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Messages - Gothick

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In Tarrytown, the pilot was shown on Sunday afternoon, which is the slot they seem to reserve for the "big draw" events.  However, if they're going to have a live on stage thing, the pilot may have to be bumped to a Sat. slot.  Who knows.

Just remember, no matter what it says on the printed schedule, it is ALL subject to change at the last minute.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 01, 2006, 02:50:24 PM »
I love the setup of Parallel Time--the new look of the sets and costumes, the initial scripts with all those juicy scenes, Hoffman's scheming froideur, Roger's bitchy zingers, a bitter, cynical Carolyn, a dowdy and regretful Liz.  Alexis is a great character, too.  I do agree with you that neither Quentin nor Maggie (in my opinion) starts out garnering much sympathy from me, and by about two thirds of the way through, I don't care a toss what happens to either of them.  [spoiler]There are some fabulous characters introduced later on, notably Aunt Hannah portrayed by the wonderful Paula Laurence, who more or less covers Grayson Hall's disappearance from the storyline during the period when they were filming the movie, and deliiciously sleazy low-life, mad scientist/occultist Tim Stokes--Thayer David at his most magnificently seedy.  I think Thayer had some of his best scenes in all of DS during the final weeks of PT.[/spoiler]

I hope you continue to find something to enjoy in this storyline.  I think of it as something of a romp for the actors and, in some ways, for the writers as well.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: kls on "dynasty"
« on: May 31, 2006, 02:07:02 PM »
This sounds like a total hoot!

I wonder whether more of Dynasty is going to be released on DVD.  The "season one" set came out over a year ago, didn't it?

I'd love to see the Michael Praed episodes.  I believe that "Sky Rumson" (Geoffrey Scott) was on some of them, too, as one of Alexis' boyfriends.

cheers, G.

I honestly thought I had read that Dan Curtis' involvement with the Warner Bros series project was at best honorific.  But then, I've never gotten clear just who owns what in the DS 'verse.  To really understand it, I'd have to know more about "the Industry" than my stomach can handle.

cheers, Gothick

Current Talk '06 I / Re: BEST BARNABAS BITE
« on: May 30, 2006, 10:33:14 PM »
Offhand, my favorite is the one where [spoiler]Charity Trask comes to the Old House (in the 1897 storyline) and muses about how wonderful Barnabas made her feel when he gave her wine that tasted of apples and warmed her with his love (I'm paraphrasing).  He looks at her slowly and thoughtfully, then moves in for the bite.  It's a great scene.

Of course, probably the most horrifying of them all is Old Barnabas chowing down on Carolyn.  It's amazing to me that the network censors passed that--presumably because they weren't really previewing every episode and their minds were elsewhere.... 1967 having been a rather eventful year![/spoiler]


Hi Jim,

I thought it was established in an earlier discussion of this topic that DCP had no say in the WB's treatment of the series, the pilot, etc.  I had understood that Dan was allowed to visit the set or make suggestions as a courtesy.  I do remember being surprised that he had finally surrendered his role in the development of the new Dark Shadows.

Perhaps somebody who is in the know will post just who currently owns the rights to possible future incarnations of the series.

Best wishes, Gothick

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Barnabas is one strange vampire
« on: May 30, 2006, 06:44:16 PM »
For quite some time, whenever watching the Summer 1970 episodes, I found it quite strange that Barnabas not only never fed, he never even really alluded to his bloodlust.  I've sort of put it together that Jonathan Frid really hated what he called "the fanging" and I think that DC agreed to let the writers ignore this aspect of Barnabas' character for entire periods. They did bring it back in high style with his arrival in 1840... apparently, this was followed by his walking off set one day and having to be talked into coming back on the show.

In a March 1973 interview, some fans asked Grayson Hall if it was true that Frid no longer wanted to play Barnabas.  She corrected them and said that what was true was that he no longer wanted to play a vampire and was adamant about that.  The role of Bramwell was created for the actor in Parallel Time 1841 to satisfy his desire to play "something other than Barnabas."  The original script for the second DS movie was a Return-of-the-Vampire scenario featuring Barnabas again, and Frid flatly refused to do it, which resulted in the story involving Quentin, Tracy, and the Jenkins battling Angelique's spirit.

I thought DS was just as interesting when Barnabas wasn't an active vampire, but as usual, I am in a minority.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Artistry of Clarice Blackburn
« on: May 30, 2006, 03:50:49 PM »
Hi Vlad,

I really love Clarice's work as Minerva Trask, too!  It's quite subtle but she really made her a very different characterization than Abigail... the first time I watched the shows, I remember thinking, "Oh, she's doing the Abigail shtick again," but the character of Minerva is really very different.

