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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ahh, The Moon Poppy
« on: May 23, 2003, 03:22:02 PM »
Has anyone ever seen The Werewolf of London, a 1930s movie that had the original introduction of the moon poppy?  I last saw it over 20 years ago.  Found a tape of it at a sale a couple of years back but haven't had time to watch it.  Henry Hull was brilliant in it, and Warner Oland turned in one of his most delectably sinister performances.

Some day, I'll finish my story about Chris Jennings living in New York with a modern day descendant of Gerard Stiles while Aunt Hannah Stokes is diligently cultivating a whole bed of moon poppies and working on his cure...



How sad that another classic is being desecrated by Hollywood.  I shudder to think what the movie moguls will do to "I Capture the Castle."  Good though the Disney cartoon is (it's one of the very few I can still watch without getting a queasy stomach as an adult), the novel Hundred and One Dalmations is inexpressibly better.  I loved the sequel, The Starlight Barking--just beautiful.  I have no idea where you'd be able to find a copy today, of course.

There's a biography of Dodie Smith that came out some years ago.  She was a friend of Christopher Isherwood's, and, I believe, of other literary lights as well.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Every Member's Very Own Smiley.......
« on: May 22, 2003, 10:32:00 PM »
Well, Rainey, since I don't have a home computer, I *am* plagued with IE whenever I'm online (which, thank the gods, is not ALL the time--there are limits to just how much connectivity the old grump can stand).
Fortunately, I did get the good word from that clever Luciaphil (evidently, skill at croquet is an excellent asset for handling the more delicate deployments of The Mouse) and discovered that I *can* read the weird "spoiler text" boxes after all.  Let's bake a cake and throw it against the wall in honor of THAT development.

I am also relieved beyond words to report that my smiley does not display on my ID on what I've written.  Thank you for that consideration, MB.

I shall now slither back to my hovel (or, more accurately, my tent--I'm off camping in Vermont tomorrow--camping in EVERY sense of the word, my dear; I'll keep an eye out for those red spotted shrooms).

TTFN, Gothick

There are probably technical people around who could be interviewed about the making of the film.  I think Hampton Fancher is still alive as well, and he was there.  The ones *I* want to hear from though are those two maracas-shakin' beach bunnies.  You just know they must have some great stories to tell.

How weird that Grayson isn't mentioned in current write-ups of the film.  Even though she didn't get top billing, she shows up at least three times in the trailer for the movie.  I have a whole collection of reviews of the film from the original 1964 release, and she is often mentioned as the ONLY thesp to turn in a worthwhile performance in the movie!  I agree with those who give all of them good marks, but Grayson deserved special recognition.

I have several favorite anecdotes about the making of it.  One was after Grayson did the telephone scene, Ava Gardner asked her how she did it so convincingly.  Grayson said something like I just pause and imagine the other person speaking on the other end of the line.  Ava apparently shrieked, exclaimed "Oh NO, that's TECHNIQUE!" and went barrelling down towards the beach to jump in the surf.  I suspect  the Divine One may have exaggerated just a tad in telling that story.

Also, there's a story in one of the big glossy magazine interviews where Grayson and Burton were in a bar one evening and Burton was making googly eyes at her and asking if he could stay with her (he had just signed a contract to do Hamlet in NYC) while an amused Liz looked on.  According to the reporter, Burton told Grayson:  "YOU, love, are an ACTRESS."


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Every Member's Very Own Smiley.......
« on: May 22, 2003, 08:41:02 PM »
I detest smilies.

And on my office computer, we are supposed to only use IE for our net browser now, which means I'm never going to be able to read the "kewl new" spoiler text feature.

In the words of the immortal Lucy van Pelt--BLEAH!

Gothick the Grumpy

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Playin' With Fire....but I Gotta
« on: May 22, 2003, 06:04:53 PM »
Davis wins hands down. Pennock had several extraordinarily good scenes over time on the show.   Plus I thought he was damn sexy, while Davis is simply ... nauseating.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
« on: May 21, 2003, 04:32:37 PM »
Hi Dom, your memory though cobwebbed (lol!!!) is correct--the werewolves are supposed to be the Leviathans' natural enemy.  The howling of the wolves can drive the Leviathan mad, apparently.

