodate wound up not being able to attend.  

Could the Mystery Guest be Dan Curtis, I wonder?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: A little question
« on: November 26, 2002, 12:53:33 AM »
The most common spelling I've seen is Windcliff.  However, a fan who had some of the scripts told me that Sam Hall spelled it Wyndcliffe.

There was a real house with this name on the Hudson River, I believe in Dutchess County, NY state.  Edith Wharton gave this name to a mansion in one of her novels, as well.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: November 25, 2002, 10:11:00 PM »
Hi Cassandra, It is mentioned in one of the KLS books that when Grayson, Nancy and Tony George were all appearing on OLTL, one script was written that included a scene where all 3 were together.  And reportedly the dialogue included Grayson, or one of them, remarking how long it had been since they had seen one another!

Maybe some day that clip will be included on one of the MPI videos.  I have heard that some sort of legal snafu has kept the OLTL tapes all locked up in copyright hell.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: November 25, 2002, 08:50:33 PM »
Hi Julianka, Grayson was on All My Children very briefly in March 1973.  I haven't been able to find out how many episodes she appeared in.  Her name is listed in the complete actors credits for the series, though, on a website I visited recently.

Her stint on One Life to Live lasted much longer. I think her first shows were in late August 1982 and her final appearances were around May of 1983.

Louis Edmonds, of course, was on AMC for several years.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: November 25, 2002, 08:13:30 PM »
Hi Julianka, were you watching OLTL when Grayson Hall was on as Euphemia (Bo's "aunt"?)


Wonderful work as always, my dear.  You really are in rare form these days, between this and  the new chapter of Judith.

I'm glad you gave a paragraph to that scene between Minerva and Laura. It's one of my favorite little gems of this particular week's shows.  

You are too funny about the hypocrisy of Mrs. Barnabas Collins. I'd forgotten about her views on Quentin's disgusting habits!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Education of Judith Collins
« on: November 25, 2002, 05:38:57 PM »
Luciaphil, you have accomplished the impossible and put a smile on my face this morning.  Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your extraordinary talent with us all.

Your admirer,


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT: DS FEST DATES CHANGE
« on: November 25, 2002, 05:34:20 PM »
Sadly, I won't be attending the Festival next year.  The NYC ones are usually my only chance to see my friends that I met through fandom, but I always spend that weekend on a remote farm way upstate NY enjoying Nature in all Her myriad splendor.

I'm sure the Festival will be the usual mob scene, no matter how many of us old timers can't make it because of the scheduling.  I wonder whether they are going to do compulsory pre registration again as happened in 2001?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Debonair Tim Shaw
« on: November 25, 2002, 05:30:31 PM »
Keith was great and sexy in Boys in the Band, the movie.  It shows how good he could be in a situation where he was well rehearsed and directed.


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