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Messages - Gothick

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Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Creepy
« on: July 30, 2003, 06:29:36 PM »
Hi Eleanor Rigby,  believe it or not, I think the "sig" (a syllable I still have difficulty believing has become an actual word in the English language), is meant to be helpful.  The Moderators frequently get inquiries from patrons who have gotten their knickers in a twist over something or other.  The first question usually relates to just what browser/software they're using to view the Boards in.  With this handy device, nobody is ever going to be able to claim they don't know!  I myself keep forgetting just which incarnation of Windows I have been saddled--erm, I mean, gifted with.

As for the first piece of information, it's meant to discourage trolls, of which these Boards are thankfully free!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:What's Wrong With This Picture?
« on: July 30, 2003, 02:42:57 PM »
Other than the weird way the chandelier is hanging, I haven't a clue what could be wrong here.


Hi MB, I emailed you the jpgs yesterday.  Hope you got them!  (I have been having difficulty with people on Yahoo accounts not receiving my mail--I hope this is not spreading to other ISPs as well!)

Gothick who's on a bus bound for Canada tonight, hurray, hurray!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Oh no! the Green Suit!!!
« on: July 29, 2003, 07:31:01 PM »
I firmly believe that the NoDS wig is the one that Grayson was given to wear on her Night Gallery episode, Certain shadows on the wall.  That was filmed in August of 1970 (but not broadcast until December of that year).  In an interview she gave to the people running her fan club at the time, Grayson said that that wig had originally been worn by Rita Hayworth in one of her films.  They either let her keep it, or she just walked off the set wearing it!

Unfortunately, I can't cleverly post comparison snapshots of Grayson on Night Gallery and NoDS, but the two wigs look identical to me.

I remember looking at a publicity photo of Grayson in NoDS when I was visiting Sam Hall.  I said, "I bet she was thinking '*I* am the QUEEN of Dark Shadows' when that picture was snapped."  Sam chuckled and said, "She was more likely thinking, 'This dress is too god damned TIGHT!"


Current Talk '03 II / Re:What's up with that cockatoo?
« on: July 29, 2003, 07:24:12 PM »
That dead stuffed bird really did get around.

and, btw, Fah-thuh is living in Hannah Stokes' old digs.  I'm afraid that dear Evangelexis got busy with a doll and some black pins when she realized that Aunt Hannah could no longer be of further "use" to her.  And Fah-thuh got to inherit his sister's luxury condo on the wrong side of the tracks.

All very strange...


Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Stepfather.......
« on: July 29, 2003, 05:54:17 PM »
Hi Julian, ever see Trouble in Paradise?  Herbert Marshall was divoon in that.

As for Ashton K., he's a frothy little sex kitten, that I wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers.


Hi David, I'll have to rummage around and see whether I have a jpg of this or not.  Then I'll have to email it to one of the moderators, as I personally have not a clue how to post an image here. I believe I have to store it on my own website and upload it with some sort of link, and I don't have a personal website, so...


I'm *sca-reaming* at Midnite's new avatar!  eeee-yowww!  wait till Jennifer has a peek at it!

suddenly my trousers feel waaayyy too tight.  oops!  did someone slip viagra into my iced tea?  Noooo, it's fearless Don Briscoe to the rescue!  Chaaarge!!!!

You all know, of course, that Satan in High Heels is on my list of the Ten Greatest Movies of All Time.  I luffff that flick.  I must screen it at least once every six months.  Grayson fiercely rules in the role of Pepe, and the film's soundtrack is an absolute hoot!

Haven't seen the Minx.  It sounds like a gas!  Dear Robert Rodan.  Who knew?

