Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Creepy
« on: July 30, 2003, 06:29:36 PM »
Hi Eleanor Rigby, believe it or not, I think the "sig" (a syllable I still have difficulty believing has become an actual word in the English language), is meant to be helpful. The Moderators frequently get inquiries from patrons who have gotten their knickers in a twist over something or other. The first question usually relates to just what browser/software they're using to view the Boards in. With this handy device, nobody is ever going to be able to claim they don't know! I myself keep forgetting just which incarnation of Windows I have been saddled--erm, I mean, gifted with.
As for the first piece of information, it's meant to discourage trolls, of which these Boards are thankfully free!
As for the first piece of information, it's meant to discourage trolls, of which these Boards are thankfully free!