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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '04 II / Re: If Alexandra hadn't left the series
« on: July 14, 2004, 03:02:29 PM »
As has been posted many times, in RL Alexandra was sick and tired of "I don't understand" (to the point where she complained about Vicki's cluelessness in a 1968 Saturday Evening Post article about the series).  She wanted to play a new character and was hoping to play a villainness.  Perhaps she would have been cast in a role somewhat along the lines of the original conception of the Lady Kitty Soames character from 1897.

The other thing that was going on was that DC was contemplating doing a Rosemary's Baby storyline and wanted to line Vicki up as DS' answer to Mia Farrow.  When Alex got pregnant for real, she simply exited the show.

I think she did a pilot or a TV movie about a year after DS, but the details elude me.  It seems a shame that she stopped acting.  If you watch the 1966 episodes, you'll see just how talented she is.


Oh yeah, you have to see END OF THE ROAD!  One of the major reasons Grayson lost interest in making feature films... the scene for which she did the movie wound up on the cutting room floor!

I love how she shows up being excavated from the sand with a party-gal "HI THERE!"  and how you can see the freckles on her back.  (Yes, she had freckles on her face too--she covered them with makeup most of the time.)

As for her shocking boudoir scene with Keach, I think the dialogue is a scream, especially when Grayson says "Veddy Noel Coward" and Keach ripostes "Private Lives... or Brief Encounters" as his hand wanders towards a certain titian-haired actress', um, WOMANHOOD.  (I once wrote a review of this where I speculated that Grayson's thoughts during this scene ran along the lines of "Get me back to Collinwood, PRONTO!  Tom Jennings was NEVER like this!")

Of course I had to buy it on eBay, and if it ever comes up for sale on DVD I'll have to get that as well.  There's a closeup of her at the start of the boudoir scene, removing her sunglasses provocatively, that dazzles me...

This movie, which wound up being rated X, was filmed in and around Great Barrington, Mass.


Thanks for this excellent news, Darren!  I am also supposed to be at the Festival, although I will have to leave right after lunch on Sunday.  I'm glad your NoDS presentation is being scheduled on Saturday!


Bizarre.   I wonder whether Clooney will end up using the footage for that HBO show?


Golly, Jennifer, I was away for an extended trip to Canada and had no idea you were in the hospital.

Hope you're mending, and people are helping out!

hugs, Steve (your buddy in Central Square)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: 16 Magazine Scans
« on: July 07, 2004, 10:24:18 PM »
I got a poignant lump in the throat at the mention of sending letters to Don Briscoe; this issue must have gone to press just before his departure from the show.  I think the June issue came out in early May, and presumably the layout was done sometime in April.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Art Wallace's "The House"
« on: July 07, 2004, 08:29:15 PM »
Well, I remember that a collector had promised to bring his video copy of this program to the Festival for audience viewing at one of the Festivals, and the person failed to show up, which is why it was canceled.

The same thing has happened, I believe, with the video of the 1966 version of the Arthur Miller play about Salem witchcraft, The Crucible. It includes Thayer David and Clarice Blackburn in supporting roles.

Another good one I hope to see surface one of these days is Back to Back, an hour long drama shot on film in color for the 1965 season of the Bob Hope Chrysler Hour.  Grayson had a very juicy supporting role (playing opposite Shelley Winters and Jack Hawkins in the leads), but it's never shown up anywhere.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 07, 2004, 03:25:55 PM »
Hi Heather,

there's a famous story Terrayne Crawford has told about Grayson and herself off on their own rehearsing a scene they had together (this happened quite a lot on the DS set while the actors were waiting for a special effect to be set up).  Grayson suggested that they try some of the "method acting" type technique in their scene, which was an emotional one (I'm guessing one of the Beth/Magda scenes).  At the end of the taping, Grayson turned to Terrayne beaming and announced, "look, I cried real tears!"  She used to say that if she needed to cry, all she had to do was think of a certain tie her Dad used to wear... so excruciating was it that the tears flowed on cue...

Grayson had several teachers and kept honing her craft for years.  The most influential of her teachers, I think, was Constance Collier.  Collier compared Grayson's personality as an actress to the celebrated Italian tragedienne Eleanor Duse, and gave Grayson a charcoal drawing of Duse as a tribute and a source of personal inspiration.  I believe that Collier did not emphasize the Stanislavsky bit to the degree that other teachers (such as Strauss) did... There was more of an emphasis upon technique and problem-solving, I think.

