I'm printing the story to read now. It sounds interesting. I never watched Beretta and never know Lara had a guest spot on the series.
I personally enjoyed Angelique's Descent, particularly the earlier chapters. As with Wicked, I think there are weaknesses in the denouement prescribed by the source material for this character--I find both Angelique and Elphaba shrill simulacra of the characters established earlier in their respective stories in those final chapters. I guess I am a more fastidious reader than is called for by the times in which we live, though (and being old and cranky, I suffer fools with less and less grace).
People point out glaring inconsistencies in how Angelique tells the events of 1795 in the novel; but, given what the series writers did to the original narrative in the later years of the show, I find myself more forgiving about her, um, 'interpretations" of the facts as we see them in her own book.
btw, the picture of Pan on the front page of this site is from the Cosmic Tribe Tarot deck--it's one of my favorite tarot decks, and you can see the other images at
http://www.stevee.com There is *a lot* of frontal nudity (male and female) on the cards--I guess I should warn people who have issues with the human body about that?
cheers, Gothick