Of course before this we have heard that the ghost of an enemy can defeat them--and we later learn that running water is fatal.  It seems as if they have a lot of chinks in their armor.  But this is often true of creatures of the supernatural, at least as depicted in folk legends. There's an old tale that if you scatter mustard seeds at the threshold, a vampire will have to count every single one before entering.  I believe that this legend was used in an hysterical X Files send up of old vampire movies.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:About that Wolfbane¢â‚¬¦¢â‚¬¦..
« on: May 21, 2003, 04:25:58 PM »
Hi Rainey,

Ever been to this site:

I visited the actual real-life shop that runs this site and met the gracious, friendly and knowledgeable proprietress, Cat Yronwode.  I purchased her book on Hoodoo.  It has LOADS of fascinating herbal lore. For instance, did you know that there are varieties of orris root (remember when Julianka needed the blood of the orris root for her spell?) known as Queen Elizabeth Root and Queen Jezebel Root?  The Curse of Jezebel cast with the latter is enough to make one's blood curdle.

If you have pets, I hope you keep them well away from that Monkshood!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:The Swiss Miss Look
« on: May 21, 2003, 03:58:23 PM »
My friends and I refer to the material of Bruno's jacket as RANCH POODLE.  A popular fabric during that moment of insanity that was the late Sixties (for those who don't know, this era lasted until around the year 1973 or so).

I also LOVE Angelique's reappearance in completely different hairpieces and wardrobe after her angry trip to the Airport.  I think John and I joked at one point that she kept a little case in the trunk of her car with a variety of wiglets, falls, etc. depending upon what was required for the occasion.  Angie's clearly relishing her role of suburban trophy-wife fashion plate, even if the results often take a somewhat unsavory turn, as Luciaphil astutely pointed out.

On an unrelated note, who was the guy who played the state detective from Augusta?  I was cracking up when he hesitated on his own surname, with a quick furtive glance at the teleprompter.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:e true hollywood story
« on: May 19, 2003, 05:57:10 PM »
Connie's DS tabloid trash has this tired puppy rolling in the aisles.  What a hoot!

This is one fan who devoutly prays that A & E and E! stay well away from DS.  The accounts of the Sci Fi Sciography tape and the sordid sensationalism of its tone made me shudder but I frankly expected nothing but the worst the moment I heard about that project.  Anything produced by the other two networks mentioned would be bound to be even more lacking in taste than the lamentable video rubbish-heap spooled together by Sci Fi.  I've suffered through some of these productions in the past and they are an embarrassment to behold.

If you want good stories from behind the scenes at DS, get the MPI tapes such as DS: 25th anniversary and 30th anniversary or DS: behind the scenes.  There are also some good fan video compilations of Festivals way back when (going back to the Eighties thanks to the late Dave Brown).  Watching these is a lot more fun and informative than giving DS the kind of Whacko Jacko treatment that is the fare meted out by the cable networks these days.

Just MHO,


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Brian Sturdivant
« on: May 19, 2003, 02:49:20 PM »
Thanks, John, for this tribute to the delicious Brian Sturdivant.  I'd certainly enjoy meeting him and finding out what happened to him in his life after he gave up acting (as I presume must have happened).

Thanks too for telling me about his brief appearance in Diary of a Mad Housewife.  It's still on my list of films I look forward to viewing, some day.

Just got back from spending a week in heavenly Sonoma County, Cali.  Heavily jet lagged and sleep deprived, but purring contentedly nonetheless.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:DVD Set 5 flaw on disc 2?
« on: May 08, 2003, 06:27:38 PM »
Hi Joe, gaol is the British spelling of jail.  In the 1790s I believe Americans were still using the British spellings for most words.  I forgot when the whole thing with adopting American spellings came about; it was a govt response to actual practice, obviously.  Noah Webster (now when did he live?) was an advocate for it, I believe.

Just another bit of trivia on an otherwise very dreary rainy afternoon here in Boss-town (heh, heh).


Current Talk '03 I / Re:DVD Set 5 flaw on disc 2?
« on: May 08, 2003, 03:06:34 PM »
Yes, Richard, and a lot of people who should know better are BARELY literate today...

I'm waiting for the first tombstone inscribed "Hear lI's the dearly departed, dont w8."  Ah, the wonders of our technical age!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Grayson Hall, Glamour Goddess!
« on: May 08, 2003, 03:03:27 PM »
Homepage for the Julia List (the name was changed a couple of years back to Julia B and J list, an unspeakably cumbersome locution the point of which I find strangely elusive)--fans refer to it as the J List for short, and please, no comments about J-Ho:

It is mainly fanfic and chatter; only occasionally does a post touch upon Grayson and other aspects of her career beyond her roles in DS.

John, do you have the audio tape of Grayson performing in Happy End?  She did sing a Bertolt Brecht song in that, The Ballad of the Lily of Hell.  It's more Lotte Lenya than Dietrich.  And she is FABULOUS in it.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:TAKE A VIDA VITA VEGAMIN
« on: May 07, 2003, 10:05:10 PM »
Connie, you minx!  I'm dying here!

I never saw the one of David in the Jacket of Death (from PT 1970) sacked out on that couch!  good work!

Your fan,  Steve

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