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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: An event at Greystone
« on: June 26, 2006, 09:41:38 PM »
How intriguing.  Have any other photographs of this Barnabas portrait been published?

It looks as if this incarnation would have been the most Byronic Barnabas yet... glad to see they finally got the hair and clothes right for the 1790s... (although I'm a huge fan of the actual series' OTT let's-go-rococo version of 1795).

Best, G.

Thank you, David, for letting us know.

I will keep Craig in my prayers.

Best, Steve

Heather, these are gorgeous images!  Spectacular!

Thanks so much for sharing all the goodies.

xo Steve

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0780
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:56:34 PM »
Carl: Madge, I'm tellin' ya, I got the dishpan hands of death, and TONIGHT is the Policeman's Ball!

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Actors' Accents (Was Re: Episode #0258)
« on: June 23, 2006, 04:26:43 PM »
I love the Thayer David one.  Pity that doesn't circulate more widely.  I believe Bobubas does sell it.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: p.t.angelique.a witch...or just a bitch?
« on: June 23, 2006, 02:43:53 PM »
If you've never seen it, you might enjoy watching a 1962 film, Burn Witch Burn! also distributed under the original British title Night of the Eagle (sounds like a Nazi war movie doesn't it?) with fabulous Peter Wyngarde, Janet Blair and Margaret Johnston (divine actress).  I am not sure that any of the PT Angelique plot was a direct copy of the story of that movie, but there are definitely some similarities.  I believe there was finally an official VHS or DVD release a few years ago but I'm not sure; my copy is from the Laserdisc.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Actors' Accents (Was Re: Episode #0258)
« on: June 23, 2006, 02:40:08 PM »
Ron Barry's interview with the Shadows stars is available on one of the commercial soundtrack releases.  I can't recall whether it's on Rhino or Varese Sarabande.  It is the one that has the 1969 Original Soundtrack album and the interview (a slightly edited version) follows as an extra.  That might be the one that included a Ron Barry phone interview with David Selby, as well.


Thanks for answering, Michael.  Freemasonry shows up en passant in several books in my library, mostly the brotherhood as it was in the 18th and 19th centuries--I have very little sense of the practice today.

I also did not that non-Christians were allowed to join.  I'm not a monotheist, but I find the brotherhood interesting nevertheless.  It had quite an influence upon the formation of the Golden Dawn in London in the 1880s (the three founders of the GD were all prominent Masons) and, through that, in the practical history of several prominent occult societies of the 20th century.  (Forgive me for mentioning this minor historical trivia--I know many in the Brotherhood would prefer if everyone would just forget about it!)

Here's a minor bit of DS connection to the Masons.  In the original Edgar Allen Poe tale, the Cask of Amontillado, the narrator explains the presence of a trowel, a heap of bricks and a tub of freshly poured cement in his basement to his helpless victim because he is supposedly a Mason.  (I could be getting this wrong, but there's definitely a Masonic ref in that story.)  As we all know, Dark Shadows copied the main events of that story not once, but four times!

Best wishes,


Hi Michael, how interesting.  Do the Masons always celebrate the Summer Solstice?

Please disregard if you can't discuss this due to your oaths, but, since you mentioned it...

cheers, Steve

Oh My Goddess!  Penny Dreadful in every fanboy's dream version of Antique (or should that be Aunt Eek, hahhaha) Roadshow (Ghoulshow?).  You know they'll LOVE it in Peoria!

I don't think I qualify for this giveaway since I got one of the Mark One DVDs, but I just had to cheer you on as you move forward in your career! sounds brilliant... in a *grisly* way!  (cue macabre canned laughter)

You know THIS is going to have Dr. von Bulow frothing at the mouth!

Cheers, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Characters who tempt you to fast-forward
« on: June 21, 2006, 07:47:04 PM »
Peter Bradford and/or Jeff Clark, hands down.

It's way way WAY down the list for anyone else anywhere near as annoying.  Maybe Hallie and Carrie Stokes?


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The June 19th Episodes
« on: June 20, 2006, 01:31:51 PM »
I'm not into polls enough to run a poll here on Best Bitch of Collinwood, but I'd say that PT Roger would be hard to defeat for the title!  That's probably why I enjoy the character so much since I find the vicious humor amusing.  I know this sort of thing is not to everyone's taste but I agree with you MB--as far as I am concerned, Roger IS very funny!  There's a kind of twisted pathos to the character as well ... he may be a VERY sick puppy, but I find myself unable to look away when he's onscreen.  And Edmonds creates the character with such brilliant subtlety.

That's a great shot from that sequence, too.  Congratulations, MB!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: p.t.angelique.a witch...or just a bitch?
« on: June 19, 2006, 03:57:40 PM »
Just off the top of my head--PT Angelique seems more like an amateur Witch (which, actually, was a lot more how the original Angelique seemed until the period when she created her bat-familiar)--someone who had read some books and decided to see whether the stuff worked or not; when it did, she continued, but her interest in Magick was strictly practical and related to whatever goal she had before her.  I think that Tim Stokes, her stepfather, had a much more serious grasp of the occult. incidentally, occultists, especially those who haven't had the benefit of a fully-structured training, often wind up becoming alcoholics or drug addicts because they need something to numb them out from all the energies flooding their systems.

In 1795, Angelique seemed a lot more like a village hedge witch initially.  I think there was dialogue that indicated that her initial spell on Barnabas was her first attempt at operative Magick.  Subsequently, they made her more supernatural, and had her receiving magic powers as a result of signing her soul to Satan, as was the belief most extensively documented in the Malleus Maleficarum, the infamous "Hammer of Witches."  I prefered it when the character got her powers from her own knowledge of herbs and energies, not to mention her own formidable personal moxie!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 19, 2006, 01:40:25 PM »
A solo (or "pure")  piano version of the entire composition, "Ode to Angelique," is included on the fourth (I think) of the series of CDs of Dark Shadows soundtrack cues that were, once upon a time, distributed by MPI.  The CDs were compiled from Robert Cobert's master tapes.  The quality is excellent and I highly recommend them if, like me, you've always thought the music was one of your favorite aspects of the show.

Now WHEN are we going to see Laurie Johnson's music for the Diana Rigg seasons of The Avengers released on CD???

cheers, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Collins' Fortune
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:32:04 PM »
Just to interject my pet bete-noire about the stories set in "the PAWSSST" (I do adore how Joan pronounced that word)--namely, that a family with the standing of the Collins' in the 1790s, 1840s and 1890s would have had a full staff of servants (in the 1790s and 1840s, this would have been very necessary due to all the hard physical labor necessary to perform simple tasks of household maintenance).  Instead, we get Riggs and Stokes holding down the fort in 1795, and poor Beth (whom Judith keeps trying to fire) the only servant seen onscreen in 1897.  I can't remember any servants in 1840 apart from Hortense the Hapless.

The only time the house seemed to be properly staffed was in the 1940s, judging from the list of people Liz fired in '49.


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