« on: April 03, 2006, 01:58:32 AM »
Glorioski, was it really 35 years ago? Damn, I'm OLD!
As I've shared many times before, I'd read the show was going off the air. That didn't make the indignity of the final episode any easier to bear. I so desperately wanted one final glimpse of Barnabas, Julia and "today's" Collinwood before they rang down the curtain. Sadly, it was not to be.
It was really bizarre when I tuned in at 4 p.m. the following Monday and in place of my beloved series was PASSWORD. Ugh!
Typing this now, I'm realizing just how much I've changed even though my love for the series has remained a constant. I've lost all interest in current television. I missed the final season of a show I had been following, Queer as folk, and I'm wondering whether I'll even bother watching the season when it is released on DVD eventually. I heard the last season of that show really stank.
Although the final year of Dark Shadows had its dodgy moments, there were also some wonderful things. I particularly loved the storyline involving John Karlen, Nancy Barrett, and Grayson Hall in the PT 1841 story.