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Messages - Gothick

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Hey there, stranger, great to see you posting again!  I hope you feel inspired to create some new videos.  My desire for this is purely altruistic--it has nothing to do with my addiction to your beautiful video work!

Best wishes


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / DS and Sixties Styles
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:16:48 PM »
I've frequently noticed in reading discussions of various Dark Shadows episodes here that fans born too late to have experienced the Sixties firsthand often seem to doubt whether anybody in their right mind would have furnished their homes or worn their clothes in the styles showcased on the series in episodes set in the present day.  Those of us who were around and aware between 1960 and 1970 have tried to explain the unique ... um, ALLURE, of trends back in the day, but our plain statements of fact are often greeted with braying disbelief and such exclamations as:  "You're pulling my leg!  NOBODY would have been so dumb as to have worn/purchased/displayed THAT!"

Well, Confucius always said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Take a look at this site:

It has it all, from beehive hair to sleeveless dresses, from clunky costume jewellry to women dolled up to resemble Lady Dracula for a night out with their pals; to rebellious, hippie teens and one cool cat who seems to have been going through a "Matt Helm" phase.  Many of the images are dated 1968.

I have to confess, the bathing suit series makes me grateful that Liz never had an indoor swimming pool installed at Collinwood (just think of what Mrs Johnson would have said at the mere suggestion of such a thing!).

Best wishes,


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: On the Town -- Episodes 85 & 86
« on: June 08, 2005, 03:30:51 PM »
I'm missing these from my tapes.  I always figured that Burke must be really trashed from the get-go because the idea of him and Sam buddying up in the Blue Whale just sounds so... not at all like their relationship to date in the story.

I'd never thought about taking those lyrics in a licentious way. You're a clever gell, Miss Luciaphil.

Talking of cleverness, I hear there's a new Maggie Smith/Judi Dench film out, the Lavendar Ladies, that has a real E. F. Benson quality to it--a friend commented that the two ladies seemed like variations on Miss Mapp and Lady Lucia.

keep writing those fab notes...

your fan,


Cool!  Maybe they'll run his other Kojak at some point.  He may have had a more substantial role in that one.


Heather, that second picture is too shocking!

I don't know which it is--Grayson gets called to replace Julie Newmar as Catwoman at the last minute, and meows in sensuous glee; or Grayson's screen test for the Hammer classic, Kiss of the Vampire!

Just when I think I've seen it ALL, Grayson and Heather chorus mischievously in my ear:  "Oh no you HAVEN'T, Darling!"

xo Steve

I am personally thrilled with how well it turned out.

It looks beautiful and reads great!  Big congrats to RJ!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: liz buried alive
« on: June 03, 2005, 06:40:36 PM »
Of course what I wrote does not explain [spoiler]how it came to be that Angelique put a similar spell on Vicki in 1796 (when Carolyn Groves was playing the character) and Angelique's death immediately released Vicki from her "sleep."  I suppose one could argue it was a different kind of spell, but I don't have the mental acrobatics at the moment to fudge on behalf of the scriptwriters.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '05 I / Re: liz buried alive
« on: June 03, 2005, 04:42:23 PM »
My explanation--involves spoilers, so if those make you squick, do not read (or, as a friend of mine once put it, "cover your eyes while you read"):

[spoiler]Cassandra's spell on Liz qualifies as a hex, or, as they prefer to call it on DS, a curse.  You may have noticed that when Ang was put to death in 1795, her curse on Barnabas remained firmly in place.  A hex/curse is a powerful energetic alignment aimed at a specific target (in Anglo-Saxon parlance, we find the term "elfshot").  Like a powerful poison administered to the bloodstream, it continues until its work is done, regardless of the subsequent actions of the person who set the hex/curse (word to the wise:   there's no such thing as "reversing" a hex/curse.  All that can be done is to work to raise healing or positive energy on behalf of the victim to counterract the negative impact of the hex.  Smart Witches don't set hexes that have no way out other than death. I am afraid as a Witch, Nicholas is correct in stating that his "dear sister" wasn't very smart--or very competent.  But, I digress.

