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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Farewell Montages
« on: June 13, 2003, 02:36:55 PM »
Great Montages, darling Maestro misterioso!  Superb work as always.

I'll have to try and figure out which show that WEIRD shot of Liz with the black tape on her nose is from.  I recall that being discussed some years back, I think in one of Luciaphil's episode commentaries.

I'm not sure I've ever seen that episode, but it must be among my tapes, since I have all the shows from June 1967 onwards.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:"Eye of the Devil" and Dark Shadows
« on: June 12, 2003, 06:28:48 PM »
Vlad!  I saw this topic a few days back, but stupidly thought you were talking about the Lara Parker flick, Race for the Devil.  I wish I had realized you were talking about Eye of the Devil; I'd have had a friend tape it for me.  I used to have a tape of it (from an AMC showing of many years ago, back when they aired movies without commercial interruption) but loaned it to a friend who never returned it, and who is no longer in contact.

Interestingly I have an old magazine (from around 1965) that has a publicity article on the making of Eye of the Devil, or 13 as it was then known.  When I finally got to see it, I thought it was a real gem.  Niven, Kerr, and Flora Robson all shine in their respective roles.  I thought David Hemmings and Sharon Tate were both remarkable in what they were given to do.  I think Tate had real promise.  It's a shame she met Roman Polanski and moved to Hollywood. I have a bizarre fondness for Tate's performance in Valley of the Dolls.  Edith Efron (the evil beeyotch who wrote a nasty article about Grayson in TV guide) interviewed Tate for an infamous Look magazine spread on Dolls and implied that Tate was a brainless bimbo.

So far as I know, Eye of the Devil is not available on video or DVD.  It's a pity, because I think it is a beautifully crafted film.  It is really a mood piece that evokes the inner power that lives within the Earth, and how people in traditional communities hold that power and the sacrifices they make to honor that strength and to allow their communities to survive.  It was of course far too thoughtful and unusual a film to achieve any real critical recognition, then or now.

I'll bet David Niven and Deborah Kerr wish this had become better known than Casino Royale, a fun fluffy film they did together shortly after this.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Confused by Men...
« on: June 12, 2003, 03:28:33 PM »
Hey Gerard, I hate football, and just the thought of bratwurst makes me hurl, so guess I had better cross Wisconsin off my list of places to visit!

There's a scene early in the Leviathans storyline where Julia sits down with Chris and explains what she learned while she was in 1897 about his lineage.  She basically tells him that the werewolf curse only passes down to the eldest male in each line, and she informs him of his descent from Quentin Collins. This leads to how Quentin was able to escape the curse, which leads to the search for "Harrison Monroe," etc.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Carolyn's Make-Up
« on: June 12, 2003, 03:20:36 PM »
Guys--it was the Sixties!!  Just have a look at old fashion mags from the period.  They seldom got into the really outrageous stuff on Dark Shadows, like the little pearls pasted under the eyelids, or the extra-curl false eyelashes.

The same goes for the hair.  I was just watching I Dream of Jeannie last weekend.  What went on with Barbara Eden's hairpieces on that show makes Angelique's PT 1970 hair look quite restrained by comparison!

I'm now totally confused about what topics belong here.  I would have thought this topic would have belonged on current chat?  I've basically given up trying to understand.  As dear Grayson once comment, "Who can figure anything?"  Definitely applies to these boards.

Love to all, Gothick

Great, hilarious comments as always, my dear.

Forget Sabrina--I found it beyond belief that *Chris* didn't just do a flying tackle on Bruno.  Maybe he'd have gotten a bit slashed up from that knife, but Briscoe's build and body weight are such a huge advantage over Stroka's spindly physique that it was really hard to believe that Chris didn't just deal with him then and there.

Chris didn't want to marry Sabrina because he was secretly carrying a torch for Quentin. Don't you know the Collins family motto, "Incest is best"?  It cames right below "Hypocrisy before all" as Miss Carolyn Collins Stoddard so brilliantly expostulated a few weeks back.

btw I love the titles of William Hollingshead Loomis' novels.  Somebody had fun with those.  Sam, maybe?


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Liz's worst dress?
« on: June 10, 2003, 09:22:38 PM »
I actually love that dress because it is so HORRIFYING!

what is a hoot is that it was at least 3 years old at this point. She wore it in the infamous 1967 seance episode.

It's kind of like seeing Grayson's most horrible outfits from 1968 resurface in the Summer 1970 sequence.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Scream of the Wolf
« on: June 10, 2003, 06:46:00 PM »
Scream of the Wolf--was Barbara Rush in that?  I'm wondering whether it was this hysterical "ABC TV Movie of the Week" I enjoyed back in the historical 70s (aka the Late Bronze Age).

Sounds like fun!


