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Messages - Gothick

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Thanks for sharing this good news, Midnite.  I don't recall seeing that shot of Grayson on the balcony before.  The lighting really reminds me of the scene in the 1967 storyline where Julia surprises Barnabas in her boudoir and rolls out her famous "I've been waiting for you a long, LONG time" shtick.

Absolutely gorgeous shot of Chris and Thayer at the top, too--another one I don't recall having seen before.

What a great site!


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Grayson on Kojak, Pt. 2
« on: May 31, 2005, 04:27:17 PM »
These pictures are PRICELESS!

I just love the shots of her clutching that phone for dear life!  Poor dear, she's not the only one who needs something to hang onto in life.

The one of her cracking an impish grin and looking sideways is too cute!

"Really, I'm not an... ANSWERING SERVICE, you know!"  Love it!


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Grayson in Kojak, Pt. 3
« on: May 31, 2005, 04:22:51 PM »
Many thanks again for sharing these wonderful images, Midnite darling.

Grayson reminisced about her and Telly's improv work that created the "coffee cup scene" on Kojak during the "Grayson Gathering" of August 1982.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 29, 2005, 07:47:17 PM »
Darren, thanks for mentioning this.  I haven't seen any of Jackman's projects (the ones I have heard about have all been the kind of blockbuster things that put me to sleep) but I *have* been wanting to see him in something because I'm so intrigued by what the Divine One would call his "physical attributes."

I'll be sure to put Kate & Leopold on my list of movies to rent!



Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Grayson in Kojak, Pt. 3
« on: May 29, 2005, 07:44:05 PM »
OMG, there are two scenes in this showing that aren't on my tape of the episode!

*Steve bounces up and down in elderly scholar's version of happy dance*

I'm sure that GH herself considered those clothes frumpus maximus!  The curlers in the wig are a hoot!

Wow, Midnite, that scene of Grayson on the phone in the peignoir isn't on my tape of the episode! and you know what a fetish I have for any scene involving the Divine One and the Instrument...

that does indeed look like John Harkins in C & L...


Heather Dahling,

may your Birthday prove as utterly Divine as your fabulous Self!

Sweetie, give yourself a little luxury--you've earned it, Dahling!

kiss kiss


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Re: The ShadowGram Survey
« on: May 20, 2005, 10:55:49 PM »
Although my interest in a revival is minimal (I'll be polite and not term it "morbid curiosity"), I did respond to the survey.

The reports of a recent miniseries on one of the networks, something called "Revelations"(?) that sounded very campy and OTT, do suggest that there could be room for something along the lines of DS on one of the schedules.  Doing it as a 6 or 9 episode miniseries might soften the blow of the tremendous cost of producing it, particularly compared to the enormously popular "reality" shows they roll out for peanuts.

The other way it could be done is like Carnevale on HBO.  I haven't seen that either, but friends who watched gave it very high marks.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Illustrations, dahlings
« on: May 20, 2005, 08:33:41 PM »
Well, now they ARE showing up!

And they're gorgeous!  Thanks for sharing.

The one for End of the Road is so clever... love the bottle!

I think Briscoe would have made an excellent Jake!

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Illustrations, dahlings
« on: May 20, 2005, 06:56:05 PM »
Little boxes, red x's.



So... we know there will be a scene where a sweaty-palmed priest requests a choir-boy to come with him to the vestry... the door shuts into a tight camera close-up, the screen goes dark and the music goes goes ... bum bum BUMMMMM!!

please do not think I am making light of the situation this movie documents, btw.  THAT is the sort of thing I find horrifying.  particularly considering that the damage done to the victims often can never be fully healed, even with years of therapy.


Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: May 18, 2005, 10:52:28 PM »
21.) You..find yourself...leaving...strange pauses... between words... as if reading ... from... an invisible ... TelePrompTer!

22.) You find yourself staring off into space while music cues inaudible to others draw to a thoughtful conclusion.

I want a song for Julia.  It could sample Grayson's intoning "On your feet, or on your KNEES!" from her late Seventies commercial for Blue Oyster Cult--if the tape of that ever surfaces...

Another appropriate sample would be dialogue of the good Dr. reading Barn the riot act in one of those wacky '67 episodes.


What a great site!  I used to know a lady for whom Dark Shadows always meant Whip-n-Chill--she and her sister would make it up before the show was on, put the glasses in the fridge, and then enjoy it when the show was done.


That's cool to know that Thayer David appeared in two episodes of Kojak.  A friend was kind enough to remind me that he had seen one of these shows last year (unfortunately, I cannot recall the title), and here's his description of Thayer's appearance:

>>Thayer David's appearance on Kojak turned out to be a major letdown.  His character was shot to death in the first minute or so of the episode, giving him only scant screen time and maybe 3 or 4 lines.

He played a sleazy, drunken lout of a businessman.   His hair was the same shock-white color as in some of his other 70's roles.  He stumbled drunkenly through his brief scene, slurring his speech while carrying a cigar in one hand and a cocktail glass in the other.

He was in a small office browbeating his meek accountant (played by Eugene Roche) who was assisting Thayer's character in juggling the company books.  Thayer had embezzled a large sum from his own company and was ordering the accountant to help him cover it up.

Thayer was standing with his back to the window in the office, when a sniper in another building shot Thayer in the back, causing Thayer to drop lifeless to the floor in front of Roche's desk.  Roche called the cops and the remainder of the episode was the aftermath of the murder.   I FF'ed through the tape to see if there were any flashback sequences of Thayer, but there weren't.

I thought Thayer must have been desperate to accept such a tiny role.  I can see why they hired him though.  They needed a strong actor who would make a vivid impression very quickly."

I've seen guest appearances by Thayer David on several other 1960s and 70s series:  The Wild Wild West, Coilumbo, The Rockford Files, and Hawai'i 5--0.


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