Best wishes,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: DS Forums' FIRST God!
« on: June 29, 2004, 11:08:11 PM »
I approach the Altar of the Mysterious One,
censer fuming the perfumes of Araby in one hand,
lilies and fruits raised aloft in the other.

Oh, have pity upon us who are unworthy, most Mysterious One!  Grant us of Thy bounty of Grayson and hot Briscoe screengrabs!

*retreats backwards, screening gaze from the Ineffable Scrutiny*

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: June 29, 2004, 02:04:43 PM »
Bingo!  MB, I'd say you just pegged the specific source for the DS writers' use of the I Ching.

Way to go!


Kind of late in the day to be posting this, but I just noticed that Night of the Iguana is today's IMDB "Film of the Day."

On the front page of the site,you'll find a short write-up about the movie. Gratifyingly for those of us who are fans, Grayson DOES get mentioned, and so does her statuette nomination!

cheers, Steve

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: June 28, 2004, 07:41:29 PM »
A footnote:   W. B. Seabrook is better known to readers on the occult as William Seabrook, author of The Magic Isle, an account of the Vodoun religion of Haiti, and the 1940 volume Witchcraft: its power in the world today.

Seabrook also published an autobiography, No hiding place, in 1942.  He was born in 1887.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: June 28, 2004, 07:30:47 PM »
Hi, Miss Winthrop, yes, I am familiar with the Judge Dee series.  The author, Robert van Gulik, was a Chinese scholar, and he used a Ming Dynasty novel that was based on folk legends about a Tang Dynasty judge as the springboard for his series.  There was an interesting attempt at a film version (meant to be a pilot for a TV series) with an all Chinese-American cast done in the 1970s and eventually shown on the ABC Movie of the Week, if memory serves.

For those interested in the topic, my source for the material about the I Ching as an aide to astral projection is this book:  Astral Projection, Ritual Magic and Alchemy, by S. MacGregor Mathers and others... edited... by Francis King, published in NYC by Samuel Weiser in 1972.  This was a reprint of a 1971 Neville Spearman (London) edition dated 1971.  Note that Samuel Weiser was a successful occult and "metaphysical" oriented bookshop in NYC back in the Sixties.  I visited the shop myself a few times in the 1970s.

King's material on the I Ching (which he spells Yi King,same as Ezra Pound--this is the spelling found in the old Victorian publications by Max Muller, which continued to be relied upon by Sixties occultists, much the way the outdated publications of Wallis Budge continue to by heavily leant upon by Egyptian cultists today) is derived from notes he found in an uncited work by W. B. Seabrook, described as "the Amerian journalist and traveller."  Seabrook comes across in the notes as something of a Quentin Collins figure.

Although the notes refer to the use of the I Ching in "astral travel," this could well have led to time travel as well.  In fact, time travel through the use of astral rituals (classically involving an elaborate visualization of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, building up Deities and related symbols at each Sphere or Sephira of the Tree) is extensively documented by the published magical records of two disciples of Dion Fortune, "Colonel" Seymour and Christine Hartley, published in volumes edited by contemporary English occultist Alan Richardson.

In the passage cited by Francis King, three experiences with I Ching astral projection are referenced.  The first resulted in a "staid Professor of Greek"'s transformation into a "wanton female Corybant" (that is, ancient Temple dancer and sexual Priestess).  In the second, the person projected back into a life as "a mediaeval Benedictine monk."  The detailed account presents the experience of "an ex-singer named Nastatia Filipovna, a White Russian refugee."  Miss Filipovna, a woman of strong clairvoyant abilities, was able to travel through the hexagram-inscribed door back into an existence as a wolf.

These experiments occurred in the early 1920s.  Francis King speculates that Seabrook learned how to use the I Ching this way from Aleister Crowley, but gives no support for this theory.  In the case of Nastatia, the tortoise-shell sticks fall in the pattern of Ko, the 49th hexagram, which was the hexagram used on DS.

My own theory is that Seabrook's material had been made available in an earlier publication, and that one of the DS writers (perhaps Violet Welles, who seems to have had a taste for occult research) stumbled upon this and suggested it in a story conference session.



Current Talk '04 I / Re: on cassandra collins
« on: June 28, 2004, 06:57:06 PM »
Cassandra is my favorite Lara Parker role, and in many ways her storyline (the middle of which was my intro to DS back in '68) is still my favorite period of the series.


Current Talk '04 I / Re: happy birthday!
« on: June 28, 2004, 05:24:54 PM »
Dark Shadows is 38--hooray!

*face suddenly FALLS as realizes just how OLD that makes him feel*

Great montage, MB!


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