You know, I used to know this Italian lady who absolutely adored this stuff that sort of began where blue cheese left off. I remember coming across her in the kitchen one afternoon slavering over a plate of this very odd looking substance that was a rather lurid shade of aquamarine crooning, "Rrrrotten cheese... theee more rrrotten eet ees, theee more I LUFF eet!"  It was like a scene in a Hammer film.

What you say about the current phase of Dark Shadows makes me wonder if I have something in common with Stella.  Some of my favorite moments on the show are still to come.  I think Parallel Time was a great concept and an ingenious solution to the logistical difficulties posed by having most of the central characters taking a 6 to 8 week hiatus from the series.  I personally feel that PT 1970 holds up better than 1840, which started out so well and then seemed to sort of unravel halfway through.

Definitely agree with you about Barn's obsession with entering the PT world.  I think we were supposed to be reading between the lines and presuming him to be in some sort of fugue state because of things going wrong with the drugs Julia was pumping into him. Sedative, anyone?  (which reminds me, one of my favorite lines in the entire series is coming up very shortly)

I'm very, very clear that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near enough to touch Barnabas or Julia with a barge pole at this point in real life. But I LOVE watching their antics on the Tube.  It is a strangely refreshing escape from the hijinks indulged in by some of my near and dear ones in RL.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Confused by Men...
« on: June 09, 2003, 02:00:00 PM »
Well, thanks for sharing that comment from Ms. Parker, Midnite.  I must say I find this baffling.  I thought the Vampiress Angelique arc was one of Lara's favorites, and she had a LOT to do with Joel during that storyline.

I guess Katie and Lara don't spend much time reading the books that have been published with their names on them!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Confused by Men...
« on: June 07, 2003, 10:32:01 PM »
Hi Patti,

Joel Crothers played Joe Haskell, who was Carolyn's boyfriend when the series began in 1966.

When Tom and Chris were introduced, Joe was said to be related to their family as a cousin (presumably on his Mom's side?).

Well, you know how complicated these New England genealogies can get ...

As for Babs Steele's comment about Grayson, I can't recall exactly in which interview she said that; it might have been this glossy magazine that did a feature on the 1990 DS series--Fangoria, maybe?


Luciaphil darling, I'm so pleased you've started writing again.  You know I live for your fashion notes, and your deliciously witty comments about the characters, the writers, and everybody and everyTHING in between.

Hearing what you're saying about Jeb and Carolyn's marriage, I do wish you would offer a few apercus upon the thrashing, screeching, puling monstrosity that is the union of Quentin and Maggie Collins, but I fear your general distaste for the 1970 PT storyline may just leave you with your set switched off for the next few months.

I loved the catlike way in which Angelique informed Jeb she was repairing her nails, and how she waggled the scissors at him.  Her look was very Mediterranean in these shows, somehow.  Maybe she'd popped into the Milan fall collections shows on her way over to Collinwood?


Current Talk '03 I / HOFFMANIA!!!
« on: June 06, 2003, 07:02:47 PM »
Well, I would have thought that by now, one of my fellow Hall-o-holics would have duly noted the arrival of one of my absolute favorite characters on DS:

Schlachthaus Kommandant HOFFMAN!

aber ja!

Every time I watch these shows again, I'm so grateful to the DS gods (whichever ones dreamed up this idea) for giving us the chance to see Grayson playing something with such understated restraint.

As Hoffman, she is nothing less than "excruciatingly good" as Barbara Steele once stated of Grayson's work on the series.

I believe that a taste of Louis Edmonds' catlike characterization of PT Roger is coming up next week.  Can't wait!  I just adore the scene where he comments to Alexis that speaking of Angelique and Maggie in the same breath is like "comparing a sable to a mouse."  A wonderful line, wonderfully delivered by Big Lou.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:You Know Who You Are (Part2)...
« on: June 06, 2003, 03:39:31 PM »
Eek, it's a nude Leviathan!

Quick, let's all play hunt-the-Naga.

I love Jeb's expression of terror at spotting the Shadow of a refugee from the Martha Graham Dance Studio in his honeymoon suite.

I happened to be watching when this footage was airing a few days ago, and I wondered whether you would remember me.  Thank you MB, you are an absolute honey!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Can I Borrow Some Tonsils?
« on: June 04, 2003, 09:13:09 PM »
Isn't he working as a roadie for the real Ringo?  I recall a catch-up post from him a month or two ago where he mentioned working on somebody's summer tour.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Can anyone tell me.....
« on: June 04, 2003, 08:33:39 PM »
A little demon wants me to post "Philip was in plaid blue pj bottoms because it was his official Prison Bitch uniform."

Aren't you glad I have some powers of self control left?

MB, please stop snickering!  You too, Midnite.

Meanwhile, Dom sca-reams!


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