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Messages - Gothick

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Bizarrely, I can't quote chapter and verse, but on the 1968 Ron Barry radio interview he asks everyone to say something about the character he/she plays on the show (Jonathan says something like "I sucked blood for a living until recently when Dr. Hoffman cured me--thank you, dear," and he's obviously turning to smile at Grayson--even though of course it was Dr Lang who cured him).

Anyhow, Grayson starts off and says something like "I play a Doctor.  She's a Doctor who does everything from hand you an aspirin to... brain surgery! and psychoanalysis too! Yeah, your average all around ... Doctor," punctuated by a volley of giggles.  I just love hearing her acknowledge the absurdity of what they had her doing. And there's another notorious interview in which she complains:  "Julia's *such* a straight-ass."  Hilarious!

Somebody years ago wrote this hysterically funny thing about Dr. Hoffman being jailed for medical malpractice and incompetence.  I think it was part of a Collins Chriistmas letter, or something.  It was so perfect.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Two More DS References
« on: July 13, 2005, 07:44:35 PM »
This reminds me of another passage in the original DS Almanac that still gives me a headache everytime I think about it:  they quote an interview with Grayson Hall about a time when she and Jon appeared together at some event and the crowd of screaming teenagers literally broke through the police barricades. GH is quoted as saying something like "Now, I'm an old warhorse, but that was enough to rattle even me."

In all my research for the biography, I never could find the interview where Grayson recalled that incident, nor have I ever seen a photograph or other reference to GH and JF appearing together at such an event.  I asked Jonathan about it once, and he recalled a time when he was being chased and had to run into a building to take shelter (sort of like the start of A Hard Day's Night, I guess).
It was not clear to me whether this was on the same occasion, however, or whether he was gallantly attempting to remember SOMETHING from the blur of all those public appearances to give a good answer to my query.

I figure that Malia might have done a listing of all JF's recorded public appearances, but unfortunately, I don't own her book (which I hear is excellent).

Sorry to natter on and on about this.  I periodically post here hoping somebody will have a clipping, or something, to provide further info on this.  I have sort of figured out that the interview must have been one that Melody Clark (one of the authors of the original DS Almanac) did with GH when she was running her fan club--as such, the material may never have seen the light of day, apart from this snippet.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The July 10th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 13, 2005, 07:37:33 PM »
Gosh,thanks for checking.  I didn't expect that.  After thinking about it, I realized it was probably the previous one--1054, I guess.

I just love those final weeks of PT 1970.  I find it much more satisfying than the denouement of the 1840 storyline.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: the matthew morgan storyline
« on: July 11, 2005, 03:56:05 PM »
I agree with everything you write here.  I thought this was an excellently played and written story.  I am still missing some of the episodes from this period.  The one I especially want to see is the one where [spoiler]Mrs Johnson learns that Matthew was responsible for Bill's death.  I'm sure Clarice Blackburn's performance was wonderful in this sequence.[/spoiler]

There were a couple of ingenue-kidnapping storylines in later DS.  Probably the most disturbing of the later ones was [spoiler]Maggie Collins' kidnapping by John Yeagar during PT1970.  The way that was portrayed bordered on shocking for 1970 TV, particularly the scene where Yeagar was fondling Maggie's things and licking her pearls, etc.  I had to wonder whether Pennock improvised some of that.  He was really disturbing in that role.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '05 II / The Locked Room
« on: July 11, 2005, 03:47:30 PM »
This past weekend, I watched episodes around the end of the Locked Room/Jason MacGuire storyline from 1967 (and I ordered some tapes from MPI to cover episodes I'm missing, thanks to MB's superb images from some of the episodes in question).  Anyhow, I spotted an amusing blooper in one of these:

[spoiler]When Jason goes down to check and make sure nothing of any obvious relevance to Liz's putative murder of Paul is visible in the Locked Room, he opens a box that is supposed to contain some of Paul's old clothes.  Unfortunately, props must have been in a rush that day, because one of the "old" shirts still contains the cardboard packing from Ohrbach's stockroom!

Apart from this, I really liked the scene between Liz and Roger while they were waiting together for Burke and Sheriff Pat to dig up the trunk.  I thought Liz's dialogue about how she regarded herself as the "conscience" of the family, and that provided all the more reason for her to conceal what had happened with Paul, and Roger's response that if she had shared it, he might have "made use of" the information, was a surprisingly frank scene between these two, who we were more used to seeing play cat-and-mouse with one another.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The July 10th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 10, 2005, 11:40:47 PM »
Is #1055 the one with that marvelous 365 degree pan around Roger while he's talking to Maggie?  I thought that was one of the more spectacular bits of camera legerdemain on DS.

Too bad that Liz's Forties gown with the "boa" cuffs didn't read better in the captures.  As fate would have it, I just watched this episode earlier this afternoon.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The July 8th Episodes (Spoiler!)
« on: July 08, 2005, 08:41:45 PM »
They make wonderful use of this image of Ghost-of-Sam in the Cheep Productions classic, Save our Cemeteries.

I'd never occurred that he was in that coat because they didn't have any of Sam's clothes around any longer.  Brilliant deduction, MB!

I loved Louis' turn as crazy, vicious, evil-queen Roger in the PT 1970 storyline.

Thanks again for these!


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Thayer David on Kojak
« on: July 07, 2005, 07:45:29 PM »
Stunning!  I love that white suit on him!
Thanks so much, Midnite!
xo Steve

Midnite, these caps are simply gorgeous.  How incredibly different Thayer could look/seem in his various roles!

He looks so healthy and handsome here, too.  I have to wonder whether the cardiac thing ran in his family.

Thanks so much!

xo Steve

Did anybody on the boards happen to tape this?

I'd love to see images, if so.  I just can't get enough of Thayer David and his amazing talent.  We lost him too soon *sniffle*.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: The June 30th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 06, 2005, 09:03:14 PM »
Agree in spades about Nancy Barrett's fantastic talent and range, but I have to share the THRILL I get with the first sight of Dr. Julia Hoffman!  I'll never forget the excitement when I got to see this episode for the very first time in an early syndication run for DS on Philadelphia's channel 48 in 1976. I'd missed all these the first time around since I didn't start watching till 1968.

I didn't realize that Grayson's first show fell so close to the series' first anniversary.  That's pretty groovy!

Going back to Nancy, her performance as Carolyn Loomis in PT '70 was so exquisitely layered and nuanced, I often think it's my favorite of all her roles on the series.  The same goes for Thayer David's seedy Tim Stokes.  Brilliant!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The July 6th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:54:53 PM »
These are fabulous.  I love the shot of Miss Hopewell.  I often wonder whether that actress and Grayson knew one another. That's certainly a very "Graysonesque" expression on her face!

How exciting to see Claude North in action!  I hope our very own Jean-Claude is able to see these.  I know how devoted to Claude he is.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Another bit of frivolity
« on: July 06, 2005, 07:25:10 PM »
I'm laughing hysterically here!  Love Chipmunkalique! and Pepe's incantation... who know that Jombi was in "the family"??

xo, G.

So Lara Parker is the same age as my Mom.  Interesting.

What's even stranger is that my Mom and Grayson were carrying babies at exactly the same time in 1957/58; Matt Hall was born about 3 weeks after I was.

Talk about DS synchronicities!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: The June 29th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: June 29, 2005, 08:49:40 PM »
What a delightful set!  I particularly enjoyed the appearance of the immortal Thayer David in one of my favorite roles of his, the seedy, sleazy Tim Stokes.

The contrast between the two shots of Nancy at beginning and end of the series strike a poignant note...

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