« on: May 17, 2005, 07:21:23 PM »
That's cool to know that Thayer David appeared in two episodes of Kojak. A friend was kind enough to remind me that he had seen one of these shows last year (unfortunately, I cannot recall the title), and here's his description of Thayer's appearance:
>>Thayer David's appearance on Kojak turned out to be a major letdown. His character was shot to death in the first minute or so of the episode, giving him only scant screen time and maybe 3 or 4 lines.
He played a sleazy, drunken lout of a businessman. His hair was the same shock-white color as in some of his other 70's roles. He stumbled drunkenly through his brief scene, slurring his speech while carrying a cigar in one hand and a cocktail glass in the other.
He was in a small office browbeating his meek accountant (played by Eugene Roche) who was assisting Thayer's character in juggling the company books. Thayer had embezzled a large sum from his own company and was ordering the accountant to help him cover it up.
Thayer was standing with his back to the window in the office, when a sniper in another building shot Thayer in the back, causing Thayer to drop lifeless to the floor in front of Roche's desk. Roche called the cops and the remainder of the episode was the aftermath of the murder. I FF'ed through the tape to see if there were any flashback sequences of Thayer, but there weren't.
I thought Thayer must have been desperate to accept such a tiny role. I can see why they hired him though. They needed a strong actor who would make a vivid impression very quickly."
I've seen guest appearances by Thayer David on several other 1960s and 70s series: The Wild Wild West, Coilumbo, The Rockford Files, and Hawai'i 5--0.