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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '04 I / Re: Rosemary's Baby and DS
« on: June 23, 2004, 02:40:18 PM »
Vlad, have you seen Polanski's 90s Johnny Depp movie, The Ninth Gate?  Though not as good as RB, it was really quite fascinating and had a couple of scenes that were just as creative and witty as the work he did in the Sixties.

I completely agree with you about the decline of the horror film.  It's really quite tiresome to page through the IMDB reviews of RB and ponder the barely literate scrawlings of folks weaned on Michael Myers crap who just... don't ... get it.

Another one that is worth seeing is Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow.  I think it would have been much, much better if he had shown some restraint and cut some of the over-the-top Grand Guignol FX-ridden sequences involving the Headless Horseman, but, as a contemporary type movie with classic horror stylings, it's worth a look.  The ending really doesn't make sense though, the first time you watch, because of the manic pacing and the speeded-up exposition.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 23, 2004, 02:33:47 PM »
Hi Heather,

well, this is highly extra-canonical, but one of my favorite tales is an unfinished novel Connie wrote a while back where Julia and Quentin were lovers.  When the novel starts, Barnabas (who is human) is starting to fall in love with Quentin, who's dealing with the flak from finally being released from the remnants of his curse.

It's a complicated story, and quite the maverick, but I thought she wrote Julia brilliantly--very true to GH's performance.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Rosemary's Baby and DS
« on: June 22, 2004, 10:57:42 PM »
Hey Patti, I was 10 too when I first saw RB.  believe it or not, this was my first viewing of the complete film since 1968.  I've seen bits of it on TV over the years, but never start to finish.

June 27, 1966 was, if memory serves, the date of the premiere of Dark Shadows.  I think it would have been sooo perfect if Patsy Kelly and Hope Summers had had lines about the new soap that's on starring Joan Bennett.  Ah well...


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:27:58 PM »
Welcome, Heather!  It's great to have another fan of the Divine One on board.

And Sandor, the TPTB obviously knew they had dynamite in the Grayson/Briscoe duet.  The two play off one another really well.  I sometimes wonder whether Sam might have been a little jealous of DB!  The interaction between the two is often very sweet to watch.

On one of today's soaps, instead of just appearing shirtless, Briscoe would be parading around in bikini briefs.  Now doesn't THAT warm the cockles of your heart???


Current Talk '04 I / Rosemary's Baby and DS
« on: June 22, 2004, 04:20:55 PM »
For several years now, I've been meaning to rent and watch Rosemary's Baby.  The only time I ever saw the movie from start to finish was at a drive-in in 1968 with my folks.  I am sure they did not realize that the movie was not suitable for a 9 and 10 year old.  They probably expected us to just drop off to sleep but as a young DS fan I was, of course, riveted. For years afterwards, I had nightmares about the dream sequence in the movie.  It made a powerful impression upon me.

I finally got around to renting it this past weekend. There were a couple of bits that made me think of DS, notably the use of anagrams.  The most surprising resonance, however, was the due date for Rosemary's baby.  It was June 28, and the year was 1966.  Ring any bells?  btw, the baby wound up being born one day early.

I'm really NOT making this up, folks!


Current Talk '04 I / Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: June 21, 2004, 06:41:47 PM »
For years, I've wondered just where the DS writers got the idea of using the I Ching hexagrams for astral/time travel on the show.  I've read a lot of books on occult theory and practice over the years, and have read much of the I Ching itself in Chinese. Although in the Great Preface it states that the I Ching hexagrams are, in a sense, the keys to unlocking cosmic processes in which our universe originates and through which it is shaped, hence their ability to give clues to affairs of human destiny, I have never read of any description in Chinese magical lore using the hexagrams in the way they were employed on DS.

Last night I was looking at a collection of Golden Dawn materials collected and edited by English occultist Francis King in 1971.  There's quite a bit in there on astral travel.  Anyhow, in a preface King composed to one section, he quotes from some notes W. S. Seabrook published about a Working in the 1920s using the I Ching hexagrams in just the way they were used on DS.  The text implies that Seabrook got the technique from Aleister Crowley, who paved the way for the current Neo-Pagan practice of mixing and matching practically any technique from any culture into a general matrix of magical methodology. 

What's even more significant in terms of DS is that the woman in Seabrook's account threw the 49th Hexagram, KO, the Hexagram of Change or Transformation.  In the course of the Working, the woman went into a trance and had a shapeshifting experience in which she shifted into a wolf (there was no physical transformation, but she behaved and even howled like a wolf).  Before she was brought out of her trance, the woman attacked and injured a British consul officer who was present to observe the Working.