In the story of DS, Cassandra's death curse on Liz persists until she does appear to "die." She's really in a catatonic trance.  Inexplicably, Julia, who is aware that something odd is going on, does not send Liz to a hospital to have tests done to determine whether she is really dead despite the lack of vital signs.  Did I mention that this part of the story requires suspension of disbelief?   However, Liz has been able to arrange for herself to be entombed in an above-ground mausoleum, equipped with an alarm bell.  You have to watch to find out what happens, but it does sort of explain why, once she is released from the tomb, Liz no longer suffers from the curse.

There's a very interesting scene where Julia, who doesn't know about Cassandra's curse, offers a psychological explanation for what's happening to Liz.  I see this is an attempt by whoever wrote that particular show to explain a train of events that otherwise don't make much sense to longtime viewers of the show.[/spoiler]

Hope this answers your question,  I apologize if it is more than you wanted or needed to know on this topic.


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Hide-n-Seek -- Episodes 83 & 84
« on: June 03, 2005, 03:24:12 PM »
Well, Miss Bennett did have a clause in her contract that guaranteed her a six week"vacation" (during which she often did theatre or other projects--when you think about it, she was a pretty hard-working dame).  The first "Liz freaks out and goes catatonic" storyline happened early in 1967.  It would have been nice if DC and his merry band of writers could have come up with another way of having her character disappear for a month and a half other than having her periodically crack up and exit feet first.

I guess my reaction to the Liz-fears-burial-alive storyline is colored to how I saw it as a child (I was ten that year).  I found it genuinely creepy.  I had cut my eye teeth on 1930s and 40s movies (what can I say, I was an unusual child) and I found Liz's speeches about her fears very plausible within the weird world of Collinwood.  I really love the show where Liz returns from having been "away," too--I realize it's totally unreal that she comes back flawlessly made up and with her hair immaculately styled, which would not have been the case with an individual who had been "away" that long, but again, within the strange setting of 1968 Collinwood, I can coax myself into a suspension of disbelief.

At moments like this, DS is truly the equivalent of comfort food...


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Julia's big boo-boo in HODS
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:14:52 PM »
I personally thought the whole on-screen strangling was gratuitous and over-the-top, but that could be said of the entire climactic 20 minutes or so of that movie.

btw, don't forget that the original plan in 1967 DS was to have Julia die at the hands of Barnabas.  The fact that she's headed "right for death" is alluded to in at least one episode voiceover (I think it's the one that shows Julia pondering Sarah's mob cap at the beginning?).


In an episode about 3 or 4 weeks after Vicki's return to 1968 from 1795, Barnabas tells Julia something like "the past is constantly being relived and re-enacting, even as we stand in this room..."  When I've watched that scene, I've thought of it as the writers giving a wink and a nod to viewers who bothered to pay attention to the continuity, and an acknowledgement that quite a lot of Barnabas' backstory had been drastically changed in the wake of the 1795 storyline.


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Hide-n-Seek -- Episodes 83 & 84
« on: June 02, 2005, 02:57:04 PM »
Luciaphil darling,

as always, reading you is a highlight of the day, the week, the month, the year...

I love your description of the "closed off wing" and its resemblance to a "fire sale."  You're right, of course; it is beyond strange that a woman with Liz's character would let the house go to pot like this.  I think it is meant to be "read" symbolically as a physical expression of the moral, financial, and familial decay of the Collins family.  Behind the impressive facade of Collinwood, there are rooms full of broken-down, useless furniture and the junked remains of cartloads of heirlooms.  Reminds me of one of my favorite lines in Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte (which I am informed is about to be released on DVD)--Mary Astor's character is given the line, "all I have left is ruined finery."

Just have to add that I think KLS was really quite marvelous in those scenes with Joe.  Crothers was his usual stellar self, of course.  Gave me rather a pang to read the phrase, "the doomed Joe Haskell"--made me think of how he ended up.

best, Steve

Believe it was diCenzo who had the gutsy broad line... and the story on Grayson being in that bar was from Costello.  The transcript was published in TWODS--I'll fax it to you.

Julia darling, you're thinking of the transcription of Bob Costello's talk at a DS festival back in the Eighties.

I don't believe Gross ever interviewed George di Cenzo, but I could be wrong...

... and those of us of a certain generation (sometimes called the Ancient Blood, haha) wonder whether this is any relation to the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award bestowed weekly on "Laugh-In."


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