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Messages - Gothick

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That's supposed to be Angelique?  Who is the artist--the guy who used to do those awful Gold Key comic books?

They could have at least gotten the colors on her dress right.  I suppose they're following a specific color scheme for the whole series.

Feeling better every day that MPI isn't doing a Julia bobblehead,


Robservations / Re:Robservations 7/19/02 - #568/569 - Sexy Nibbles
« on: March 25, 2004, 03:23:46 PM »
Ooh baby!  I know most folks don't care for the heavy use of eyeliner on DS, but Julia and Tom look absolutely combustible here, and the makeup really helps.

It gives the actors the look of heroes in one of those tragic sex dramas of the early 1930s, before the RC church invoked the Hays code and the movie moguls made all the men put their shirts back on (but then Errol came in and the shirts started flying off again, hooray hooray).

Julia looks particularly sultry in her closeup paired with Nicholas, and I love Tom's eee-vil grin.  why do I suspect that Julia's neck wasn't the *only* thing he had on his mind to take a bite of???

Great closeups of Clarice and Joan, too.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:The Creamy Goodness of Tom Jennings
« on: March 25, 2004, 03:18:10 PM »
For a Grayson fan, Satan in High Heels is a *must*.  I think Pepe may be my all time favorite Grayson performance.  The script isn't Shakespeare but our gal gets some great one liners, and some marvelous world-weary expressions.  One of my favorites is when the eponymous heroine is commending Pepe (Grayson's character) upon her cooking and G says something about her housekeeper usually comes in and does the cooking but today's her day off.

Stacey:  "She's better than you?"
Pepe: *beat, lowers eyes, looks up, smiles provocatively* ... In the kitchen.

There used to be a site that had a clip from the movie available for free download. And our very own Claude North designed a gorgeous page with wonderful photos of Grayson in this.  I'll see if I can find the URL.


Boy, Our Lad Briscoe really threw his all into Tom's Last Stand!  Love those fanging snapshots!

Last night I was re-watching one of my favorite movies, Roman Polanski's The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967), and I had to wonder whether Don Briscoe ever saw it.  Ferdy Mayne uses a tongue-twixt-teeth technique a couple of times that is somewhat reminscent of Our Don's.  I don't think Don did "the tongue thing" until [spoiler]Tom's return visit on the series.[/spoiler]

Hi Gerard, gosh, I hope for your sake, Roger Davis *doesn't* crash your wedding.

If he does, you can bet on the "bizarre" and "terror" aspects being maxed out.  Especially if anyone is unfortunate enough to get between RD and Camera One!  lol!


Current Talk '04 I / Re:The Creamy Goodness of Tom Jennings
« on: March 23, 2004, 03:10:46 PM »
Interesting, Sandor, that you mention Mrs Robinson and The Graduate.  In a press interview Grayson did shortly before the 1965 Oscars, she mentioned that Mike Nichols had contacted her about a part in the Graduate.  I think she would have made a FABULOUS Mrs. Robinson.

Don't get me wrong--I think Bancroft did a fabou job in the role, but of course I would crawl over broken glass in a darkened alleyway through South Boston to see Grayson in that part!

Certified Member of Hall-o-holics Anonymous

Just logging on here and WHOA! got a gander at the new Montage--truly fabulous work, my darling Maestro Mysterioso!

There are so many brilliant moments captured here, and *so* *many* of them involve Dr. Julia Hoffman AND Tom Jennings!!!

I love how you captured the moment in Julia's colloquy with Roger where we see Nicky Blair eavesdropping in the background.  3 of my absolute favorite actors of ANY time or place together!

And the scene between Clarice and Humbert, which was captured in a memorable gumcard snap, is great to see here, too.

I always loved the brief scene where Liz "on the lam" is frightened by Tom in the cemetery. It's such a marvelously spooky moment, and underlines just how turned on that Jennings stud is by women of a certain age!

