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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ms. Barrett's/Charity's/Pansy's Dramatic Lines
« on: March 13, 2003, 09:37:13 PM »
Just to make it clear ... I don't think Nancy was making a criticism, explicit or implicit, of Grayson's acting abilities.  The two did have a lot of scenes together but Nancy doesn't really recall working with her. What she does remember is how Grayson always loved to have her over to her home for some spectacular culinary creation.

When Nancy participated in an online chat, a friend was kind enough to ask her, on my behalf, about her memories of Grayson.  She said on that occasion that although she and Grayson had very few scenes together on Dark Shadows, she would never forget Grayson's friendship or her wonderful hospitality.

She also commented that Grayson had changed her date of birth on her driver's license.  Nancy added the laughing comment:  "You have to be Grayson Hall to be able to get away with things like that!"


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ms. Barrett's/Charity's/Pansy's Dramatic Lines
« on: March 13, 2003, 05:12:40 PM »
For what it's worth, in a 1973 fan interview, Grayson Hall said she thought Nancy Barrett was the best actress on DS, bar none.

Grayson mentioned her performances as Pansy and Letitia as something that particularly impressed her.

When I asked Nancy about Grayson, she commented upon what a wonderful cook she was!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:DS DVD question
« on: March 13, 2003, 05:07:13 PM »
Well,  good Goddess, Darren, you would think encoding the DVDs per act would be a no-brainer for these boys!  Ah well.

Here's another question for all the brains in the audience (lol).  Actually, this one pertains to folks who have had DVD players for a few years.

Do the little dears (the players, lol) hold up longer than CD players seem to do?  My latest CD player is dying on me.  I have yet to purchase one that lasted longer than 2 years.  The Walgreens downstairs from where I work has DVD players (APEX ones) priced at 60 bucks which is not too bad for something expected not to last longer than 18 months, I reckon.

TTFN,  Gothick

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Lady Hampshire: A Missed Opportunity
« on: March 12, 2003, 11:23:36 PM »
John, I completely agree with your assessment of lie deee AHRMP shire (I love how Pansy says it).  She is the only KLS character I personally have any time for, apart from 1966 Maggie.  She goes from being a deliciously calculating, devious little minx to being the standard snivelling KLS victim.  It must have been an incredibly frustrating moment for the actress when she realized what was going on.

On the other hand, Lady Kitty does finally get to manhandle Angelique, satisfying generations of fans who had been itching to see a catfight between Josette and her conniving maid.

So you see, my dear, every silver lining has its cloud (quoting from my well thumbed copy of the Wit and Wisdom of Morticia Addams).

TTFN,  Steve

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Where is Joan Bennett??
« on: March 12, 2003, 08:50:12 PM »
She was spending a lot of time that Summer working on her book, the Bennett Playbill.  I believe it was published in January 1970.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Petofi's Nose
« on: March 12, 2003, 05:53:39 PM »
Sorry to disagree, but I don't think Thayer wore any facial prosthetics as Petofi.

It's all him, so far as I can tell.  And what a wonderful job he did as the Count.  Such delicious unpleasantness.

Wasn't there a discussion of his nose the last time we all went through 1897?


Current Talk '03 I / Re:They Really Were The GAY Nineties!
« on: March 11, 2003, 06:50:27 PM »
Hi Vlad,

I think the Alexander Cort credit may have been from the lists compiled by fans over the years; I don't believe the actor received a credit in the end titles.  I have not a clue what the source was for a lot of the info about the identity of people who were extras, ghosts, Cassandra's wrinkled hands, etc.  I thought that some fans who were involved in the NYC theatre scene or hung out at the studio way back when may have received this information from the actors themselves who did this work.

As for Claude North, he was portrayed by the fabulous Brian Sturdivant.  From the scripts leading up to Claude's appearance, it would seem that the writers intended him to be a major character in the next arc of the story.  This would appear to be one of those cases where DC abruptly dictated a change in story direction, presumably because of complaints from the fans.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:DS DVD question
« on: March 10, 2003, 10:36:19 PM »
Thanks for this information.  I was pretty sure I'd gathered from the statements on other topics related to this format that the DS DVD's are encoded by episode number and nothing more than that.  Presumably the quantity included on the discs precluded a higher level of encoding.  Who knows.


Current Talk '03 I / DS DVD question
« on: March 10, 2003, 04:30:56 PM »
Anyone deigning to reply to this query--please bear in mind that it is written by a self-professed luddite who does not actually own (and has never operated) a DVD player.  (btw one of my friends bought a DVD player, and was unable to connect it.  A "cable guy" needed to visit his home to check his cable connections and, while there, obligingly connected the DVD player for him.  Only thing is, Mr. Cable informed my friend that he could not have the DVD player and the VCR connected to the same unit. I'm sure this is not true but, since I do not know anything about DVD equipment, I'm unable to help out my friend.)

I was chatting with a friend (not the same one as above) last night, and she stated that she is looking forward to getting all the DS DVDs so she can go to a favorite scene in any given episode without fast forwarding.

I'm not sure that the encoding of the DS DVD set permits one to go directly to a specific scene in this manner.  Does anyone know about this?

