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Messages - Gothick

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Isn't this where a certain clever fan speculated Lela's voice coming over the v. o. and saying "OK, Joel, we're ready for the money shot now"??

Thanks again, O most wise, handsome and talented MB!


Current Talk '05 II / Episode #89
« on: October 27, 2005, 08:27:36 PM »
This (on today's front page slide show) is one of the shows I have never seen, and I had always wondered how the meeting with the big boys from the office had been staged.

I am about to die from suppressed giggles at that first image, though.  In my mind the same tune keeps playing, over and over again, and the words seem to gibber from the lips of a madman "You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, you put your left hand in and you shake it all about, Burke Devlin does the hokey-pokey and he turns himself around, THAT's what it's all about!"


Current Talk '05 II / Re: DS 1990 Without Woodard (Stokes) ? ? ?
« on: October 26, 2005, 02:03:42 PM »
Ha!  Well, if Maggie in the original series could become a governess with no sign of any previous training or the relevant skill-set (gods, I'm getting trendy), why couldn't she replace Professor Stokes at Rockport College as occultist-in-residence?

"Now, recite that passage from the Necronomicon again and get the translation RIGHT this time, Seymour, or I'm slinging this hash RIGHT in your coffee!"

The thought does make me smile.


Terry, I'm really sorry to hear about this.  How awful!  Particularly about the poor little fish.

As Denton Welch, one of my favorite authors, used to say--"Life is a raw deal." Indeed.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '05 II / Episode #348
« on: October 25, 2005, 09:58:16 PM »
Just doffing my cap once again to that most glamorous and generous of men, the Mysterious Benefactor--I'm about to DIE here over the fabulous captures in today's shows!

It's hard to choose, particularly given the DELICIOUS Louis Edmonds smirks on view in today's 1966 show, but I find it hard to beat the grand, goofy extravagance of Grayson Hall emoting Dr. Hoffman's HORROR at the ghastly results of her experiment!

It's another photo finish moment here on the DS boards!

Many thanks, MB, for making my day yet again.

G. posting from a very soggy New England outpost

Current Talk '05 II / Re: DS 1990 Without Woodard (Stokes) ? ? ?
« on: October 25, 2005, 09:42:48 PM »
I personally have no speculations, but there is a book that Pom Press published (maybe the title is Dark Shadows Resurrected?) that is supposed to include the notes prepared for season 2 of the show, had it continued.    You can get as good an idea as is available of where the show would have gone from reading those outlines and sketches.

Best wishes,


OK, I can't resist any longer...


smiling, G.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Nancy Barrett and her wacky dream sequences...
« on: October 25, 2005, 03:38:07 PM »
I think it's a tie between which was more bizarre--Liz's Leviathan dream, or Jamison/David's dream.  I think the latter was more disturbing because it involved the death of a child, and the subject was handled in the dream in a matter-of-fact way that was far more chilling than the usual melodramatics (which of course we love).

I once heard no less an authority than the MB himself state he could not make head or tail of the LeviaLiz dream!  Shows you just how "out there" the thing was!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1991 Series To Be Released On DVD
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:30:52 PM »
Is it illegal or impolitic to suggest the obvious solution--folks get the MPI videos and record their own DVDs, if they really need the series in that format?

I have a friend who has a DVD burner.  He made an incredible disc for me from my old SLP tape of "The Devil's Daughter" (co-starring Shelley Winters and Jonathan Frid).  Of course I don't have the training or technical knowledge of the people on this board, but I did notice that the DVD could be freeze-framed or zoomed in, which wasn't possible with the videotape.


Many thanks, Midnite, for the tip about Nimoy's Baggins serenade.  Another sign that truth is stranger (and sicker) than fiction.

And Mark, thanks for that breathtaking account of "the Shat's" brilliant thespianship in reciting the dramatic lyrics of Bernie Taupin.  Wow.

I missed SO MUCH by living abroad for most of the Eighties!


Smooches right back acha!  Happy Hallowe'en!

It was always The Addams Family for me all the way.

Yet another sign of your greatness, my dear.

A Connie fan 4ever,


Friends, I just have to share this link to an incredibly brilliant video presentation of the already legendary-in-its-awfulness Shatner Beatles cover:

There's masses of mid 20th century pop culture imagery swirling throughout this masterpiece, but the only tangential reference to DS I could spot (and it's extremely oblique) is the moment when we see the Flying Nun swoop down with Capt Kirk's head in the bonnet.  That reminded me of Castlebee's brilliant "Flying Barnabas" image.



Thanks, Bloggermeister, for posting that link.  I did spot a typo:  fans know that Lara started on DS in December of 1967, not 1966.

This is completely unrelated, but earlier in the thread I spotted a discussion of Plan 9 from Outer Space.  I have to say that I find Plan 9 far more entertaining than many more supposedly better movies.  It's well worth the price of admission if only for the scenes involving Lugosi, Vampira, and Tor Johnson.  The rest of the movie is off in a world of its own.  It's also one of those films like Rocky Horror Picture Show--you keep finding new realms of oddity upon subsequent viewings.

just my two drachmae...


I'm aghast that not only is Barnabas getting so little of the vote, but none of the vampires from Forever Knight are in the running!

I guess Forever Knight is even more obscure than I thought it was.

I really liked Spike and Drusilla as they originally appeared on Season 2 of BtVS.  I'll spare you my comments on the rest.


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