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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '06 I / Re: "Blood and Roses" and DS
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:45:46 PM »
Vlad, Amazon does have a page for Blood and Roses, I believe.  I don't know why there is no link to the IMDB page for the movie.  The link gives you the usual list of vendors who offer copies of the old VHS (released sometime around 1989-91, I believe).  I checked eBay the other day but nothing turned up apart from a handful of stills and lobby cards.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: "Blood and Roses" and DS
« on: January 18, 2006, 01:37:37 AM »
Darren, words fail me.  Thanks for your thoughts.  I knew you would appreciate the value of Roses, as you have of many other films I cherish.


Current Talk '06 I / "Blood and Roses" and DS
« on: January 17, 2006, 07:24:07 PM »
Fans, towards the end of a somewhat stressful weekend, I felt in need of a treat, and pulled out my ageing (getting on to 15 years old now) VHS of Roger Vadim's film "Blood and Roses" (originally titled in French, "Et mourir de plaisir"--To die of pleasure!).  I'd forgotten just how many of the elements we know and love in DS were present in this early 1960s feature film.  A family curse, a resemblance to a mysterious portrait, a costume ball, a mystical melody that heralds the appearance of the vampire, the withering of a rose as a sign of the vampire's touch, a symbol-laden prophetic dream (brilliantly filmed by cinematographer Claude Renoir), 18th century personalities impinging on a 20th century setting, and, most strikingly, [spoiler]the appearance of a bloodstained white dress in a mirror, a sequence restaged in the 1795 storyline in the scenes where Angelique was preparing for her wedding to Barnabas.[/spoiler]
Maddeningly, the movie appears to be unavailable in any format.  The Paramount VHS release is the US theatrical print which is missing something like 15 minutes of footage that was in the original European release.  For years, I've been hoping that a restored print would be made available.  I can only guess that the source materials for this simply do not exist.

Nevertheless, the movie is something to keep your eye out for, if you're in the mood for something "in the vein of" DS (Patti, I honest-to-Goddess did not mean to commit that tacky pun!).  I actually think scenes from this movie play more like the original television DS than either hoDS or NoDS did.


Polls Archive / Re: Places to live on Dark Shadows
« on: January 16, 2006, 01:00:05 AM »
Petofi, that's a fabulous picture of the Petofi Mill set!  Thanks for sharing it!

Best wishes,


Polls Archive / Re: How many times have you watched the entire run of DS?
« on: January 16, 2006, 12:20:27 AM »
Of course, there are quite a few shows that I've viewed many times--many the Cassandra and early Leviathan shows.  I'm quite fond of early 1897 as well, and I'm Mad About Petofi!


Polls Archive / Re: How many times have you watched the entire run of DS?
« on: January 16, 2006, 12:17:07 AM »
I doubt whether I'll ever get to watch the entire show from start to finish.  There are still a few episodes missing from my little collection.  I meant to order the tape that has the scene where Liz tells Vicki her ghost story (at the end of the Matthew Morgan storhyline) but forgot to make a note of the episode number so I could figure out which MPI tape it's on.

Maybe when I'm retired I'll have time for it...


I'm afraid the real answer to this question is sloppy writing.  The only character allowed to call Barn and Jules on their constant use of "I'll explain later" was Prof. Stokes.  His lines were so distinctive at times, I've often wondered whether Thayer rewrote some of his own dialogue.

I'm quite sure that after awhile, Stokes DID know about Barnabas.  After all, even before his venture into the world of The Dream, he already had a very sharp suspicion that it was Cassandra who was the Witch.  Witchcraft is a lot easier to hide than Vampirism, ergo I presume the Professor must have figured it all out.

I'm surprised to hear that MPI is out of stock on the Collectors Series tapes. I just ordered three of them two months ago and received them without any problem.

Best, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: OT-Support Your Local Vampyre
« on: January 13, 2006, 10:21:19 PM »
His name is Jonathan, and he drinks the blood of his wife... JULIE??

I have to say, the cape is divine!

Penny, maybe you can get him to be a guest on your show?  Better wear your garlic flowers, though!


Well, in the novel, Valmont was an active, predatory bisexual... I seem to recall a scene at an inn, though I may be confusing this with one of Smollett's novels--it's been a long time.

Maybe I should consider going to see this...


Belated Happy Birthday, Penny Dreadful!  Hope your day is a splendidly festive one!

Best, Steve

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Julia at the Blue Whale
« on: January 12, 2006, 08:38:01 PM »
Jean-Claude baby, what a rockin' dream!  I wonder whether the "toast points platter" comes with a tweed garnish.

Only scene I remember where Julia went to the Blue Whale was the one Bette mentioned.  There's a hilarious scene where Darryl Schaffer as Julia visits the BW in one of the Cheep Productions fan videos that have been shown at the Festivals.  The producers cleverly intercut Darryl-as-Julia with actual footage from a 1967 episode of DS set in the bar.


Polls Archive / Re: Places to live on Dark Shadows
« on: January 11, 2006, 07:42:26 PM »
Adam's hiding place for Carolyn was actually a root cellar.  I found the ruin of one of these while exploring an island in the Boston harbor last Spring with some friends.

There was a fishing shack that wound up going up in flames in 1967; it was meant to be on or adjacent to the estate grounds, I believe.  There was also an abandoned hut near the beach where Angelique kept Barnabas a prisoner for a couple of days in 1968.


Ah, Penny dear, great minds truly think alike!


Well, it wouldn't have been the first time Grayson filled Nancy Marchand's pumps.  As all Hall-o-holics could recite in their sleep, GH took over from Marchand in the starring role of the Madam/Queen in the 1960 off-Broadway production of The Balcony.

I always wondered what the two actresses thought of one another.


Midnite, many thanks for posting that link.  I hadn't heard they had found him.  How sad.  I was shocked to learn that Mom Cowsill died at such a young age--the same year as Grayson, too!

For those who do not know, The Cowsills were the inspiration for the TV series, The Partridge Family.  I thought one of their early hits from 1967, some complicated title about the rain, the park and you, was really quite a decent record--tuneful and beautifully produced.  And who can forget their chart-topping cover of "Hair" from '69?  Those were the days...


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