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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Montage Question
« on: November 07, 2003, 10:23:05 PM »
Darling, you and I are definitely in agreement about the "infamy" of the Bruno-flogs-wolfie scene.  I really wish there were a tape recording of the conversation between the director, Stroka, and the stuntman who played the werewolf that day!  I wonder whether the cameramen got instructions a la Elvis on Ed Sullivan not to move the cameras below the belt for Stroka!

I also thought that scene of Bruno, Sabrina, and Chris made for a hilarious commentary/counterpoint to the flogging scene.  Chris looked like he was rolling his eyes as Sabrina and Bruno bickered about just who among Mr. Jennings' admirers had the biggest, baddest, highest hair!

Thanks for helping to add a much needed note of gaiety to my Friday,


Gerard, you have a fiercely ruling, gloriously twisted sense of humor!

thanks for the Thursday morning chuckle.  It was sorely needed.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:08:04 PM »
But who will the publisher be?  surely not HarperCollins.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 05, 2003, 10:14:35 PM »
There is a line of dialogue in Cassandra's very first episode in 1968 where she is talking to Barn's portrait and she informs him that she would never have found out that he had escaped her curse, if it had not been for Victoria Winters' time trip to 1795.

That's really all the info we are given.  It seems to be implied that Ange is working through a noncorporeal form, first through her portrait, then possessing Roger, until she (we presume from dialogue many weeks later between Cass and Nicky) she makes a "bargain" with Nicholas and Diabolos/Balberith and is able to return in flesh form as Cassandra.  I also recall a line or two about how much Cassandra is enjoying being in a body again--it may have been one of Nicholas' comments about why she is so obviously dragging her feet.

FWIW, I recall that at the time of the original b'cast, I simply accepted that the Angelique who appeared in 1840 was somehow the "original" Angelique who lacked knowledge of the future because for her, it simply had not happened yet.  I was never one of those who kept DS diaries, so a lot of the inconsistencies I notice watching it on VHS as an adult went right over my head at the time.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Barnabas Collins Halloween costume
« on: November 05, 2003, 08:36:19 PM »
A friend sent me this link, and I noticed that on the far left of row 2 on this page, there is a small photo of the Barnabas Collins Halloween costume:

I seem to recall reading about this costume years ago, and how impossible it is to find.  I would think that the cheap, rapidly deteriorating materials these costumes were made of would put a fairly low ceiling on their market value, but apparently that is not the case.

There are some weird and tacky attempts at costumes here, including several from other TV shows that I know are popular among DS fans, such as Samantha from Bewitched, Morticia from The Addams Family, the Groovy Ghoulies (shown on another page,) etc.  Everyone will have their "most bizarre" item--I think my choice is for the truly frightening Laura Ingalls Wilder costume.  The weird "Greg Brady" outfit is a close runner-up, I have to say.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:New Windows Worm on the Move
« on: November 04, 2003, 08:49:00 PM »
Thanks for that alert, Lovely One.  Agree that I would delete the entire mess on sight.  It boggles what's left of my mind that computer users STILL open random attachments like this.  I guess part of the problem is folks using email handling software that opens the attachments automatically--really not a good idea.

I was bemused by the widget "bh" in that text.  Was this supposed to be an inversion of "hb," a revolting shorthand for "husband" that's acquired a deplorably widespread currency on the Internet?


Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Number Should Be Retired
« on: November 04, 2003, 04:53:50 PM »
Hi Mark, I saw your original post, and didn't think there was any problem with the tone, if you meant the comment you had made about wanting independent confirmation apart from my often-faulty memory.  Anyhow, I see that one of the mods pulled the original post, so at least you won't need to worry about it next time you're here.  Sorry to hear you haven't been getting your sleep.  Hope you can get some rest!

One site years ago where I saw something about Kate Jackson playing a Tracy character in the 1971 storyline was this great site that Michael Miozza put up that was going to be a continuation of DS as it might have been had the series gone on.  He was only able to write 7 installments, I believe, and I don't know whether the site still exists; I think there used to be a link to it from his DS Movies site, which I loved as well.

There's oodles of not-very-well-organized trivia about DS in the revised edition of the DS Almanac--perhaps there is something about proposals for Kate Jackson's future on the series in there.  It would be interesting to know what plans were made for future roles for Keith Prentice, as well--he mentioned having signed a "five year contract" for DS in an interview (something that made me raise my eyebrows).


Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 03, 2003, 10:07:08 PM »
Well, Vlad, last time I watched the episodes that involved the first spell we see Ange casting--on Barn's Rev War toy soldier--I'm afraid I laughed when the poor dear couldn't get the knot undone when she was trying to reverse the spell.