There's this wonderful scene where Minerva and Laura bond around their views on child-rearing. That scene always has me in stitches.  Both ladies are clearly very complacent in their views... a wonderful example of bizarre, understated, classic DS humor!

Best, Steve

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Child
« on: May 24, 2006, 08:10:33 PM »
Agree that Sharon is lovely, sweet, and a great lady.  It was so cute when she appeared in a Cheep Productions video about ten years ago.

As for Sarah, I have to admit that I usually fast forward through her scenes.  Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Why Did Some of the Actors Leave the Show?
« on: May 24, 2006, 04:01:04 PM »
It seems from what I have read that most of the actors worked without a contract.  KLS implied in her first book that she had had one (perhaps a 3 year one?) but it had expired at some point in 1969, I think.

Lisa Richards said in a published interview that they suddenly wrote her character out of the script after she had a talk with DC about a raise.  I believe that Robert Rodan had something similar happen to him.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Artistry of Clarice Blackburn
« on: May 24, 2006, 03:17:52 PM »
I agree, but it seems to me that in the above mentioned scenes, the writers are exploring the notion (maybe a little too subtle for DS) that the Dream is not just terrifying, it also corrupts everyone touched by it, and makes them behave in dishonorable, deplorable ways to one another.

Can anyone tell me whether we ever see David have his dream?  I may be missing an episode...


Current Talk '06 I / The Artistry of Clarice Blackburn
« on: May 24, 2006, 02:19:13 PM »

Last night I took a look at the old MPI tape 53 (which includes episodes from the 1968 storyline which have featured in recent montages on this site).  I remembered some good scenes between Grayson and Clarice as Julia tries to keep Mrs J from telling David the Dream.  I have to say I was REALLY impressed by how excellent Clarice was in these scenes.  I thought she underplayed superbly (for the most part--you could tell there were moments when Lela or Kaplan were pushing her to rev things up for "that DS effect") and she really made me believe in the terror of the Dream--not something I found very plausible by and large.  Her delivery of a line that ran something like: "What is it about that dream that makes us become other than who we are?" had a tragic beauty (that actually was way out of character for Mrs J, but it was a superb moment nevertheless).

Over the years, I've come to cherish Grayson's scenes with Clarice.  One of the old fan newsletters mentions that at one time, Clarice was the "honorary President" of Grayson's fan club, so the two ladies were obviously fond of one another.

Best, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: My thoughts on Leviathan thus far
« on: May 19, 2006, 02:16:06 PM »
Lol, Buzz!  The instance of this that drives ME crazy is in these two episodes from 1968--they're part of the Adam and Eve storyline, so you'll never watch them again, so you will never have to be bugged by this *wink*--where they're in the parlor at the OH and they've just had a seance (I think it is the one where Barnabas becomes possessed by the vengeful spirit of Philippe Cordier).  At the end of the first show, Professor Stokes is standing there discoursing on occult metaphysics.  Next day we resume and the action is continuous and Stokes... just isn't there!  They don't even have any dialogue along the lines of "he suddenly remembered he left his teakettle on the boil!" (or, more likely, his sherry uncooked and his cheese on the sideboard).
It's just... POOF!  no Stokes!

I'm sure Cassandra Collins would really have relished being able to get rid of that pestilent Professor so easily!

Cheers, Gothick

Current Talk '06 I / Re: My thoughts on Leviathan thus far
« on: May 18, 2006, 05:10:55 PM »
I attended Mike's last DS Festival.  I had no contact with him but did get to hear him read a ghost story.  I was really shocked when we heard the news of his death.

I wonder whether anyone has heard how his widow has been getting on?

I thought Stroka's best role on DS was Aristede, but Bruno was a fun part.  The PT version of Bruno is really over the top!  they did Mike's hair with curlers!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: My thoughts on Leviathan thus far
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:36:35 PM »
Hi Buzz, I always new you had great taste--after all, look who you chose for your screen name/avatar!  Only THE COOLEST dude in C'port! yeah, baby!

Agreed regarding the strength of Frid's performance during Leviathan.  There are some brilliant moments in there.

So, what did you think of the scene where [spoiler]Bruno seems to be getting VERY excited flogging the chained up werewolf!  That episode is a hoot!  Wild and woolly at its best![/spoiler]

Best wishes,  Gothick

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