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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '18 / Re: Julia's exasperation with Barnabas
« on: September 21, 2018, 03:03:29 PM »
LOL. That's a great scene.

Other good ones are Julia's reactions to Barnabas telling her they need to "save" Roxanne in 1970, and the infamous and delightful "When did you have this... TALK with Megan?" scene during late Leviathan.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / OT: Another cheap, insufferable pig
« on: September 19, 2018, 04:49:53 PM »
I don't watch American Horror Show, but a friend does. She mentioned a character named Michael Langdon and I looked him up. Warning: this link is spoiler heavy--I personally don't care, but others might.

The actor is very attractive in a rather fey, sinister way. Again, all this makes me think that the guy who writes these shows must be a major DS fan.


Today in one of the internet's random acts of kindness, I saw a photo of Joanne Worley in the role of Sabrina the Teenage Witch's Aunt Beulah, I guess from the 1996 series. (Maybe it was Seventies, though--there was no date on a Sabrina Wiki entry about the character.) She was adorable. Just felt like mentioning that.


The "official" date now is 1922. RJ found 1921 somewhere. If 1922 is correct, GH would have been 96. The mind boggles.

I loved how Nancy Barrett talked about Grayson altering her birthdate on her driver's license and commented, "Only Grayson could get away with that."


The latest update about Denise's amazing recovery, from Jasmine Nickerson:

Denise said some pretty amazing words tonight. Words like, "impression" and "embarrassed" and "break." Of course we don't know the full context but she has been working so hard. And she still gets so flustered and frustrated with the apraxia, but her speech is improving. It's still not there but the words are becoming words and thoughts and sentences. Josh and I just listened and held her hand and tried to understand what she's trying to convey.

By the end of the conversation she just wanted to change the TV channel to "Snapped" on Lifetime, and the volume and when she finally got it out and I did it she said, "Thank you, Jazz, very much." And I cried. I was so proud of her and overwhelmed and she laughed and told me not to cry. Then she asked me to turn off her light and have me a big hug and said "I love you, bye bye" when I said goodnight.

This has been such a long, emotional road and her progress has been unspeakable. I'm literally in awe everytime she does something new or says something new.

Sorry, I know it just seems like normal stuff but Denise was one of my best friends and we would talk and joke and bicker and prattle on about whatever. And it's been so hard. I didn't think she would survive what happened. I didn't think she would ever be herself again or understand us or know us. And she did. She fought like hell. She's still fighting like hell. But I'm so proud of her fight and her unwillingness to accept that she might not be who she once was. She is a stubborn as the day is long and she won't give up. (end quote)

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: Lela Swift - Alien Lover (1975)
« on: September 16, 2018, 02:13:41 PM »
Lela wasn't involved with this one, which I personally find a fun, camp hoot. The script is so hilariously bad, and then there's that werewolf makeup.

I don't think the person who wrote the review linked here understood why some of us enjoy this type of thing. There are some clips on youtube--the entire show used to be there, and might be on Daily Motion. It circulates pretty routinely on grey market now.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / OT: Dreams of Darkness
« on: September 12, 2018, 12:29:26 PM »
According to the director (who is an online buddy of mine), this film which was completed 4 or 5 years ago is finally about to be released on DVD. He is a huge fan of NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS, and I think it shows in his work here.

He always asks me how John Karlen is doing, whenever I hear from him.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: Lela Swift - Alien Lover (1975)
« on: September 12, 2018, 03:52:04 AM »
Another of Lela's Wide World of Mystery video plays is on Youtube as well. THE CLONING OF CLIFFORD SWIMMER dates to 1974 and stars Peter Haskell. DS stars John Karlen (who completely steals the one scene he's on) and Keene Curtis also appear.

Best, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: Lela Swift - Alien Lover (1975)
« on: September 10, 2018, 02:50:48 PM »
Kate is by far the best thing about this particular relic. The script has moments but is awkwardly paced and at times the writing is strictly paint by numbers, though the author strategically suggests towards the end that this is intentional.

Susan Brown is actually pretty good in a limited role. Pernell Roberts is reliable in work that doesn't require anything beyond the obvious. Whoever played Richard (the terminally annoying son's friend) seemed almost too attractive for such a minor role.

As I wrote to another friend, this episode of the strangely obscure Wide World of Mystery series illustrates the limitations of the material. But thanks to Mullgrew's performance and the oddity of it all, I watched it in one sitting which is somewhat rare for me these days.

Those of you who remember the Wide World of Mystery shows might find this project interesting:


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Lela Swift - Alien Lover (1975)
« on: September 10, 2018, 04:31:39 AM »
Fans of Kate Mullgrew might be interested to see this offbeat story, originally broadcast in the ABC Wide World of Mystery in 1975. "Alien Lover" also stars Pernell Roberts and Susan Brown.

Directed by Lela Swift and shot on video. A fan who has been researching this series states that several of the stories that were shot were subsequently discarded from the ABC vaults in 1978. The source for this particular one seems to be a Sci Fi channel broadcast, presumably in the early to mid 1990s.


Interesting. But I would guess that despite what is said in the article, the song was written from seeing the movie HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS either in the theater or on television. Our show, as we all know, never ran in the UK until the 1990s, on a "satellite" version of Sci-Fi, if I recall correctly. (The article references the artist being taken to England as a five year old--his mother was a horror fan.)

I tried to listen to this song once years ago but was unable to get through it. I am obviously not the intended audience.


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: ShadowGram Update #407
« on: September 04, 2018, 04:22:10 PM »
Uncle Roger, are you referencing the infamous Sci Fi channel documentary about the fandom? I seem to recall it was actually screened at one of the Festival banquets. The reports I remember, which were kept vague, made the whole thing sound like a hoot and an extraordinary disaster. There was that one fan who slept in a coffin that they of course had to interview for it.

Now I'm thinking of the scene where Mrs Johnson tells a secretly smirking Nicholas Blair about the curse on the Collins family... (and I'm missing Clarice and Humbert all over again). My beloved Jacqueline Pearce passed away yesterday...


Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: ShadowGram Update #407
« on: September 04, 2018, 02:54:13 PM »
A documentary about DC... because we ALL KNOW that DC was what made DS great. LOL

I keep thinking of how long Barnabas would have lasted if Bert Convy had been cast, as was DC's intention. I doubt the storyline would have run the full 13 weeks.

I thought that a "50th anniversary" documentary had been shot, or was going to be shot--presumably whatever I read about that was really in reference to the DC show. He was a significant force in the industry--Trilogy of Terror and Winds of War will no doubt be given lots of airtime, along of course with DS fan fave Night Stalker.

cheers, G.

Denise's recovery is really coming along. Jasmine posted this video earlier today of Denise singing!

I hope that link works...


Current Talk '18 / Old House basement door
« on: September 03, 2018, 06:55:51 PM »
Fans, I was playing this video of the credits for Horror of Dracula (1958), one of my favorite films, today:

I somehow never noticed that it looks as if the cellar door in the Old House, the door to the stairs that lead down to where Barnabas's coffin is kept, seems to have been copied from the crypt door seen towards the end of this little sequence. Plus, the music is AWESOME.

cheers, G.

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