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Messages - Gothick

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Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '03 / Re:A Darkness at Blaisedon
« on: January 09, 2004, 06:08:57 PM »
What fun to have you back, my dear.  And in fine form, too!

I quite enjoy Blaisedon.  I actually recall the original broadcast back in 1969.  It was shown in a nighttime slot and I recall the TV Guide entry stating it was a pilot for a series that wasn't picked up.  This has been discussed in at least one of the PomPress books, as well, I'm sure.

It was funny how much of it came back to me from that single 1969 viewing when I first saw it as an adult.  For example, when the Cal Bellini character was opening the mummy-case, I knew there was going to be dialogue about death by fire in the script that had a point to it.

Cal Bellini was good.  Stroka would have brought a creepy edge to the character.  Dusay and Mathews deserve marks for running with material they probably found, to say the least, a bit odd when it wasn't hackneyed.

Thayer really stole the show in his role.  Louis was divine, what little we saw of him.  I love Bob Cobert's music no matter what is going on onscreen.

I don't own this, but have seen it a couple of times, mostly at friends' homes.  I've pondered ordering it over the years.

Best, Steve

Current Talk '04 I / Re:1968 Montage (I'm thinking of some of you)
« on: January 09, 2004, 04:59:41 PM »
Isn't it the episode where Julia brings Quentin/Grant to Collinwood and his old room and plays his favorite record for him?

rather a sweet scene...

Fabulous work, Connie!  I love the first image. Classic Julia.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Joan Bennett resource page!
« on: January 08, 2004, 09:52:07 PM »
Excellent work, dear!  I look forward to having a good look at it one of these days.  Nice to have the scan up of the one article.

Congrats, Steve

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Grayson on Night Gallery
« on: January 08, 2004, 03:55:32 PM »
Julia darling, I'm pretty sure that G owned the hairpiece she wore for all but the very first of the 1967 episodes.  In the Billy Rose coll. there's a publicity photo from Feb. 1965 (she was snapped by a paparazzi at an antiques fair the day the Oscar nom was announced) and I'm pretty sure she was wearing that hairpiece.  I think she's wearing it, as well, in the UNCLE shows, and in the candid photo of her at Grauman's Chinese theatre around this time ('65-'66).

In her very first episode, she wears a full on wig.  She mentioned wearing an unflattering wig at one point and Mrs Dan Curtis telling her that she should just wear her own hair on the show because it was more attractive.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Grayson on Night Gallery
« on: January 05, 2004, 05:15:27 PM »
Night Gallery was a wonderful series, although it frequently led to sleepless nights when I watched it as a 13 year old.  I well remember Elsa Lanchester's wonderful turn in Green Fingers--simply superb.  They don't make TV like this anymore.  I still cringe whenever I recall the earwig story.  It was played with such subtlety, and wonderful whispers of the dark secrets of African Witchcraft.

Grayson's episode was filmed, I believe, in early August 1970.  She was given a few days off DS to do this, which is why she disappears for a bit (after being on nearly every day for about 4 weeks!) soon after the return from 1995.  She had to take a redeye flight back from "the Coast" and stumble into the studio to tape an episode the day she came back from doing Night Gallery.  The episode was first shown almost exactly 23 years ago--around Dec. 31, 1970.

She was told that the wig she wore in this had been worn by Rita Hayworth previously--I'm not sure in which film.  I've always thought that she kept that wig and wore it as Carlotta in NoDS but perhaps DC sprang for one of a similar cut.  It certainly did frame her face with an elegant, haunting beauty.


Current Talk '04 I / Shadows of '68
« on: January 04, 2004, 10:40:01 PM »
Many thanks to the MB for the spiffy, gorgeous 1968 New Year's Montage!

1968 is still my all-time favorite DS storyline--it was when I started watching so I guess you always think most fondly of your first love!

Interesting idea to poll about where to go from here.  I have fun reading *any* discussions of the show, and I know I can't commit to watching 2 episodes a day, so I will abstain.  FWIW, I have been watching the Introduction of Julia shows off and on, and have been having great fun.  Last night, oddly, I pulled out a Forever Knight tape that had the episodes of Barnabas' arrival on them.  It's been a really long time since I watched those shows (they were on the tape because I often taped FK and DS on the same day while I was at work--back in '99, Sci Fi was playing the shows back to back--this was when they had people with some degree of sense and taste working for the network).  I'd forgotten how clever the dialogue in Barnabas' first full episode was--and was surprised to see that the script for that show was authored by Ron Sproat.  I may have to revise my opinion of Sproat's writing skills--I'd thought of him as a competent workman, at best.

I watched a couple of scenes, too, with James Hall's Willie.  That guy really made my skin crawl--sometimes in a strangely agreeable fashion.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Horrible...just horrible
« on: December 16, 2003, 09:44:28 PM »
Morgan=terrible manners, awful hair, dimples that could swallow lower Manhattan...

endowment of DEATH...

definitely would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers... though I might give him a tube of superglue cleverly disguised as lipbalm... sheesh, all that chatter could get on ANYONE's nerves.

Gothick the Crew-ell and eee-VIL

Current Talk '03 II / Re:My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: December 16, 2003, 08:53:14 PM »
Hi Connie, looks like we share something else in common... I'm really very fond of Chopin's Nocturnes.  I like a lot of his other music, as well, including some of the Ballades.


