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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: June 04, 2018, 02:26:44 AM »
Glad to hear you're back online! Wishing you all the best!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: June 02, 2018, 09:11:20 PM »
Sorry to hear about the problems. Hope he can find a resolution soon, purely for his own peace of mind!


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: ShadowGram Update #406
« on: May 31, 2018, 07:02:22 PM »
They need to rig it so that Barn speaks when you pull on his cane. And one of his lines HAS to be, "this night must go nothing wrong."

Another one could be:  "Juuuulia!!!"  And yet another:  "Dear GOD."

I wish the snowglobe played the Collinwood music (the name of the slightly sad, wistful music that played while the episode opening synopsis was read).


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:09:48 AM »
A strange thing--reading through this, I realized I can't recall, at all, the tune the music box played in the 1991 version.

I don't think the music box showed up in the first two hour movie thing that kicked it off. I only ever saw the other episodes once and that was maybe 15 or so years ago, now.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: KLS Festival Remarks
« on: May 26, 2018, 11:01:13 PM »
Didn't Scott recommend the fans push Pierson directly for more Festivals a year or two ago? My memory says this isn't the first time she's suggested that.

Perhaps the social media post was her way of telling the fans who keep asking her: "Sorry, it's not my call. Let the powers that be know if you're interested. In the meantime, let me tell you about my new 4th of July gift set..."


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: May 26, 2018, 01:54:51 PM »
The stuff about how Josette's music box was created is fascinating. Also completely irrelevant to the story, but I have to say I'm impressed by how they researched this.

I was offline for several days over last weekend visiting friends in Canada so look forward to catching up whenever the next page or pages are posted in this thread.



Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: KLS Festival Remarks
« on: May 26, 2018, 01:51:05 PM »
I am not at all in the loop with the fandom now and haven't been for years, so had heard none of this. It does seem quite odd that Scott is writing this kind of thing on social media, particularly since the tone of the remarks, as reported, could hardly do much to help salvage whatever business relationship (none?) she has with Pierson at this point.

Scott and Parker both do several personal appearances each year at various non-DS specific events. The only one I can remember at the moment is something called Chiller Theater, which I guess was named after a creature feature program somewhere or other. I know there are several others since people report on the appearances here.

Again, this is purely speculation, but I would think Pierson's career has moved on and he has a lot of other things on his plate. I seem to recall that a few years ago he tried to announce that an event was going to be the LAST "Festival" and he was bombarded with complaints and outrage. So, would not surprise me at all if he just decided the easiest thing is to say nothing at all and move on with his own life.


NORLISS is a fun movie. I would have much rather seen a Norliss series than the Kolchak one, in terms of the respective characters, but I am quite sure I'm in the minority there.

I heard a rumor somewhere last year about someone wanting to write more Norliss stories, maybe for an audiobook or radio drama format. It's so vague in my memory that I could well have just imagined it.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / OT: Fahrenheit 451
« on: May 16, 2018, 10:50:30 PM »
I don't think this has anything to do with DS--a friend told me today that a new film of Ray Bradbury's novel FAHRENHEIT 451 is going to air on HBO:

I've seen several news stories in recent years about libraries throwing away their books in massive quantities due to the erroneous belief that "everything is on the cloud now." It's strange to think that a lot of what has survived other phases of destruction in human history might be wiped out through sheer negligence in the internet age.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: May 12, 2018, 11:13:25 PM »
And again--if I cared to do so, I'd use that scene to argue that the comic books take place in their own alternate world (or Parallel Time) version of 1991 Collinwood--no defined connection to the Collinwood of 1991 canon. Occasional overlaps, but equally startling differences. Because, how did the line go--"the people of this time have made different choices." (I must be slipping because that's a very bad paraphrase.)


I clicked as I had no idea who Margot Robbie is. "Margot who?" I don't see very many post 1980 films.

I disagree that Michelle was "camping it up" in the Burton/Depp Shadows, and I doubt whether the author of this article actually saw the movie, in any event. Michelle was the only actor in the movie who seemed to be attempting to play her role in a somewhat realistic manner. (To be fair, I thought Bella Heathcote was also good in her screentime, but her role seemed to have been considerably cut down.)

I personally think comparisons of this sort are pointless. Even the person who wrote it admits that the two actors have very different styles or approaches to what they do.

Thanks for the link, though. Now I at least have a vague idea about Margot Robbie so perhaps I won't do a doubletake the next time somebody expects me to be familiar with her.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: May 09, 2018, 07:43:19 PM »
1991 Julia had a failed marriage? I presume this was mentioned in that book that KLS published.


Wow, they're STILL doing apocalyptic narratives centered on a child who "could be the one hope for the future of the country/the world/the cosmos."

And the lure of the show revolves around the lead actor's five o'clock shadow? Quaint.

That was your snark for the day.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: May 09, 2018, 03:26:04 PM »
With regards to today's snippet, did Mrs J actually address Barn as "Barnabas" on this series? In the original show, she'd have called him Mr. Collins.

From what I have seen to date, this confection's relationship to the "continuity" of the 1991 series seems tenuous, at best. And as previously stated, I'm not all that familiar with the canon of the 1991 show, so if I have noticed so many discrepancies that thinking of this as somehow taking place in the same universe as 1991 canon seems fanciful at best--I can just imagine how an actual fan of that series would have reacted, at this point.


Here's a clip with Dennis and Sharon from EDGE.

He really was a beauty.


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