I can supply more detailed references, if anyone cares.  It was a big surprise to me to discover that there was a factual basis for all of this.  I always regarded it as one of DS' wildest ideas!  After reflecting, I'm not surprised to learn that the ultimate origin for this way-out notion is the Great Beast himself, Ali Crowley!  (Grayson staggers and moans, "YOU BEAST!")


Current Talk '04 I / Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 18, 2004, 10:39:16 PM »
Is it just me, or does anybody else think this is one of the *finest* pieces of, um, dialogue in DS history!

I know Tom Jennings was one FINE man, and he surely was more than just a PIECE.

I wish there had been a reunion with Julia.  He probably grumbled to Nick, "forget that little governess, I want a REAL WOMAN!!!"

I do love the scene where Julia encounters Chris at the hospital and freaks.  I love Chris' expression as he attempts to soothe her, too.

Unrepentant, unreconstructed lover of the REAL Dark Shadows,


Current Talk '04 I / Re: DS - Could It Have Continued To Today?
« on: June 18, 2004, 08:32:08 PM »
A lot of the scenes, especially in 1966, only make emotional sense if Liz is really Vicki's Mother.  For one thing, from the beginning, Vicki gets away with stuff that NOBODY else at Collinwood, not even David, can manage to do.

I also think that Liz's traumatised emotional reaction to Vicki's ultimate fate can only be explained if the reality is that Vicki was her firstborn.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Art Wallace's "The House"
« on: June 18, 2004, 02:18:25 PM »
There's a summary of the storyline for "The House" in one of those PomPress books--I think the revised version of the DS Almanac?  From what I can recall, Caroline is a reclusive widow who makes ends meet by teaching piano to village pupils.  Her unruly daughter is Elizabeth.  I think the story revolved around plans for a party in the titular "House."  (OTOH, my memory could be fabricating that last bit.)  From the scraps I can recall, the story bore no resemblance to anything by Hawthorne--certainly not House of the 7 Gables.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1795:a query
« on: June 17, 2004, 08:14:31 PM »
But... what about Abigail's scene (Clarice in the REAL DS) where she rails to Victoria for about 10 minutes about her scandalous, unspeakable clothes???  Did you miss that episode?

I have to admit I loved Julianna McCarthy's version of this in the 1990 remake.  I still laugh when I think of she said those words "cold... pressed"!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: IE Bug Invites Phishing Attacks
« on: June 17, 2004, 02:38:22 PM »
MB, this is really OT, but can you give me a clue about this word "meme"?

It's mainly used on the Live Journal site to refer to these little daily quizzes and games, but a woman I know used it to refer to a seasonal party she's hosting, and THAT threw me for a loop.

I don't know that the word is searchable via google, but I might just give it a shot.  It's really getting on my nerves.

Is there a standard pronunciation?  The only time I have heard it spoken, it was pronounced like the French word "meme" (i. e., "mem"), but that was from a Canadian...


Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1795:a query
« on: June 16, 2004, 09:43:47 PM »
Folks, just to clarify:  I'm not saying 1795 is bad.  I think overall it's a great story, even though it contradicted practically everything we had told about the past of the Collins Family up till that time--certainly everything about Barnabas and Josette (just go back 3 weeks before the start of 1795 to a long scene between Barnabas and Julia where he admits to her that Josette in life *never* reciprocated his love).

I just think that it's overrated.  Time and again, fans run polls on the best storyline, and 1795 always winds up winning.

Of the historical storylines, I personally prefer 1897.  Jeeeeepseeeee!  I don' kno NAHSSINGK!

And then there's Count Petofi, who may have been the most literate character in all American television history.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1795:a query
« on: June 16, 2004, 02:23:03 PM »
Suki Forbes was a HOOT!  If memory serves she was from Baltimore, an old stomping-ground of yours truly--she definitely had that sassy, slightly sleazy Balto edge--can't you just see her performing on "the Block" (for old-timers) in the profession she was in when Nathan first met her?

And you didn't ask, but my personal opinion (ever the maverick!) is that 1795 is the most over-rated of all the DS storylines.  I think it starts out beautifully and builds up until the curse but then slumps dreadfully after the death of a certain pivotal character.  I find the Vicki's trial sequences and Vicki/Peter romance to be among the most snooze-worthy moments in DS history.

That said, the storyline does boast some of DS' finest moments, but in my opinion that could be said of all the other storylines as well.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: IE Bug Invites Phishing Attacks
« on: June 15, 2004, 10:13:44 PM »
"Phishing"??? How on earth do the technogeeks come up with this stuff?  And how do they get everyone to start using it?

I mean, the band just announced they were breaking up.

If there's such a thing as "Mariah Careying" on the computer, I really don't want to find out about it.


That's one of my favorite photos of Herself back in her salad days.

Beautiful work!


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