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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barbara Steele
« on: September 29, 2003, 06:56:34 PM »
Nice avatar, Raineypark!

I attended TWO Mabon rituals this past weekend, one of which I priested at. So I'm definitely getting that 'tis the season feeling.


Current Talk '03 II / Barbara Steele
« on: September 29, 2003, 05:16:11 PM »
For at least a month now, I've been meaning to share the news that Barbara Steele (who played Dr. Julia Hoffman in the 1990 remake of Dark Shadows) is credited as a producer (I may be wrong, but I think she's what is described in the Industry as a "line producer") for the new camp hit, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, on Bravo.

I really hope that Barbara was not involved in the detestable "Boy meets boy."  I watched a few episodes of that, and I wouldn't like to think of her being part of something that so shamelessly manipulated an individual's emotional life.

On the other hand, who in their right mind signs onto a reality show in the hope of finding a boyfriend?

puzzling, but happy to know that Barbara is gainfully employed,


Nancy, A friend of mine told me that he saw a claim on the discountdvd.com website that the new MPI DS Reunion (aka DS Memories) DVD has a new narration on it by Jonathan.

Have you heard anything about this?  I just checked the listing on Amazon.com and there was no mention of it.  I did think it was odd that they put Jonathan's face on that tape, given that he did not attend the "reunion" event.

Apparently, the blurb my friend saw stated that a portion of the tape/disc includes surviving cast members talking about their favorite scenes/episodes (which are also included, in snippet form I would gather).

I wonder whether this item will see a VHS format release.

That's exciting about Jonathan performing in Collingwood.  I am going to be in Ontario, but in early October for Columbus Day weekend.



Current Talk '03 II / Re:today was the day!
« on: September 26, 2003, 06:48:34 PM »
Julia as the glam girl of Collinwood!  honey, she's paid her dues, roll out the red carpet and break into that champers.

I think different shots of Julia during this time period would make a wonderful video to the Pet Shop Boys Absolutely Fabulous track.  It's too bad I failed to see any screen captures from the episode where Julia hypnotises Daphne.  I loved the purple eye shadow and the scarf she was wearing in that episode.  Very High Priestess.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Misterioso darling!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Error in DVD 7 Episode ???
« on: September 26, 2003, 02:30:46 PM »
I'm really grateful to everyone who has posted about the cuts in the episodes on DVD.  If I ever do get the DVD's, I will be sure to hang onto my videos as well, since MPI didn't bother paying someone to "correct" those!!!!!

I shudder to think what further cuts await in future volumes...

Oh, I remember Ashenrider very well!  He was charming and talented.  Another one from  the old days I miss is Marcos.  That guy was a real sweetheart.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Virginia Vestoff(1940-1982)
« on: September 25, 2003, 05:09:15 PM »
Hi David,

there's a wonderful little photo-essay about Virginia in this book:

The Playmakers, by Stuart Little (yep, that's his real name) and Arthur Cantor.  NY: Norton, 1970

There are no references to her being on DS--it's possible that she started on the show after the book had gone to press.

I absolutely agree with you that Virginia Vestoff might have done great things, had she lived, but in my opinion, her performance as Samantha is outstanding.  Really a great highlight of the series, and in many ways, the best thing about the entire 1840 storyline.  She and James Storm had wonderful onscreen chem together.

Talking of Stuart Little, there's a wonderful photo in his book Off-Broadway: The Prophetic Theatre, of Grayson Hall in the 1960 production of The Balcony.

Cheers, Steve

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Ivan Miller/Gerard Stiles
« on: September 25, 2003, 03:32:42 PM »
Agree that the mention of Gerard's "wife" in that scene was darling Joan making one of her slips.  I'll never forget Nancy Barrett telling me of how Joan would turn to her while they were doing one of their scenes in the drawing room and there would be TERROR in her eyes because she had dried on her lines again...

