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Messages - Gothick

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Here's a nice note about Julie Newmar's performance from a review on the Collinsport Historical Society blog:

But let’s get to the Catwoman-sized elephant in the room. Julie Newmar is absolutely incredible as The Second Dr. Julia Hoffman. Cleverly “regenerated” not unlike Andrew Collins’ (who also impresses in these opening installments) new Barnabas, Newmar folds into the cast beautifully with an honorable, very specific performance. Newmar’s timbre and line delivery is slightly odd and purists might be a bit off-put by a new actor playing Hoffman, but for my money, she’s perfect. There was only one Grayson Hall and there is only one Julie Newmar. But both of them stand well aside each other at the moment. I mean, it would have to take a true disaster for Newmar to ever disappoint me, but I really think you all will love her. I can’t wait to see what else she does with the good doctor.


It was reported on social media today that another announcement made at the Paley Center thing was that Lara Parker will have a vampire themed short story in a new horror anthology, one based around a podcast. From the podcast's page: "The first Castle of Horror Anthology-- the first anthology to carry the Castle of Horror brand-- is now available for pre-order! Come on into the Castle of Horror! Featuring stories from amazing writers including Dark Shadow's Lara Parker, Kevin J Anderson, PJ Hoover, and many more!"

The book, entitled CASTLE OF HORROR, volume 1, has a pre-order link on some online retail sites now.


I personally think of this latest project as going beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of marketing stuff related to the series. I'm surprised that they didn't start with the book BARNABAS COLLINS, given that other marketing strategies always start with the Barnabas character.

It's nice to see that some fans genuinely are excited about these, though.


A fan who attended the Paley Center event stated that Jim Pierson confirmed the release of the Ross audiobooks. This was reported today on social media.


I really can't imagine... may Jerry and Julia and their family somehow find comfort in this dark time.


Think you'll never read something about DS that will mention the words "phallic frenzy"? Think again.

cheers, G.

Thanks, MB.

It seems as if with the current cult for HD and reconfiguring everything to the 16 x 9, HD standard, compounded with what seems to have been a precipitous loss of basic pre 1990 film culture (although it must also be said that more 20th century film material is now available with a higher standard of quality, overall, than has ever been the case prior to this date), the issues involved in curating and presenting material that would seem as generic as a hit WB TV series from the late 1990s (BtVS) prove to be surprisingly formidable.

Regard the above as somebody who's really out of touch with current media taking notes.

cheers, G.

Interestingly, this set (originating from Spain, but on sale here on German Amazon) says it's 4 x 3. But it's not clear whether the original English soundtrack is an option. It's only around 16 Euros which is a lot cheaper than the one on US Amazon.

My friend found this--he said there are some others available from European manufacturers/distributors. The main thing if you buy it is to try and determine if it does offer the original US language and music track.

VAMPIROS... what an original title for it!


My friend provided this quote from a Collinsport Historical Society article published in 2015:

"Another nagging problem with the original digital transfer was also not corrected for the 2015 DVD release of DARK SHADOWS: the color timing of several day-for-night shots in the series.
 "When MGM re-transferred the 1991 episodes for the DVD and digital releases, the mastering technicians did not properly 'color time' the pilot footage that was shot 'day for night'
using filters on the camera," Pierson said. "Therefore this material does not appear as dark as intended so it appears that Barnabas is flirting with dim daylight, unfortunately."

My friend commented:

"I’m not familiar with the process of “color timing,” but it sounds like the issue lies with MGM (the owners of the series’ original elements).  They’re the ones who created the film-to-digital transfers which have subsequently been licensed for release on DVD.  So TGG Direct isn’t really to blame for MGM’s flawed transfer.  You’d think if there were any technical specs that needed to be followed during the transfer process, the folks at MGM would have them (given that they own the footage).  Oh well, perhaps if the series eventually gets a high-definition transfer, they’ll fix the issue then.  One can only hope."

As to hope--I wouldn't hold my breath. I personally have never seen this series looking at all visually pristine. Even the VHS tapes which I did see appeared to be quite grainy and there seemed to be a heavy use of mist and soft focus. If some HD enthusiast attempted to give it the typical treatment fashionable today, everybody might wind up looking like painted bits of rubber as has been complained about the look of the BtVS set.


For anybody on these boards who is attending, Lara Parker writes on her social media page today:

Kathryn, Marie, and I will be at the Paley Center on Saturday at noon to greet and chat with any early arrivals. With such a short time to be with everyone, we thought we would come early. Hope to see you there.


