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Messages - Gothick

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MB darling, you're not well enough acquainted with me to be aware of the fact that during the years when Pt:L was on the air, and for SEVERAL years afterwards, I had a collage of pictures of Martin Cummins prominently displayed in my bedroom.  Very high school, I know; I make no apologies as Martin was and is a thoroughly Luscious gentleman, luscious in every sense of the word!  I still follow his career as best I can.  He's made quite a name for himself in the world of independent film, while keeping bread on the table with recurring minor roles on various WB series filmed in Vancouver.

As for Robbi, I may not have slavered over her the way I did over Martin, but I certainly have a very high admiration for her thespian prowess.  It's a shame she hasn't found more work since P:tL went dark, but I presume this is because she found much more interesting ways of occupying her considerable talents than in "the Industry."

I really hope that MGM does a better job with this show than they did with DS '91.  I'm not expecting any extras, of course--I know better than that where chintzy MGM is concerned!

I would appreciate it, MB, if you can post any links that happen to cross your desks related to this release in this thread, if the occasion arises.  I thought P:tL gave an interesting template for what a DS style series could look like with a reasonable budget and good casting in the 1990s.  I still think Helen Shaver would have been an excellent choice for Julia in the 2004 pilot.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Semi OT: Poltergiest: The Legacy
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:54:35 PM »
Dear Fans, back in the mid 90s, there was a series on called Poltergeist: the Legacy.  It was about a group of people investigating supernatural/paranormal occurrences around the world, and was set in a spooky mansion on Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay area.  There were a number of episodes that reminded me of DS, and the situation between the head of the group (played by wonderful Dutch character actor Derek de Lint) and the psychiatrist, Dr. Rachel Corrigan (portrayed by the equally fabulous Helen Shaver) had a certain resonance between a certain tormented member of the Undead and his own "Physician to the Vampire."

A friend alerted me that MGM are releasing the first season of this series on DVD.  Season one is slated for an early Feb release.  I have mixed feelings about this, given what a mess MGM made of the DS revival series release.  Am hoping that the reviews demonstrate better handling of this series, though I have to say that the mock-up of the box artwork does not inspire confidence...

I am posting this here for the benefit of other fans of both shows who may be interested.

Best, G.

OH yeah!  PD rocks the house, and in SO many ways!


PennyDreadful darling, I LUFF EET!  You get a platinum star for using the word "lugubrious," too!

Day-um, wish I could see the whole "terrifying" thing! (love the mention of "brandies in the Drawing Room," too!)

Doffing my cap and bowing low at the feet of a true Mistress of the Gothick Horror!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: nancy's neck
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:02:21 PM »
In one of the most shocking scenes in all DS, [spoiler]an enraged Barnabas bites Countess Nathalie du Pres to force her to submit to his scheme for Josette. This happened in the THIRD visit to 1795/96/97 after the end of the 1897 storyline.  Barn also attempted to bite Dr. Julia Hoffman in 1840, but circumstances helped keep the bite from actually happening.

As for Joan Bennett, she was the victim of Vampire Dirk (played by Roger Davis) in an equally shocking sequence in 1897.  Although publicity stills showed Liz discovering Barn in or by his coffin, the scene was never enacted in the series.[/spoiler]


MB, how about the scene in PT 1970 when [spoiler]the now totally insane Stokes is running around Collinwood splashing gasoline everywhere? I think there might be a struggle, too, between Stokes and Barn?[/spoiler]

Darren, anything I can do to help out in your NoDS project, I do very gladly!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: 15 years ago today
« on: December 08, 2005, 12:04:15 AM »
I love Joan Bennett.  She was one of life's originals.  Her brilliance and beauty are a constant gift.

Rest in peace, dear heart.


Hey Penny Dreadful, just now caught up with these pictures.  Now that's what I call SPOOK-tacular!  You guys did a fabulous job.  I love the cute werewolf makeup, (and Garou is a hysterical name!), and your Witch costume is to die for (literally! hahaha!) and what better location than Collinwood for such an adventure?

I think it's hysterical that you chose The Terror, too, since they filmed it in three days on leftover sets and it definitely has a Drunk (?) Shadows feel to it!  Nicholson's nasal, uninflected attempt at a performance could even be seen as an inspiration for the thespian (?) technique of Craig Slocum!

Best wishes for your project.  I don't have cable, so unfortunately I won't be able to tune in, but maybe I'll get to see a clip or more shots on your website.

All the best! Keep up the great work!


I guess the NoDS bridge fight music is different from the "zombies' bongo freakout" thing heard during the destruction of Collinwood sequence at the end of the Summer of 1970?


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Christmas festivals in Collinsport
« on: December 06, 2005, 07:42:35 PM »
spoken of course by Alistair Sim--the ONLY Scrooge, in my book...


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Christmas festivals in Collinsport
« on: December 06, 2005, 07:22:38 PM »
Ghost stories around a flickering fire while the rest of the house is in total darkness sounds like a very cosy Yule tradition. And if you're staying up till first light, as was the practice in days of yore, it gets people so on-edge that there's no WAY anybody's going to leave the comfort of the group round the fire to seek their own bed... all alone... in the dark!

I think a 21st century version of this could include turning on the TV and playing the episode from 1967 where Barnabas tells Vicki and Carolyn the story of Josette's death on Widow's Hill.  If you absolutely had to, you could put garland and lights around the set.


"Are there no WORKHOUSES?"

Current Talk '05 II / Re: DVDs Repackaged
« on: December 06, 2005, 02:59:37 PM »
Well, I splurged a few weeks back and bought ONE DVD set, #7 (it's the start of the Cassandra Collins storyline, to which I have a lot of sentimental attachment since my first DS was in the middle of that).

I noticed last weekend that the box won't close properly, and I've only had it a couple of weeks.  Is this what you mean by "broken boxes"?

I bought it through DDD; don't know whether MPI will send me one of the new ones.  I guess I will give it a shot.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: A item featuring a DS alum on Ebay
« on: December 05, 2005, 09:02:16 PM »
Well, what a lovely Xmas treat for those who get that channel!  Thanks for sharing the news, Midnite!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: A item featuring a DS alum on Ebay
« on: December 05, 2005, 03:30:02 PM »
Talking of Dana Elcar, I highly recommend the episode of The Rockford Files featuring him and Dennis Patrick together in roles definitely reminiscent of their work on DS.

I don't think it is in the new TRF DVD set, but perhaps it will be in a future release.  It's really a fun thing to see.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Episode 113
« on: December 05, 2005, 03:25:54 PM »
Wow, now that's service!  Thank you, darling!


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