« on: January 19, 2005, 03:06:03 PM »
Just checking in with another stellar review for Forever Knight. It is one of the very, VERY few 1990s TV shows I like well enough to have in my tape collection (the other two were She-wolf of London and Poltergeist: the Legacy--I also have some episodes of Babylon 5 and I used to have its sequel, Crusade, but gave those tapes away to another fan). The first two years were MUCH better than year 3, however, although year 3 introduced a great character--Divia, daughter of Lacroix, played by amazing child actress Kathryn Long. (Unfortunately she was only in a couple of episodes.)
FK had some really great scripts (and some that were not so great, but that's television) and a wonderful supporting cast of great Canadian actors (it was filmed in Toronto).
As for the DS DVDs, I don't have any of them. Set 1 of the DVD's I believe began with episode 210 or 211--the "Introduction of Barnabas" storyline. The DVDs had some bloopers edited out of them because MPI outsourced the prep work to a company that didn't understand that we LIKE having the bloopers on the shows (at least, this is the most plausible story I have heard). Although they keep swearing they are not going to edit future discs, I keep hearing reports of some bit of footage being sliced out.
As somebody else said, I doubt whether the company will release the first 200-odd episodes until after they've gotten to the end of the series.
It's very inspiring to me how long MPI has kept DS in print. That hard commercial fact alone shows how exceptional our show is!