I just saw a trailer for a new version of THE ADDAMS FAMILY for which Chloe Moretz did voice work (perhaps as Wednesday--I have no idea). I did not care at all for the animation style which might be pixar or some other process, but it does attempt to follow the style of the original Charles Addams cartoons. It just did not work for me.

Supposed to come out on Halloween--perhaps some of you will like it.


So, this is the set my friend wrote me about. I am sure you heard about this at the time since I think you have some kind of thing set up where you receive alerts whenever somebody mentions DS in any context online:

He did say that the color grading in the day-for-night scenes is still not quite right; still not as good as the VHS. I have no idea why this is so problematic. It seems as if these HD whackos who do the authoring for these home video releases now just have no idea at all about cinematography 101. Particularly when dealing with "legacy" materials.

Unfortunately this 2015 set almost immediately went OP. Because as everyone knows, we can't have nice things.

Best, G.

Happy Birthday MB!

cheers, Gothick

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / British DS pastiche from 2001
« on: April 09, 2019, 06:57:22 AM »
Fans, professional writer Daniel McGachey, who lives in the UK, was discussing with me his love of DS, which he originally learned about thanks to a 1980s TV broadcast of NIGHT OF DS. He was only able to start watching the series when the UK Sci-Fi channel starting showing it in the 1990s, though I think he mentioned getting hold of at least one videotape before that.

Daniel shared this synopsis of a short DS pastiche serial he wrote for a teenage girl's magazine (or possibly, a parody of a teenage girl's magazine), back in 2002. All the characters were named after actors on the show.

I'm pasting in the synopsis below.

Best wishes, Gothick

The Mansion of Strange Shadows - Bunty Annual 2002
Illustrated by Keith Robson

Chapter One - The House Through the Woods
Lara, Kat and Alex are amongst the class who have been taken to view the restoration work being undertaken on Nightshade Mansion. Legends have it that in 1795, mad Lord Jonathan, the 13th Lord of Nightshade Mansion, put a curse on the house and vanished, spiriting away the family treasure as he went.
In the basement, beneath the slabs, the museum team have uncovered a massive metal door with no keyhole but spaces for carved symbols to be placed.
As the girls break off from the school party, they find themselves in a room full of dusty old ornaments, before Kat seems to vanish into thin air.

Chapter Two - Cold Comfort
An amnesiac girl finds herself wandering toward the old house through a snowstorm. The house's inhabitants insist she is their cousin, Miss Kathryn, and all seem under the influence of their butler, Mr John. The family are prisoners for, every time the try to leave, there is a loud rumbling and a storm that shakes the house. Could the answer lie in the room full of precious things, amongst the ornaments and crystals and snowglobes?

Chapter Three - The Ghastly Gallery
Still looking for Kat, Alex and Lara split up and Lara finds herself in the family portrait gallery, where certain portraits seem more than lifelike. And when a mysterious artist restores the portrait of a young girl, Lady Denise, she begins to escape from her picture. But, if she escapes, she'll need someone to take her place. And why does the artist want to keep Lara away from the covered portrait of Lord Jonathan Nightshade?

Chapter Four - Out of Time
Alex follows a winding staircase up to the clock tower, where the ancient mechanism has been frozen for centuries. But, when she removes the strange metal symbol that has become trapped in the gears, the clock starts running... backwards. Phantom figures come and go as Alex is taken back, as a ghost, to the very night when Lord Jonathan Nightshade, fleeing a mob accusing him of witchcraft, places his curse on the old mansion, leaving it trapped within his evil shadow. He then disappears into the vault beneath the house, his power becoming complete and trapping Alex in the past.

Chapter Five - The Vault of Shadows
Having both recovered mysterious symbols during their adventures, Kat and Lara slot them into the huge door in the cellar floor, opening two of the locks and weakening Lord Jonathan's power so that Alex is restored to her rightful time. With the third key, they open the vault and descend to face the strange shadows within!

Hi MB, yes, he did buy the set, but I'm not sure how much he has watched of it. I can ask him to send me the details again. I thought we had discussed it on here. I do remember another one that was marketed as a restoration and turned out to be the same old crap.

Talking of marketing old crap claiming it's restored, one of the major companies did that a month or two ago with the iconic Hammer studios classic, HORROR OF DRACULA. Very upsetting. I really can't write my thoughts about what has happened to that film since the recovery of some lost footage in Japan. The "restoration" turned into a classic case of how NOT to do a vintage horror film on "high definition" formats.


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