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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMYS: Voting Begins
« on: February 02, 2005, 04:30:48 PM »
Just tried now and got the message that I am only allowed one vote and I am not allowed to see the results.

So that's OK!

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMYS: Voting Begins
« on: February 02, 2005, 04:27:22 PM »
OK.  I'll try voting again today and see what happens.

Thanks Ian!

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMYS: Voting Begins
« on: February 02, 2005, 03:44:52 PM »
I voted yesterday and each time received the message that I was not allowed to see the results of the poll.

It seems as if one can vote as many times as one wishes to do so.  Did you intend that?  Because some TROLL might sit there for hours on end mindlessly clicking on Goddess knows what if it thinks it will irritate people by doing so.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMYS: Voting Begins
« on: February 01, 2005, 09:58:54 PM »
I really have to wonder whether the Dark Shadows Addict and I were separated at birth, given his choice of videoclips.  He chose two of my top favorite scenes between Grayson Hall and Lara Parker for their respective nomination clips, AND he chose a Count Petofi sequence for Thayer's clip!

My hat's off yet again to the genius of the Dark Shadows Addict!  (and I'm happy to say those clips played just fine today)


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Joel Crothers!
« on: February 01, 2005, 03:40:56 PM »
That's a lovely collage, Jackie, and the original one you did with Joe is great, too.

I recently decided that some of the best acting in the whole of DS was in the 1966 early courtship between Joe and Maggie scenes--and I'm not particularly a fan of KLS.  I think the rapport between the actress and Crothers made her relaxed enough to give from a more authentic place in those scenes.  Just my opinion.

Best wishes,


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: I'm New
« on: January 31, 2005, 05:34:05 PM »
This is WONDERFUL!  And boy, did I need THAT.

I wish there was a blooper of this where Jules slugged Cass and knocked her wig off and it went flying and landed on somebody else's bald pate!

I asked Lara Parker back at an early 90s Festival whether that was a real slap (it looks real to me) but she couldn't remember.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: I'm New
« on: January 31, 2005, 03:58:41 PM »
I haven't a clue what Final Fantasy X is, but I think I'm just as well being out of the loop.  Anyhow, the pictures are really pretty.

Jackie,your work rocks the house!  Excuse the jejune comment but my brain just fell through a black hole 5 minutes ago.

just out of curiosity, did you ever do any collages of Grayson's characters?

Best wishes,


Current Talk '05 I / Count Yorga and DS
« on: January 31, 2005, 03:17:27 PM »
Yesterday, I needed a break badly, so I exhumed a video of the 1970 film Count Yorga, Vampire (I'd taped it off AMC a couple years back and never gotten around to watching it).  I'd hoped that the story would make more sense this time than on my original viewing of a heavily edited print on the "CBS Late Movies" back in the early 70s.

I noticed some definite nods to DS (some might choose to term them "ripoffs" of our show).  The seance sequence at the beginning is VERY DS.  Count Yorga's home attire of long burgundy silk dressing gown is very Barnabas Collins (though the kimono-styled thing he changes to towards the end of the film is decidedly NOT).  And a scene where the suspicious Doctor (very reminiscent of the Dave Woodward character in the '67 storyline) and two of his friends attempt to keep the Count up and chatting till dawn strongly reminded me of a similar scene involving Barnabas, Burke, and Joe (or was it the sheriff?).

Apart from DS, the movie also stole from The Fearless Vampire Killers (particularly with the ending).  I don't think Count Yorga is a very well-made film, but it's still fun to watch, especially for the cheesy LA '70 sets and costumes, and some of the weird dialogue (occasionally it seems as if they were making a spoof rather than a serious picture).

I've always thought Robert Quarry deserved better than he got.  I enjoyed his performances in this and in "Dr. Phibes Rises Again."

btw, I have no idea what was up with the fangs in this movie.  Especially on the vampire brides, they look more like the results of advanced malocclusion.  Ah well.