Current Talk '03 II / Brotherly Love
« on: December 16, 2003, 08:44:11 PM »
Hmmmm... in today's montage, it looks as if Quentin is pulling Gabriel in for a sweet, brotherly smooch on the lips.

Isn't that lovely!  Sweetness and light reign over the Great House... and All Who Live There.

just something that made me twinkle,


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:MPI Mailing
« on: December 16, 2003, 05:36:59 PM »
Oh my Sweet Goddess, that Bobbleheaded Booby image from Mark Rainey is an absolute scream!  I read that at a convention in Canada, the two Jonathans were on stage together.  I don't know whether they were performing... I think it was just a Q & A, but what a great sight this must have been. They are the REAL dynamic duo!

Try asking MPI if they will send you their OLD catalogues.  I have kept all of mine.  They are printed on glossy paper, with lots of photos--some of them a little on the rare side.  I particularly love the one they did the year they started the Collectors Series (the 1966 tapes).


David Hemmings was one of the more understated iconic male actors of the Sixties.  Two other performances from him that I enjoy are in Barbarella, and in the title role of Alfred the Great, a hard-to-find film that I saw on TV way back in the Seventies and found moody and resonant.

He did a lot of great work--perhaps TCM will do a retrospective on him.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Attributes of the Witches
« on: December 15, 2003, 03:12:51 PM »
About a week and a half ago, I watched again the marvelous early Sixties British romp "Burn, Witch, Burn!" (UK title:  Night of the Eagle)--currently available on VHS but not, so far as I am aware, DVD.  Anyhow, I had forgotten a couple of key plot devices that were borrowed by the DS writers, notably the scene during the 1795 storyline in which Angelique smokes Vicki out of the Old House with her very own brand of tarot spell (definitely one of those DON'T try this at home moments n DS).  I also recognized a scene from PT 1970 that I think must have been inspired by this film.

As for Angelique, in the early episodes of 1795, there does seem to have been some care on the part of the writers to have her act as a traditional kitchen witch, gathering herbs for her spells, purloining objects that belonged to her victims, etc.  Maybe the point where the writers start to give her some odd powers to move the plot forward comes where she creates her own Servitor in the form of the bat--this is much more in line with a ceremonial magician than a kitchen witch.  Once that bat appears, Angie's metamorphosis into what my friend Nicky and I call "SuperWitch" begins.  up, up and away!

that sexy hexie,


Current Talk '03 II / Angelique in NoDS
« on: December 12, 2003, 09:46:50 PM »

thanks to a friendly tip from Darren and the MB (see NoDS thread), I've been reading the NoDS script published in the DS Movies book back in 1999.

When I first saw NoDS (on the CBS television broadcast around 1973, I think--the movie only played my town for one week, and it was when we were away on a trip), my "read" on the story was that Angelique really was a Witch. Her death certainly could be regarded as an injustice (not to mention being technically illegal--not to put too fine a point on it, in the events depicted in the complete script, she was lynched by a mob consisting of a stump preacher and some deluded local stable boys, under the direction of certain of the local gentry who had a score to settle with the lady).  I was surprised when I began to read online fandom back in the mid 90s to find that many fans' take on it was that Angelique, although a scheming adultress, was technically innocent of Witchcraft.

My current reading of Sam Hall's screenplay reinforces my original impression, that we're meant to understand that Angelique isn't just "witchy," but actually a Witch.  Many of the scenes that clarify her "uncanny" abilities of course fell victim to the cutting room floor.

I hope to go into more detail later on, but am just curious what other fans of NoDS think about the matter.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: December 11, 2003, 08:14:02 PM »
Thanks, MB, for those wonderful words about Grayson's performance as Julia Collins.  For me, Julia is *the* highlight of PT 1841.

I also agree with Bette about the scenes between Grayson and Karlen.  They are simply wonderful together!  I wish the story had ended with the two characters eloping together.

Least favorite characters--probably a 3 way tie between Catherine, Mama Josette, and Carrie!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:NODS
« on: December 11, 2003, 05:10:33 PM »
Darren, I'm so sorry about the skeleton discovery sequence--it always seems to be the way with these things...

And MB, thanks for the tip about the Movies book.  I do own that book, but had never bothered to look at the screenplays very closely, since I'd already read the other draft of NoDS, for one.  And looking through hoDS, I'm shocked at the jejune, listless quality of much of the dialogue--the cut scene where Roger, Liz and Barn visit the OH for the first time, for instance.  VERY ho hum.  Makes me wonder just how much time Gordon & Sam had to crank out that script--not much, I gather.

I think I found the "piano scene."  I found a sequence that is a flashback to 1810 (and Lara wears the dress from the photo on the cover of the DS Music book--darn, am I sorry I never purchased that book!), with Parker, Selby, and Diana Millay.  Truly fabulous.  Since all 3 are alive and well, I don't see why we couldn't have a "staging" of that scene with the three reading their dialogue to the recovered footage.

I'll have to continue reading and see whether it was made more clear in this revised script the complicated idea GH explained in her notes about Carlotta not just keep the ghost alive, but actually experiencing Ang's orgasms when she was with Q!  I quite liked that idea... sooo kinky!


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