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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '05 II / Episode 127
« on: December 21, 2005, 10:45:29 PM »
Many thanks to MB for posting the cool captures from Episode 127.  That's another one that I'm missing (I believe I failed to set my VCR properly that day when it was run on Sci Fi the last time, since I have the others from that sequence).  I'd always wondered just when Liz told her ghost story.  Fascinating to learn that they gave Liz an encounter with Josette's ghost as part of her backstory, too.


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: It Must Be Love -- Episodes 99 & 100
« on: December 21, 2005, 10:15:06 PM »
Luciaphil, darling,

What a delightful Yuletide treat!  I love your comments about these episodes.

Here's to 2006 being a VAST improvement upon the Year that Was!


Penny, I'm in awe of all the talent on display here!  And I'm thrilled that one of my top fave films, "Horror Hotel," is featured in the Salem Witch Trial segment (which looks like a hoot!)

Oh, and yeah, Garou is one sexy, hairy dude!  As for Dr. von Bulow, he majorly needs a chill pill!

Loved the segment from "Drunk Shadows" with that "special guest"!  Hee Hee!

Best,  G.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: How DS Fests effect your DS viewing -
« on: December 20, 2005, 04:31:52 PM »
MB, dearest darling, the Spanish Inquisition missed out on a MARVELOUS resource in the fact that you were born several centuries too late to help out at the elbow of Cardinal Fang and the Comfy Chair...

*mopping brow*


Oh frabjous day! calloo! callay!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: How DS Fests effect your DS viewing -
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:26:16 PM »
Connie dear, I find ALL the Holiday smilies simply hellish!  The can-can line you mention reminds me of those things in Yellow Submarine that stunned people by dropping apples on top of them.  I repeat:  Are there no workhouses??

I haven't noticed any inpact between my rather spotty Festival attendance and my viewing of the series.  At the Festivals, I tend to be more focused on my friends than on the actors, with a few rare exceptions such as John Karlen and David Selby, with whom I've had actual conversations.  I remember being thrilled talking to Diana Millay at an event about ten years ago.  Chatting with Nancy Barrett after one of her off-site cabaret performances was fun.

I like Jonathan Frid just fine as a person, and I still love watching him on Dark Shadows.  His non-verbal moments, in particular, can often induce a state of near trance!

This one makes me tired just looking at it:


Probably because I'm baggy-eyed after a busy evening last night of wrapping presents and occasionally watching snippets of the new Once upon a mattress (pure velveeta, but great songs, costumes, and the compulsively watchable Carol Burnett and Tracey Ullman).


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Happy Birthday, RobinV!
« on: December 16, 2005, 10:35:34 PM »
Hey, Robin, hope you had an extra special day of your very own!

hugs, Steve

Current Talk '05 II / Re: MUST!
« on: December 16, 2005, 05:50:03 PM »
She says, (or rather, screams) "I don't want a sedative, I want JEB!!!!"

Cheap insufferable pig he may have been, but he was clearly a wow in the sack.

The secret of the Naga lives on...


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Two More DS References
« on: December 16, 2005, 03:58:37 PM »
Thanks for sharing those, MB.  Those both strike me as very odd references.  I suppose the second one is written by someone under 30, who does not remember how widespread color television was by 1971--or, for that matter, 1969, when Manson and his gang committed those horrendous murders.  Were any shows still broadcast in black and white in 1969?  I don't think so.  I believe at that point, even all the soaps and morning shows were color.

I saw a CD once of recordings Manson had made in his jail cell.  I believe some of them were his own compositions, accompanying himself on the guitar.  It didn't mention whether or not he covered "Helter Skelter" on the recording.


Many thanks for posting this info; I'd heard nothing about either the dates or the venue.  The dates, while not ideal, are tenable for me, and I do plan to be there.

The Gingerbread Boy is flashing that he wants me to eat him--Oh Dear!


Have we gotten a formal announcement about the Festival from the Festival committee?  I suppose we must have done, otherwise you wouldn't have known for a fact it was going to be at the Bklyn Marriott.

What are the dates, please?  I would like to attend, if at all possible.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1968 TV Poll
« on: December 13, 2005, 11:04:32 PM »
Thanks for posting those clippings, MB.  I'm amazed that Dark Shadows was given any press at all in that publication, given the statements in a couple of published histories about various Christian activist groups' dislike of the series.  Looks as if the Church took a more lenient view than some others...

I have to say I almost broke out laughing at the retitling "Dragnet '68"; I suddenly had this image of Sergeant Joe Friday and his partner with poker faces in love beads, tie-dye and bell bottoms...

Reading this list makes me wonder how many of the top 20 shows of 2005 will be remembered 37 years from now?


I have this vague, nagging memory of a thread about the music CDs from some years ago in which a very knowledgeable fan either stated outright, or speculated, [spoiler]that the "bongo freakout" cue was originally recorded for the 1970 Destruction of Collinwood sequence.[/spoiler]

I believe the discussion concerned cues that still had yet to see release on CD, or any other format for that matter.

Golly, some of those holiday smilies are frightening!


Current Talk '05 II / Episode 382
« on: December 13, 2005, 05:13:32 PM »
Once again, I salute the MB for his skill at capturing special moments on DS!  I'm in love with the image of Grayson Hall, Clarice Blackburn, and Joan Bennett together from today's 1795 episode, #382. Just as fabulous is the great snapshot of a horrified Natalie and Abigail gloating over Vicki's "satanic" charm bracelet.  Priceless!

Thanks again, MB!


Well, I don't collect autographs, but I'll confess that I was thrilled the day I received an autographed headshot of Martin Cummins in the mail, along with a very handsome portfolio of P:tL publicity materials, including several other autographed 8 x 10s of various cast members.  I have kept it among some other cherished possessions such as original magazine articles about Grayson Hall, the zine with a portrait of Peter Cusihing I was able to have the most gentlemanly of all British horror icons sign when I met him at a convention in the mid 70s, and various other bits of olla podrida from days gone by.

Thanks for your sharing your own thoughts about Poltergeist: the Legacy, MB.

Best, G.

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