But you get a platinum star for the Tom/Julia superimpose. WOW.  It looks fabulous on a psychedelic scale!  *cue Tommy James and the Shondells:  Crimson and Clover, over and over over...*

all agog Gothick

Well, thanks for that eclaircissement.  I had no idea.

I don't really believe in "sin" but it does have such a delicious sound to it, doesn't it?  Especially when referring to "My Sin" perfume or the "strange sins" referred to in many a fin de siecle poem.

Had I the skill, I'd do a version of Never Let Me Down with footage from Barnabas and Julia scenes.  I think it would be a cool song to express their relationship.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:dan curtis appearance
« on: March 19, 2004, 06:13:45 PM »
How interesting.  I hope a transcript of Mr. Curtis' talk will be published.  This also sounds like an appropriate item to archive on videotape in the Museum of Television.  I found Lela Swift's interview there very illuminating.

Nice for us fans, too, that he now acknowledges the significant role of both Dark Shadows and the Night Stalker in his oeuvre.  I happen to be very fond of his telefilm Dracula with Jack Palance, as well.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Fan Article
« on: March 19, 2004, 04:52:54 PM »
Well, the phrase "this is Collinwood in a new zip code" is a choice one.

My new title for the WB series:  Collinwood 90210!

they may be undead... but that doesn't mean they don't have to moisturize!

Many thanks to Stuart for telling it like it is re Dan Curtis.  If I really cared about the new series, my #1 anxiety would be how much of a role DC is going to play in hands-on production.  Let's hope for the sake of everyone involved that his title of Exec Prod is an honorary one.  (Board mods, please delete this if what I've written is deemed potentially offensive.)

Thanks,  G.

I'd love to be able to donate blood.  Unfortunately, under the Red Cross archaic regulations, I would have to lie about my sexual preference to be allowed to perform this civic service.


Robservations / Re:Robservations 7/17/02 - #564/565 - JOOOLIA!
« on: March 15, 2004, 10:04:41 PM »
Thanks for these pictures of Julia!  What a Goddess!  Vicki looks like Miss Milquetoast in comparison.

And, of course, the snap of Tom preparing to vamp sizzles so hot, I had to put on oven mitts to type these words.

Thank you Maestro Mysterioso!


« on: March 15, 2004, 09:49:20 PM »
Well, Joan always described herself as being blonde in her early years.  I have no doubt that she had help from beauty products in the films in which she appeared as a blonde--this was the 1930s when artifice ruled.

In all seriousness, I think the only way folks are going to be able to enjoy the New WB Dark Shadows is to forget about every previous version of the series and just take it as a brand new product.  As far as I was concerned, even though she was dark and pretty, the only thing the Vicki of the 1991 redaction had in common with the 1966 character was the name.  (It was rather sweet that someone had the idea of having Victoria Winters in that series *born* in the year 1966--definitely a nod to the fans.)

I think it would be interesting to cast totally AGAINST the expected type for some of the roles. For instance, I always thought it would have added extra dimension to have had Angelique played by a dark skinned actress with a Caribbean flair to her.  That would have been very controversial in 1967, but it would add all sorts of plot stuff to play with in the new series, particularly if the series incorporates a more realistic view of US society in the 1790s (lol did I just write "realism" in connection with a WB show?  quick, MB, hand me the smelling salts, I must be poor in the head!)


My, Lysette Anthony certainly did have a lot of ... talent, didn't she?  The new Angelique is going to have quite the bustier to, erm, fill.

Does that disc contain "Never Let Me Down"?  I doubt you would know this, but that song was considered quite the anthem in gay discos, back in the day.  My friends were convinced the song's lyrics referred to the singer's best friend who doubled as his playmate between the sheets.  There were some lines in that song we never could quite decipher, but they sounded VERY naughty.


Happy Birthday, Darling!  May the Divine One favor you with a tap dancing rendition of the "Ballad of the Lily in Hell" in your honor!

I must have been tuning in to your birthday this past weekend--kept spotting photos and videos that made me think, "oh, John would enjoy that!"

So how many birthday spanks didja get this year, hmmm?


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