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Messages - Gothick

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Midnite, those images are just *gorgeous*!  Thanks so much for posting them!

I wonder whether Jeannie would turn Cassandra's wig into a dead possum if the two passed each other shopping at Ohrbach's and Jeannie caught Cass smirking at her?

It would be funny to see Cass put up one hand to slightly adjust the wig (as she was wont to do), touch a dead snout, and let out a piercing SHRIEK!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: DULL SHADOWS
« on: February 07, 2005, 01:20:25 AM »
Well, many thanks for posting that link.  I wrote that article years ago for what was supposed to have been a special Leviathans issue of Shadows of the Night print fanzine, and had not a clue that it had found its way to that website, since the editor stopped replying to my emails shortly after I submitted the article to him.

It's always nice to find out what has happened to one of "the kids" long after it left home...


That's the one!

She has some real howlers in this one, but the  line about the Chinese Water Torture takes the cake!  I honestly think only Grayson could have been that nutty to have actually said that!


Oh, Jean-Claude, my dear, lovely man, you ARE Wicked!!!


Thanks, Darren, for clarifying that.  I had the feelling that what you said was the case.

It's good to know that someone did check, so now we know as certainly as we know anything... She did say in an interview that she had done it.  I have another interview where she talks about how Disney loved to come and hang out with her on the set, and told her his life story in stages... Seems as if she could charm just about anyone.

Apparently he asked to see a scene from Iguana and they ran the beach scene.  Dear Walt did not have a clue what was going on, but loved the way GH *emoted.*

btw, note to Jean-Claude--Grayson does have some dialogue in the film--not much, but a little. She only has 3, maybe 4 scenes in it.


Oh yes, mine is VERY politically incorrect... Grayson babbles in "Ching Chong" fake chinoiserie, then exclaims, "Wait a minute, I don't even SPEAK Chinese!"

One thought that just occurred to me today is that the recording of her voice may have been slightly speeded up, resulting in a vocal timbre that just doesn't sound much like GH.

I'd really love to have a copy of Disney's file on this.  Do you have any idea to whom I would write about that?


Well, just to add another layer to the puzzle, Grayson herself stated in at least one interview ca. 1970 that she *had* done this record.

It's possible that they recorded her for it, but then decided to use the other actress.  Who knows.  I wonder whether they have the original master tape in their vaults?

I can just persuade myself that it's her, particularly when she does the Chinese water torture thing... It just DOESN'T sound like her voice most of the time, though.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Bette's Birthday!!! FRIDAY
« on: February 03, 2005, 07:57:31 PM »
Have a wonderful day, doing what you like best!

Blessings of health, prosperity, joy and hope for your New Year!


I want Old Acquaintance (Bette Davis vs. Miriam Hopkins), in ANY format.

As for Boom!, its brilliant elan and maverick kick-in-the-guts disregard for bourgeois conventions of narrative, characterization, and an audience's ability to withstand pages of Liz Taylor's shrillest invective, have placed it far beyond the pale of conventional standards of excellence.

But I digress...


This is all the funnier if you are aware of a mid Sixties interview in which Grayson mentions having been approached by the director to play in the Graduate.

She didn't mention which role, but I'm sure you know which one *I* see her in.

"Do you want me to SEDUCE you?"


Holy Cow! The Head Gargoyle got a bio, but not the brilliant drunk lady???

To quote Grayson herself:  "who can figure ANYTHING?"


Roger, I told you I wanted you in my ROOM three HOURS ago for my afternoon rinse and set.

Fortunately, Joe dropped by and I had HIM take care of it.

Toblerone is an extra high quality chocolate, traditionally made in long triangle-shaped sticks.  It gets high marks from some chocoholics.  I personally prefer Lindt or Ghirardelli's, but then I'm a fussy old luddite queen.

I can imagine Julia keeping a bar (or maybe 3 or 4) of Toblerone in a certain drawer of her desk at Wyndcliffe and indulging in same between gulps of espresso when things get too crazy at the old loony-hatch.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Q About the Recent 1897 Collage
« on: February 02, 2005, 05:47:44 PM »
Hi Ian, it's lovely Diana Davila, who played Julianka, a Rom (Gypsy) woman who comes to Collinsport on a very special mission.

Since you mentioned that you missed the Count Petofi storyline, you probably did not get to see her. She was only in a couple of episodes.


I've never seen that. Is that the one about the troupe of showgirls living in Mrs Gilmore's boarding house?  I only ask for reference purposes.

Are we worried about Dark Shadows addiction being associated with toblerone theft and chocoholism, a growing problem in today's America?


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