Tying knots is very much Craft 101.  Then there's her notorious difficulty with Basic Banishment.  She raises a ghost (Jeremiah) to perform a simple task and then can't rid of him?  In her defense, the ghost eventually goes away when the writers can't think of what to do next with him, but it reflects very badly on her skill level at this point.

I actually think it makes the story more interesting when Ange is barely competent and you see her trying hard to learn from her own mistakes.  Later on, when she becomes "Super Witch," it's not so interesting.  Of course, even at the height of her powers on the show, she was never capable of pulling some of the feats ascribed to her by some fan writers, such as the role Warren Oddson gives her in his articles in the DS Concordances published by Kathleen Resch.

In 1968, Cassandra seems a lot more powerful, confident, and assured in her Craft than 1795 did.  Her problem then is her tendency to indulge her own sadism--watch 'em twist in the wind when she could be getting the job done. That is what leads to her eventual downfall, although it could be argued as well that the Dream Curse was an unnecessarily clumsy, over-involved piece of spellcraft.  It's hard to tell with that whether she was motivated by the desire to see people like Maggie and Mrs. Johnson suffer on the way to achieving her goal, or whether she simply did not know any better, quicker way of getting the job done.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Number Should Be Retired
« on: November 03, 2003, 07:55:30 PM »
I remember having seen a mention somewhere or other that a present-day 1971 story had been plotted (presumably at some point in the Fall of 1970 before the EP decided to pull the plug) in which Jackson was going to play a character named Tracy who arrived at Collinwood and attracted Quentin's attention.  Can't recall whether she was supposed to be the new governess, though.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:CBS at 75
« on: November 03, 2003, 06:18:32 PM »
Oh Gods, no wonder that one armed ghost's appendage looked so naggingly familiar.  I'd get a sort of familiar itch every time I played that episode. Same deal with the hunky hangman at Vicki's execution.

I always thought Groh was so delectably hairy and, well, generous on Rhoda.  (did you know she had a pagoda?)

beyond fried post Halloween G.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: October 31, 2003, 09:29:31 PM »
Well, in the original 1795 story, Angelique's powers start out as very much the traditional Hedge Witch variety.  She needs a lot more to cast her spells in this first story than is the case later on.  I don't believe the Devil is ever mentioned by her, although of course Abby and the Rev think about him constantly--the sign of a really devoted servant (!).

In 1968, there's at least one scene there where CassAngelique is doing her thing (I believe it's the scene where she's killing Lang with her handy little voodoo doll), and she mentions conversationally that her powers come from "the Devil Himself."  This notion plays out with the eventual scenes where Nicky and Ange visit Hell.

In 1897, Ange starts out as a more or less independent supernatural being, then reverts to more Devil talk as the storyline advances.  There's a scene where she's casting one of her fire spells and she mentions that she's promised the Prince of Fire Quentin's soul.

just a few stray thoughts, grist for your mill.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:!! Forum Fonts !!
« on: October 31, 2003, 07:53:22 PM »
Egads.  Is this permanent, or just a sWitcholeen treat?

(I know it's a mistake to ask that question, but somehow... I just don't understand!!)

 >:D >:D >:D

those are just for you, darling.  See how accommodating I can be???

 :o  Gothick

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
« on: October 31, 2003, 05:26:02 PM »
Have a fabulous Halloween, one and all!

And to any Pagans in the room... Happy New Year!  May your Ancestors be happy, and may you welcome a year of health, prosperity and joy into your homes.

warmly,  Steve

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Very cool look for the Boards
« on: October 31, 2003, 04:23:26 PM »
Wowee, so far the color scheme has changed twice already. What fun!  And now the good old Vampire Halloween logo is up.  Too bad Roxanne didn't make the grade,  And her fangs were sooo cute.  Pity!

I notice those eyes are getting bigger and bigger.  Think Someone is trying to tell us something???


Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Mask of Ba'al
« on: October 30, 2003, 08:41:05 PM »
Yes, this is obviously the case that Ba'al = the Devil.  I think the fad for turning the names of ancient Deities into the names of devils and demons really got going with the mediaeval Grimoire craze.  I recall seeing Apollyon (=Apollo), Astarte (a Canaanite Goddess of love and fertility, a cousin to Inanna and Ishtar), and other Deities in strings of demonic names.

I think the Mask of Ba'al, which was a cool concept, would have worked better if props had been given just a bit more than the $1.98 they evidently had available to create the object.  It seems to drop out of sight, too, after this part of the story--I can't recall Judah making any further use of it, even though it was described as such a powerful object in the run-up to this part of the story.

Presumably they ditched it because somebody decided James Storm looked ridiculous wearing it.  And that person may have been right about it, too.


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