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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: 38 years ago, April 1967
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:05:07 PM »
Wow, Adrian, those are fab!  Did you ever do one for Cassandra?

Welcome to this Board.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Mannerisms on DS
« on: April 11, 2005, 02:06:52 PM »
Heather, those captures are PRICELESS!  I loaned some tapes to a friend years ago and I remember he came back and was pursing his lips into a round O and saying it was GH's standard reaction to EVERYTHING.  made me giggle.

I love the grumpy pout.  I could watch Grayson forever... sigh.

btw, we boys don't really appreciate our family jewels being referred to as "Little"... AHEM!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Mannerisms on DS
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:04:35 PM »
It's so cute how they always say "I MUST" or "You MUST."  A couple of fans and I talked about that during the Festival last year.  You hear that line on DS but I never hear that in what is rather hysterically called "real life."


Current Talk '05 I / Re: DS casting
« on: April 08, 2005, 06:11:05 PM »
Barbra Streisand as BarnaBABS Collins (with Barbara Walters playing the role in Parallel Time).

I know, I'm eee-vil...


Belated birthday blessings to one of my favorite people!

xoxo Steve

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Of Possible Interest
« on: April 08, 2005, 06:00:25 PM »
How interesting.  I'd heard about Third Man Out, which is adapted from a series of novels about gay Albany gumshoe Don Strachey which I have read.  Some of those were quite good.  Wonder whether any of these are going to be released on DVD?

"Dante's Cove" is new to me.  I was surprised to see Tracey Scoggins listed among the cast members.  If anybody finds an official site for the show, I hope it will be posted here. The IMDB page for it was a bit sketchy.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Post-DS careers
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:41:15 PM »
Grayson could have become a fixture in supporting roles in Seventies H'wood films, but by the time 1971 rolled around and DS was finished, she'd already had it with all the Hollywood bullshit.  I think the fate of Night of Dark Shadows was the last straw for her--a film she'd done a couple of years previous to that had had what she regarded as her best scenes left on the cutting-room linoleum.

I think the same thing goes for Frid.  He did not have the temperament to deal with the inflated egos and PNP (play-and-party) culture in H'wood.  I do think that his roles in Seizure and The Devil's Daughter show he could have done stellar work onscreen--regardless of what one thinks of the films themselves, his work in them is very good.

The actress I think should have done more in film is Nancy Barrett.  I think for personal reasons she chose to remain in NYC and do soaps.  Thayer David *did* have a very busy career in film and television in his few remaining years, and had he not died when he did, Nero Wolfe could well have been picked up as a regular series with TD in the starring role he so richly deserved.  I'm really sorry Clarice Blackburn chose to go more into writing in the Seventies as I think she was so wonderful--really one of the best, most subtle actresses on the series.

As for Karlen, I thought it was very revealing that he recently commented that he often had more to do, as an actor practicing his craft, on a given episode of DS than he did in all his years on Cagney and Lacey.   He was not very well treated on the West Coast and I've wondered whether his agent might have been partly to blame for that.  who knows.


Julia (sings): Come to meeeee, my melancholeeee bay-beeee....

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: HBMBHBMBHBMB
« on: April 05, 2005, 04:14:51 PM »
Even buried in his wonted obscurity, I just know the glory of a resplendent birthday shall sing out over the Land!


Polls Archive / Re: 1897 at a glance...
« on: April 04, 2005, 04:56:42 PM »
My favorite part is late 1897 because it is just so OUT THERE.  I LOVE Count Petofi--he's one of my all-time favorite characters.  It was also great when Julia came out because we had not seen her in many months at that point.  And I think that Judith's revenge may be my favorite side-plot in all of DS.  I thought it really showcased the talents of Joan Bennett and Jerry Lacy. Joan in particular wasn't often given very interesting material in the later period.

I loved Nancy's creation of Charity/Pansy ("Pansity").  Her scenes are such a trip.  I particularly love when she starts doing the bump-and-grind right in front of her own outraged father.

Angelique also had superior material during this period, and some of the supporting characters, such as King Johnny, Aristede, and Wanda Paisley (gods, I hope I've got her name right) were just such fun.

As drama, I actually thought early 1897 was the best period in the entire series, rivalled only by the original Laura Collins storyline.  There was great psychological depth to the creation of the conflicted family, and there were only a couple of embarrassing continuity glitches.

Late 1897 is still my favorite, though.  I realize it is difficult in the context of today's culture to realize this, but one may still love something with fierce devotion even if one does not regard it as "the best."


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Long time no see
« on: April 04, 2005, 02:13:04 PM »
Hey Arashi, great to see you back!  don't be a stranger--come up and see us more often!

A fan who is friends with Ed told me at the Festival last year that Ed's decided to take a break from doing the Halloween get-togethers at the Norwalk mansion (sorry the name of it went right out the remnants of my brain).  Perhaps somebody else will take up the gauntlet, especially since it sounds as if the Dark Shadows Festival committee is officially shutting down as of next year.

I imagine that MPI will release the 1966-67 episodes on disc once they have followed the current cycle down to the end.  You could call their customer service # and inquire about their plans--it would be interesting to know whether they have a plan about this.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '05 I / Re: DS Archive Museum
« on: March 31, 2005, 09:50:04 PM »

He had Brewster's import them specially.  A sales agent in the Men's Clothing Dept was always eager, very very eager, to attend to Mr. Jennings' needs...

Caption This! - Night of Dark Shadows / Re: Night of Dark Shadows
« on: March 31, 2005, 05:15:39 PM »
Johnny, contemplating another long day shooting one on one opposite Roger Davis tomorrow, decides there's no such as thing as TOO MANY g & t's.

Willie:  Julia, I don't care WHAT you and Barnabas say, it's MY Flying Nun doll, and I'll hang her wherever I please!

Caption This! - Night of Dark Shadows / Re: Night of Dark Shadows
« on: March 30, 2005, 03:44:40 PM »
Diana's voiceover:  Waterproof Lancome means *I* laugh when others cry... and cry and cry and CRY! *hahahaha*

Comment from Gothick:  does anybody recognize the gent in the top hat?  I think the woman to the far right is Clarice?

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