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Messages - Gothick

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Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Lara Parker Characterizations
« on: January 02, 2005, 12:09:34 AM »
I would have voted for Cassandra if I had seen this poll, but I missed it.

It's kind of sad that LP herself doesn't recall Cassandra, at all...  You'd think those wigs would have left permanent scars!

LP's performance as Catherine was so one-note, in my opinion.  I'd be interested to hear from someone who actually enjoyed her work in the role.  I would presume that seeing the fulfilled romantic storyline between characters played by LP and JF would have a lot to do with why fans voted positively for this work.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A Belated Greeting
« on: January 02, 2005, 12:04:33 AM »
Oh boy!  Grayson's face in that picture perfectly captures my typical 'tude around "the Holidaze."

Fabulous work, Darling!  You're so good at the Evil Work you do, Evil Woman!


Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: January 01, 2005, 11:58:01 PM »
Well, one of the most intense cliffhangers that I remember from the old days was in PT 1970 when we saw Barnabas and Maggie leaving a deserted Collinwood and locking the doors, as the camera panned down to a hungry, exhausted Julia, left "to rot" by the former Mrs. Quentin Collins.  That was one of the infamous Friday afternoon cliffhangers; I remember that was one long weekend.

Another great one is when Maggie has grabbed a spike and is about to drive it through Barnabas' heart when suddenly he sits up in his coffin and bares his fangs.  That's just such a great moment.  I think that may have been another Friday cliffhanger.

I'm sure there are many, many more we could discuss.  What a great topic!

My vote is B & J in the Romantic couple category.  In a reckless moment over a decade ago, I wrote that Barnabas' redemption through Julia's love is THE THEME of Dark Shadows.

New Year's goodies to all,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A Belated Greeting
« on: December 31, 2004, 12:43:53 AM »
Oh boy!  In that second picture, Tom Jennings looks ready for just what I have in mind for winding up the Old Year... and, uh, something else, too, in the wind-up department...

leering evilly,


Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 30, 2004, 11:39:48 PM »
DS to DA,

so sorry you are still dealing with TROLLS out there in Webland!  You should just tell them ALL where to stuff it!

You do wonderful work, and are a young man of such talent, integrity, and promise!  Don't let those who lack a life get you down!

your fan,


Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 28, 2004, 05:40:38 PM »
DS to DA,

this is all very exciting!  and I just love the Xmas video you did--lovely and heartwarming.  (I didn't see a separate topic for it here.)

Thank you for the RESPECT you are giving to the Leviathans storyline.  However, regardless of what people think of it, it covered roughly 4 months of the show, so one couldn't very well omit it altogether!  (It ties with Cassandra's storyline for my personal favorite DS story.)

Just as a sidenote, I don't think any one storyline was uniformly brilliant or dreadful.  Robert Rodan and Marie Wallace both had some wonderful moments in the Adam and Eve stories.  As for Cyrus and Sabrina, I blame bad writing plus the fact that there was really no chem between Pennock and Richards--the latter seems to have done better with Briscoe.

You deserve a gold star for featuring romantic scenes with R Davis in your Xmas video in such a tender way that I did NOT find myself tossing my cookies!  Way to go!


For those who care,  there is an entire week's worth of episodes from Briscoe's stint on Days.  I was lucky enough to trade for them with a fan whose name truly escapes my memory--it was many years ago.

It's the only substantial role I have been able to find for him outside of Dark Shadows.  He projected such authenticity in this work.

btw, watching Days from 1966 highlights just how *good* DS was from the very beginning.  The Days scripts seem to have cycled around the same dozen or so cliches endlessly.  It's kind of the television equivalent of sedation.


Lovely to hear about this, but how could it possibly top ANNIE'S interview with Selby?

Talk about red hot!  And that sassy smile from the interviewer!  hoo boy!

That TV set was SCORCHIN' for days afterwards.

G. (tongue firmly in cheek)

Hey DS to DA, thanks for telling me about the music.  I saw R & J in the theatre and on the whole I enjoyed it, although I could have lived without Baz Luhrmann's self-indulgent MTV moments, especially in the gang sequences.  That was the last Leo di Caprio movie I ever saw--and I thought he was brilliant in it.  It's too bad about what happened to him.

Good luck dealing with that wretched troll (trolless?).  You have such phenomenal talent.  It also warms my heart that you so cherish DS!  I like to know that people who weren't around for the original craziness of the Sixties can appreciate the series' unique qualities.

warmly, Steve

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: One last greeting...
« on: November 29, 2004, 03:52:37 PM »
Darling! your sassy little riposte to the goings-on Chez Pepe is too rich!  I love your capture of the scene involving the price tag--looks as if our gal is up to something too deliciously EEEEE-vil!

The final shot of Julia looks as if the dear "straight-assed" Doctor is simply SHOCKED by such hurly-burly!  I can just hear Pepe purring, "Julia, honey, you need to sit down and have a nice, cool DRINK."

xo, Steve

Hi DS to DA,

wow, the new promo really rings my chimes... AND *I* get a thank you!  I'm not sure just what I did to earn being thanked, but you are certainly very welcome!

It's been forever since I last watched the 1995 storyline.  I love it because it has such a Twilight Zone feel to it, and it's completely focused on Barnabas and Julia, AND they included several of my other favorite actors on the show--Nancy Barrett, Clarice, Thayer, and Selby--in roles that allowed them to do stuff that was really different from their other work on the series.  All in all, it's a great two-and-a-half weeks that's a unique period in the show's history.  Love what you've created here in honor of it.  I don't know the music you used--I do enjoy the soft, romantic feel that it gives your montage.

It looks as if you had to disable the Feedback page due to troll activity--sorry to hear about that.

Again, congratulations on a stunning new promo!



Current Talk '04 II / Re: Do We Have the Power to Bring About A DS Revival?
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:53:40 PM »
Hi dear,

"Book of Shadows" was the title Gerald Gardner (founder of Wicca, which started out life as a lineaged Witchcraft Tradition and now is a popular teen role-playing game spreading amongst fans of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD releases) gave to his book of spells and ritual lore.  At one point, he had titled it "Ye Bok of ye Arte Magical" and then he spotted a title in a catalogue of books published in South Asia, "The Book of Shadows."  He decided it would be the perfect title for his own workbook.

It's an ironic title since so many of today's tele-Wiccans reject "the dark side" as something evil and ugly... sigh.

Steve (sure he's boring everyone to tears with this latest recital of arcana)  PS Dear hope you are feeling better!  When I get bored with DS I usually switch to another of my cults, such as "Dr. Who," "The Avengers," or "Blake's 7," or "UFO."

This show just got a rave review in the Boston Phoenix.  It may be available on their website:  Sounds as if it is Weiss' show all the way, too.

Midnite honey, I *really* wish you could invent an excuse to come to Boston right now...

hugs, G.

Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Employee Loyalty -- Episodes 5 & 6
« on: November 23, 2004, 11:41:22 PM »
Luciaphil, darling,

you remind me again that Happiness is a good pot of strong tea, a plate of chocolate biscuits, and the latest edition of Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts.

Grazie, Bella!


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:29:52 PM »
Jean-Claude, querido mio, what fabulous photos.  The first one looks as if Julia was *thrilled* to discover a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover in Liz's Library (thinking of what Heather wrote above).  "AND it's ILLUSTRATED!" Dave looks less than thrilled with ALL of it.


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