I'll make a vague stab and say that Gerard was "bad, not evil" (to paraphrase the Shangri-las) before his encounter with a certain bodiless head (!).  There were actually a lot of young men like Gerard Stiles running around the world in the 1830s.  And I suppose that there still are a lot of them today, only instead of elegant bows and fancy suits, they tend to inhabit a world of "gangsta chic."

As for Mrs. Julia Collins in PT, if you watch the story, there is a long-running intimation that Julia is Melanie's real Mother--you have to watch to find out, of course!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 72
« on: September 22, 2003, 08:21:12 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for those lovely comments.  I appreciate your enjoyment of what I wrote.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Ben and Daniel
« on: September 22, 2003, 04:07:45 PM »
People age at different rates.  I know people around my age (mid 40s) who look and act 20 years older than me, in some cases due to debilitating ailments.  I have a dear friend who is a year younger than me.  She's acted like an old lady since I first knew her back in the late 1980s, and now speaks of herself as a "crone in training."

The real problem is with the info given in 1968 about Ben dying in 1830.  But of course, in 1967 the events with Barnabas and Josette were originally described as happening around 1832. So Dark Shadows has kind of a set pattern of just "correcting" its own history.

With the 1840 storyline, the biggest problem of all is that NONE of the material revealed about the period in the immediately preceding 1970 story turns out to be relevant to what's going on when Julia arrives. Some months down the line, when Stokes shows up, she has to try to explain what's been going on to him.  The results are semi-comical.  I think Grayson and Thayer must have just looked at one another doing the read through and agreed to go for a stiff drink at the Brittany du Soir once they were done with THAT day's taping!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:How sad ...
« on: September 19, 2003, 09:05:06 PM »
Hi Doll, the Quentin montage is still up today.  You have to look at the listing of topics on the "Current Talk" page.

have fun,


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Time Travelling Barnabas (SPOILERS)
« on: September 19, 2003, 07:14:45 PM »
All I'll say in regard to this topic is that at this stage in the game, and for some years at this point, "reality" and "Dark Shadows" do not really exist in the same space-time continuum.  At all.

It's fascinating going back to 1966 and seeing how relentlessly realistic the early scripts by Art Wallace and Francis Swann were.

I was delighted recently when discussing the series with a friend who watched it way back during the original Sixties broadcast.  He told me he wanted to see tapes of the early shows but commented, "after a couple of years, it really got rather ... Rococo."  I hooted with laughter at that turn of phrase. So apt.


Current Talk '03 II / That Pxilated Flora Collins
« on: September 19, 2003, 03:02:29 PM »
One of my favorite things about the current storyline is the original characterization of Flora Collins.  As happened with PT Liz, Flora originally was very different from the other roles that Joan played on DS.  Flora exemplifies such girlish froth, such charming gaiety.  I always feel genuine regret when the writers forgot and just started churning out Joan's default "matriarchal matron" dialogue again for Flora.

Flora's psychedelic massage from Gerard is pretty darn kicky, too, isn't it?


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 72
« on: September 19, 2003, 02:54:41 PM »
If it hasn't been posted on the link Nicky gave above, you can read it here:


Bette, your avatar comment makes me scream!

hugs,  Steve

Well, in my opinion, it's those corporate boneheads who should be embarrassed.

There's a clear, well defined and substantial market for restored DVD releases of the DS films, so the tude being displayed by these bozos can be put down to people with more money than sense running their firm.

An all too familiar phenom in today's H'wood...


Current Talk '03 II / Re:What's with the new entrance???
« on: September 17, 2003, 01:46:49 AM »
Gerard, perhaps some jasmine perfume will help remind you of your lost love.  And why not try playing a pretty tune on this sweet little music box?

A friend told me that when the current run is finished, Sci Fi is going to start again from Episode 1. I really hope that's the case.  I noticed more missing episodes on my tapes from 1966, and I want to see all those shows--and that includes some of KLS' finest moments on the series!


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