Hi Dom,

yes, Grayson speaks French throughout the movie. She already knew French but I'm sure she had a coach for her dialogue.  She did talk about the experience of working on the movie a couple of times--from what I can determine, the most taxing part of it was being surrounded by a cast and crew all talking a foreign language nonstop ("It was HELL, honey!" she once exclaimed, and I think she was only half joking).  I believe this was the period of Grayson's notorious tenancy of Gore Vidal's "unheated flat" in Paris, when she described herself "hopping like a frog across the lily-pads" of cushions strewn over the floor to avoid bare feet on cold boards first thing in the morning.  Gore Vidal was a friend of Tennessee Williams, and GH had made friends with Williams during the Iguana shoot in Mexico.

Also, Grayson's casting on DS apparently happened through Bob Costello.  There was no audition--her agent phoned and she went over that afternoon for the script run-through of her first episode.  Once she was on board, she managed to charm both DC *and* his wife--no mean feat!  That's our gal!

Poor JC--I have trampled upon your most tender, maidenly feelings!  Where are the Simple Joys of Maidenhood??? I'll have to pop something Briscoelicious and brawny in the post to you ASAP to soothe your understandably jangled nerves!

In conciliation, Steve

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: I'm New
« on: January 31, 2005, 02:29:37 AM »
Welcome, Ian!  I was 9 going on 10 when I first started watching DS, back when the show was brand new.  My babysitter told me about it, and since I always had a thing for witches and vampires (what can I say, I was an odd kid), I just had to tune in.

Your avatar is very cool.  What's the source of the images?


Thanks for posting about Joel C's birthday.  He was such a gifted actor, and it's very unfair that he died so young.


Well, that is all certainly very strange, Rod.

I guess the magazines have different stock responses to writers.  When I approached Scarlet street a couple of months ago about running one of my Grayson Hall articles, the editor wrote back to me that they "do not run material of this type."  Since they've printed articles about actors much more obscure than GH in their pages, I figured that you have to have an "in" with staff before they'll even bother to look at what you've written.

I hope your article can see print--it sounds great.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '05 I / Re: SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 31, 2005, 01:51:46 AM »
Hi Dom,  the photos of Barnabas outside the Old House were taken at the Spratt Mansion (the original of the Old House) at a publicity shoot, which I think must have happened during the winter of 1967-68.  As I am sure you know, the house burnt to the ground in a 1969 fire.

One of the fans once posted about her excitement (and briefly, I think, terror) when she drove past the house and saw "Barnabas" in the flesh walking on the grounds that day.

As for fake snow in the studio, my guess is that given how tiny the studio was, it really would have involved too many technical difficulties, and cleanup would have been a nightmare.  I've wondered just how late into the wee hours the staff were up cleaning up the leaves whenever they had to stage the woods for the numerous scenes shot there.

xo Marsha

Hi Countess,

glad to hear you have such appreciation for the Divine One!  Yes, Her fans are LEGION!

Just FYI, that isn't a t-shirt she's wearing in that final sequence--it's a short-sleeved cheongsam styled dress.  The thing that you thought might be a monkey is actually an immense brooch that's pinned to the center of her bosom.

A commercial release of this film came out in Japan last year.  There are ridiculous complications around the distro rights for Polly Maggoo.  I read a review of the Japanese import in the French gay culture mag, Tetu, the last time I was up in Canada at my boyfriend's place.

I have been lucky enough to see it the movie in the theatre four times to date.  It's fun to see some of the details, such as the fact that in the first scene, those things she's clutching in her lap are a pair of sunglasses and a packet of Marlboros.

Also, it's worth noting that Delphine Seyrig, a French cult actress who appeared in such classic films as Last Year at Marienbad and Donkey-skin (Peau d'ane) a Jacques Demy Catherine Deneuve vehicle, had a small role in Polly Maggoo.  Of course most of us know Delphine best for her Goddessy performance in Daughters of Darkness, in which she appeared opposite gorgeous, talented John Karlen.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: fangoria article
« on: January 27, 2005, 09:50:22 PM »
Well, I give you due credit for having the patience to work out there, in the middle of all that.

Even attempting to watch Seinfeld is enough to reduce my language to words of the 4 lettered anglo-saxon variety.

We are very fortunate to have someone like yourself who understands the mystique of DS in the trenches, fighting the good fight!

Doffing my cap,


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