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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Angel Meets Barnabas' Cane
« on: November 16, 2005, 07:41:01 PM »
I barely even knew this show existed--I vaguely recall seeing an ad for it, somewhere or other.

Having seen the images, this looks like a for-sure nod to DS fans from somebody on that show.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: MISS-information...KLS
« on: November 15, 2005, 06:25:58 PM »
Patti, your new avatar is utterly outrageous!  You devil-gal, you!

just showing my admiration!


I got to see the final ten minutes or so of one episode.  The editing and photography were impressive.  I really have nothing else to say about it.

It sounds as if the series was sabotaged by the programmers from the get-go.  I'm amazed they waited six weeks--twice as long as I expected, given the current state of television.


For fans who remember the old days, there's a very cute video clip featuring Steve Allen and Paul Lynde available here:

It's near the top of the page and has a caption mentioning Pat Carroll and saying the clip is "guaranteed to make you laugh."

I gather stuff like this gets shown on that Game network.  Fabulous!

Best, G.

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 13, 2005, 09:18:02 PM »
Julia, of course.  Underneath that staid tweed exterior lurks a VOLCANO of female passion, seething to let the inner lava fly!

Just one fan's opinion,


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Grass is Always Bloodier
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:51:00 PM »
Oh my sweet Goddess, I just LOVE today's floaty!  I don't know, I usually don't have the time of day for that sort of thing, but there's something about that particular image that just ... jumps out at me, y'know?  I find myself really wanting to grab the goods everytime "it" floats by.  There's a warm toasty feeling to imagining my hand inside that buttoned seam gently laying fingers upon the deeply desired goal of Willie Loomis' dreams... somebody else's family jewels!

MB, you and the DS Boards are just FULL of surprises... and I salute you for it!

cheers, G.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: ...Sigh...if only...
« on: November 10, 2005, 03:16:01 PM »
I agree, Frank made a much more plausible boyfriend for Vicki than ANY of the other men with whom the writers involved her.

Criseyde, that's a great snapshot of Conrad F in recent days.  He's aged extremely well.



Three Girls Three! and what glamorous girls they are!

Edie Adams is a name to conjure with; I'm thrilled she's still with us.  I will never forget seeing her in a touring company of Mame, ca. 1970?  (may have been 1969)  She was dazzlingly charismatic in the role.

That's just horrid about the destruction of those kinescopes.  Yes, we DS fans don't realize much of the time just how incredibly fortunate we are that only ONE episode of our show is missing outright.

Thanks for sharing, Midnite!

xo Steve

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Dark Shadows-one of TV's Best Shockers
« on: October 31, 2005, 04:26:35 PM »
Hi Buzz, my understanding from the dialogue in the shows is that Barnabas "dallied" with Angelique WHILE he was courting Josette.  Behavior that was only slightly less tacky in the world of the upper-class Eighteenth Century landed gentry than it is today...

I attended a Halloween party on Saturday evening and at one point, the hosts (who had the TV on with one of the Donald Pleasance Halloween films rolling) played the infamous "Zuni Fetish Doll" segment of Trilogy of Terror, with the volume off.  Even so the TV became the focal point of the party for those twenty minutes.  People were screaming and carrying-on to beat the band.  It was a hoot!  I'd forgotten just how much eyeliner Karen Black wore in that segment.  And those eyelashes looked like loo-brush bristles!  Talk about a shocker!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Frederick Thorn?
« on: October 31, 2005, 04:22:18 PM »
Hi Andre,

if memory serves, Frederick Thorne turns out to be one of the aliases Quentin had adopted over his century of perpetual youthfulness to forestall what might be called the "Dorian Gray syndrome."  I think Thorn was Quentin's persona during the 1940s.  There's an episode if you keep watching where Julia finds something, maybe a driver's license, that Q had when he was Thorne.

I just love the early Leviathan storyline.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / A Dark Shadows Halloween!
« on: October 31, 2005, 03:54:45 PM »
Hey, isn't a Dark Shadows Halloween the very BEST kind?

I was delighted this a.m. walking past some display windows in Harvard Square to see the annual show of old 1950s and 60s monster-themed LPs that always show up in one of those windows (for fans in the area, I'm talking about the windows in the building that houses Harvard's Holyoke Center, with Cambridge Trust and Au Bon Pain on the street level).  This year I spotted such gems as Boris Karloff reciting Edgar Allan Poe, dramatizations of some Lovecraft tales, a hysterical "Mad Monster Bash" LP featuring Hans Conreid and beloved Alice Pearce (the *definitive* Gladys Kravitz for Ancient Blood fans), some jazz combo thing wittily titled "Songs our Mummy taught us" AND, right there in the mix, the Dark Shadows Soundtrack Album Featuring "Barnabas" and "Quentin"!

It was great to see DS remembered in such a vintage group, and to have it acknowledged for the classic it truly is!

Best Witches to ye all!


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: David Selby on DIY Halloween
« on: October 31, 2005, 03:47:25 PM »
Since I live in a cave, I have never even HEARD of the DIY network.  This looks really cute.

In the snapshot where David had his hand clutched on his chest towards his throat, I couldn't help thinking of Grayson.  Some of those "intense" expressions he adopted also made me think of his work as Quentin...

Thanks, Criseyde, for sharing with us these photos of this supremely YUMMMMYEEEEEE man!


Current Talk '05 II / Mrs Purdy
« on: October 28, 2005, 10:10:11 PM »
Can someone please help out an aging fan?  I'm totally blocking the name of the fabulous actress who guested as Mrs Purdy in today's 1840 episode (in the slideshow).  She played a couple of roles on DS--mostly day work--and had a marvelous little cameo as Mrs Pettibone in hoDS (the movie).

I'm very annoyed with myself for forgetting her name.  Wasn't she also Buffie Harrington's landlady in PT 1970?


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Nancy Barrett and her wacky dream sequences...
« on: October 28, 2005, 04:01:34 PM »
The Selby/Barrett duet 45 was included on a Dark Shadows CD released, if memory serves, on the Varese Sarabande label a couple of years ago.


Ah, to paraphrase the metaphysical Mister Malcolm Muggeridge, he is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, swaddled in software... and there are always MORE secrets to be revealed... !

Thanks, Magnus, for commenting on this post.  If you hadn't, I wouldn't have seen it, as I missed it the day MB originally posted it (there are days when I don't make it here, sadly).

Next we need some provocative shots of Nathan Forbes in those tight white trousers of his...


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