Another thing that occurred to me is that if the disc is not set up with each act encoded as a chapter (or whatever), one might be able to "bookmark" specific scenes, if the DVD player were hooked up to the right kind of equipment (a computer, for example).

Any thoughts on this?


Current Talk '03 I / Re:They Really Were The GAY Nineties!
« on: March 10, 2003, 04:22:21 PM »
John, many thanks for that beautifully written explication de texte (or should it be, de scene?)  I think this episode and the one where Bruno becomes sexually excited while flogging the Chris-wolf must rate among the most homoerotic in DS' history.  There are other queer moments, of course...

I think your analysis of this episode should be published in Cahier du Shadows!

Your fan,


Current Talk '03 I / Re:If There Was No Sam Hall on DS
« on: March 07, 2003, 07:56:25 PM »
Hi, My read on the Grayson/Jonathan relationship is pretty similar to Julia's.  I do think that Grayson was a strong, vivid personality and I'm sure that her sharp-edged wit had some cast and crew members bristling from time to time.  What tends to come through when you speak to people about her now is her warmth, her earthy zest for living, and her flamboyant personality, but I'm sure there were hours if not days when she could be hard to take, especially if one were in her line of fire.

I do think that Jonathan and Grayson were fond of one another to a certain extent.  In another fan interview from the early 80s she tells some of the same stories about how he had such problems with his lines, but then croons something like "He's a dear man, and I love him."  I think Nancy may be correct that Jonathan's refusal to do Night of Dark Shadows may have left some hurt feelings from Grayson and Sam.  (This would explain why Sam went out of his way in one interview to complain that critics panned "Murder in the Cathedral," the T. S. Eliot play which I believe Jonathan did in NYC while everyone else was off filming the second movie).

As for Jonathan, I have a video from a Festival (I think it was one of the late Dave Brown's tapes) where Jon says a propos of Grayson, "She saved my life every day in the studio."  I don't think they were faking in those photos you've seen where they're hugging one another and smiling; I think there was a lot of good feeling there.

Just my take on it.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Count Petofi and Comte de St.-Germain
« on: March 06, 2003, 08:49:10 PM »
Hi Raineypark,

If you go to CD Now or whatever, and type in "Symphonie Fantastique" (making sure you've got the Classical Music search engine turned on), the computer will tell you about cartloads of recordings of this work by Hector Berlioz.  It is what we used to call "one of the warhorses."

I hope you are managing to avoid the latest incursion of SNOW we are getting dumped with here in Boston.

Witchy and fantastic regards,


Current Talk '03 I / Re:It's time for DVD #4!
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:05:51 PM »
Does Sam say anything we haven't already heard in the interviews?  I'd appreciate hearing about it if so.

I still do not have a DVD player, and the material given above about the chopping and changing of the price does not much endear me to the idea of buying the series all over again.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:If There Was No Sam Hall on DS
« on: March 05, 2003, 08:21:05 PM »
Hi, this question seems to come up a lot, mainly from people who do not have access to reliable info about the production history of DS.

Grayson got the gig to play Julia by a lucky accident, and turned the rather uninteresting role as written into something very special.  DC met Sam at Grayson's parties and liked him. When a new writer was needed, DC knew that Sam did not then have a job commitment and offered him the role.  This was mid to late October 1967, by which time Grayson and Julia had become fixtures on DS.  Sam's first episode was the one where Barnabas is trying to drive Julia insane (like he didn't do that just by being Barn, lol) and Julia had this line about their being a thin line between love and hate that the script gave her to deliver to Barnabas.  I thought it was a neat twist on their relationship.

If DC had given Sam the go-ahead to have Julia killed off, I don't think it would have meant Grayson's exit from the series.  I'm quite sure she would have been brought back, in a role as different from Julia as possible.  Grayson sometimes had issues with Julia's being, as she colorfully phrased it, "such a straight-ass."

Best wishes,


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Nails on a blackboard
« on: March 05, 2003, 04:43:19 PM »
I too saw the subject line and knew that it must be in regards to that shining light of the variety stage, Miss Amanda "QUUUWWWENNNTINNNNNN!!!" Harris.

Luciaphil's comment that CDT's portrait of Amanda-banna-danna must have been done for a tooth powder advert had my silently guffawing.  She calls them as she sees them.

I don't care what any of you say, I'll take Don Briscoe any day as Tim Shaw in those luscious Victorian threads (I know they owe more to flower power thrift store chic than to what a real gent would have worn ca. 1897, but wotthehell Archy).  There's actually a hysterical scene that I guess none of you will watch because you ff through Tim and CDT where the two of them are in the bar getting stoked and the way they play the scene, CDT clearly thinks Tim is coming onto him!  too funny!

Oh, yeah, and then there's that doe-eyed young man that CDT conjures up from beyond the rainbow, and Tim's reaction to him.

As for Amanda, weird to report it but I actually enjoy watching her scenes with Trask. They're a matched set--one operator going up against another.

And as for the plot lines--do they EVER make sense on Dark Shadows? this in particular was the period when a lot of people took a little pink pill half an hour before turning on the show.


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