At the top of my list of "weird funny movies with DS Actors" is a yet-to-be-rediscovered gem from anno 1957, Run across the river. It was the screen debut for both Jerry Stiller (Ben's pop) and a little known off-B'way character actress who'd been in the business much longer than she let on, one Miss Shirley Grayson, later to be known far more widely as Grayson Hall!  I have a photocopy of a lobby card from this film, and it includes a shot of Grayson, as a female beatnik, doing a sort of gypsy bongo dance!

getting ready to move and quickly going out of what's left of my mind,


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...
« on: July 28, 2003, 04:42:25 PM »
Thank you all for those wonderful wishes!  I had an eventful day... including signing a lease on a new apartment!  I wound up the day watching one of my favorite episodes of Dark Shadows, from the upcoming Summer of 1970 storyline... Grayson was involved, of course, and wore a fabou scarf.  She's my role model now that I am myself a gentleman of a certain age...

I also celebrated later in the weekend by watching one of my favorite films... Velvet Goldmine!  I swoon as Ewan Macgregor and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers hungrily devour one another's lips, yum.  All that plus a gorgeous shot of the boys spooning and snoozing in JRM's boudoir... and Ewan raunchily baring ALL in a dramatic, firelit rock festival sequence.

On a more civilised note, one of my friends took me out to dinner in a gracious restaurant, The Elephant Walk, where he enjoyed a vegetarian feast.

And to those of you who have made certain comments, remember--just because I'm cheap doesn't mean I'm easy!  lol!!!

Hey, MB, where did you hide that tapioca pudding!!!  ::pouts::


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT to dom
« on: July 25, 2003, 05:12:32 PM »
Hi Cassandra, I love Flo too!  I love watching her on the old Ed Sullivan videos.  It just breaks my heart that she had such an awful life.

have you heard Flo's solo song from that Sam Cooke album?  It's awesome.  Unfortunately, Flo's own LP, that she worked on for awhile after she left the Supremes, isn't so great--at least the bootleg tape I heard of it was less than stellar.  I think things were already wearing her down at that point (1968).

also, there's this book called All that Glitters--at least, I think that is the title--by a man who was running one of the Supremes' fan clubs in the Sixties.  There were some great stories about Flo in there.


Grayson did attend the Oscars in '65.  She was in town anyway doing that Disney flick.  She got around a lot that year--went to Italy for the Spoleto Festival in the Summer and was back in LA in Sept. to make "Back to Back," that thing with Shelley Winters and Jack Hawkins, that maddeningly has failed to surface.  It was shown in the Bob Hope Chrysler Theatre series.

I've been wanting to screen the 1965 Oscarcast to see whether she made it on camera, but have yet to track down a tape of same.  I thought it was in the Museum of TV and Radio but they've been too busy addng more episodes of Seinfeld and Cheers to their viewing collections to bother with such trivia as the Oscarcasts (can you hear me grinding my teeth?)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Stepfather.......
« on: July 23, 2003, 04:41:59 PM »
He actually reminds me of a sleazy, down-at-heels, faded-pimp version of Don Ameche.  but I'm sure I am the only one here who remembers the divine Don Ameche.


These shows are just meant to be entertainment.  I find the whole notion of the 10, 25, 50 or 100 "best" books, thespians, novels, TV shows or songs intensely annoying.  I blame a twisted alliance of monotheism, mass marketing, and Oprahism for the strange notion that someone else's notion of taste should be imposed upon my own criteria of aesthetic excellence.

That said, I did think the cartoon they came up to promote this show was cute. I found it hilarious that Diane Ross was down front and center, arms raised as THE Supreme One!  I guess the artist was a Motown fan.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Costume Balls, Rebecca, and DS Writers
« on: July 23, 2003, 03:40:35 PM »
Hi Doombuggy, well, I had no idea that DC fired Miss Welles.  Did she finally give him a piece of her mind about one of his nuttier storyline convolutions?

I have the one print interview with her that was published in TWODS (I think).  What a great lady.

Would love to have more details in a private IM (since we are not allowed to discuss dish about the show here).

Best wishes, Steve

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Blooper?
« on: July 23, 2003, 02:34:02 PM »
Hi, Cassandra, yes, I notice the same blooper every time I watch this episode.  Somebody in continuity was asleep at the wheel that day.  It's surprising, actually, that this sort of thing did not happen in the interaction between the Parallel Time/Original Time storylines.


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