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Messages - Gothick

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I can never remember whether there were TWO board games, one called Barnabas Collins and one called Dark Shadows, or whether they were just different packagings of the same games.

The story about the fangs basically is that kids would run riot through the house "fanging"one another, then take out the fangs and run off to watch DS... their irate Moms would grab those icky fangs off the kitchen counter where they had been unwisely parked and sweep them right into the bin.  Poof!  no more fangs.

Best, G.

For anybody out there who hasn't seen it, here is an interview with Dan Ross himself, conducted by Craig Hamrick:

Surely there must be a site that has scans of all those gorgeously lurid covers?  The covers were the best thing about the books.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: DVD Volume 26
« on: July 03, 2006, 09:13:02 PM »
Midnite, many thanks for sharing this exciting news!

If the Bloopers disc does indeed make the targeted November release date, it will be in time to be a ready candidate for every fan's holidaze dream stocking-stuffer!

Thanks again, G.

Thinking it over, I'm pretty sure that Cassandra is included in a group shot in the MPI 1990s color cards.  I don't much care for those cards, but friends were nice enough to club together to buy them as a gift for me one year way back when.  There are a couple of nice cards in that set but, for the most part, I find the pictures so tiny that in some cases, with the cheaply printed color overlay, you don't even have any idea what you're looking at it unless you've already seen the episode in question.

MB, thanks for the reminiscence about the Viewmaster reels.  I did not realize that they did not even come out until 1970.

For a loooonnnnggg time, looking at those reels was my one way of keeping my DS memories fresh.  The reels disappeared around the same time as my stash of DS related mags.

Best, G.

Hi Penny Dreadful,

my roommate and I viewed the extra-special Easter Leg last night and we were both in awe of your Witchy way with accessorizing!  I actually learned something, too, as I don't believe I ever saw the "retro orange" DS cards before (although I have this weird half-memory of having read about them, somewhere or other).

My biggest complaint about the various card sets is that none of them, so far as I am aware, included Cassandra.  I now have nearly the entire Cassandra storyline on DVD (minus her lovely cameo appearance in the autumn of '68) and was reviewing the discs over the weekend and just realizing all over again why Cassandra will always be among my own favorite Witches.  (Doesn't stop me from snickering whenever Nicholas rakes her over the coals as "incompetent" and even worse, "amateur"!)

You didn't include the Viewmaster set, my personal favorite DS collectible. Wish I still had mine, with the booklet "in sombre colors" that included a muted, gorgeous portrait of Julia.

Best, Steve

KLS (lipsynching to Lesley Gore 45 on jukebox): This time it's KATIE's turn to cry, KATIE's turn to cry, ay-ay-ay...

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Episode #0264
« on: June 30, 2006, 07:09:03 PM »
Oh, I'm quite fond of that dressing gown.  It really brings a whiff of "Eau de Liberace" to the series....
I agree however that Frid looked fabulous in the smoking jacket.  The shots of him actually smoking while wearing the jacket on the OH drawing room set (which I assume were snapped during a break--probably while Bill Chu was working on his book) are sooo deliciously HIP.


Just chipping in my two drachmae--the fact that he is listed in the IMDB notice on Grayson's page as Ted (Bradbart) Brooks (if I'm remembering it properly) is a tip that he's not the same as the Ted Brooks who is bro to Conrad.

Historical research is largely a wearying process of endlessly taking pains...


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Episode #0264
« on: June 30, 2006, 03:56:59 PM »
Would have been even more fun if they had staged that scene with Jason in his smoking jacket and Barn wearing his dressing gown.  Poor Willie--the beaten-down butch fought over by the rival daddies!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Getting the year wrong
« on: June 28, 2006, 09:00:13 PM »
I think it first got switched to 1797 during the Lady Kitty period (towards the latter part of the 1897 storyline).  I have wondered whether the writers changed it deliberately to make it 100 years previous to 1897. They seem to have liked doing things in periods of 100 years--think back to the original Laura Collins story (which they also messed with in the 1897 version).

As regards Roxanne, [spoiler]I believe that "originally" she was the victim of a different vampire.  There are a LOT of discrepancies between what we are told about 1840 during the Summer of 1970 story, and what actually happens in 1840 once they get there.  A huge discrepancy is that the children were supposed to be central to Gerard's interest in Collinwood... yet, when we actually get to 1840, the children are only peripheral to what happens.  In part, this was because David Henesy left the show during this period.[/spoiler]

If you're a Roxanne Fan, I think Kathy Resch wrote an entire novel which tried to reconcile the discontinuities of what they showed about her (the Roxanne of our time, not the Roxanne of PT).   You can write to Kathy at the World of Dark Shadows zine address and ask her if the book is still available.

Best, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Afternoon TV, Vol.1, No.1, August 1968
« on: June 28, 2006, 08:51:46 PM »
Mscbryk, I actually find this fascinating!  Thanks for letting us know.

I think these photos were from an episode of the Dream Curse storyline; am I right?  Or is it the one from the original Adam "Experiment" sequence where Vicki was telling Barnabas how terrified she was of Cassandra and he found himself staring a little too intently at her neck?  (I do love that scene.)

cheers, Steve

I'm not sure that "your" Ted Brooks is the same bloke to whom Grayson was hitched. 

Hopefully Julia will be able to clear this up for you.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Afternoon TV, Vol.1, No.1, August 1968
« on: June 27, 2006, 03:20:14 PM »
I bought it when it was fresh, hot and brand new on the stands way back in that Summer of 1968.  I kept it with a bunch of other DS related mags for years.  They disappeared mysteriously while I was away at college.  To this day my Mother disavows all knowledge of what happened to those zines.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: It's PARTY Time!!
« on: June 27, 2006, 02:52:06 PM »
Hi Josette, I've been a DS fan for 38 years and I've STILL never watched the whole thing from start to finish.  There are episodes from 1966 and 1967 that I have yet to see.

I'm not sure when I will ever be able to watch the whole series starting from episode 1 and ending with 1245.  Maybe when I retire if that ever happens (I find it doubtful).

Would love to see your cake. Enjoy your party.  It's nice that the whole family enjoys the show!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Happy 40th!!!
« on: June 27, 2006, 02:48:35 PM »
Happy Anniversary everybody!

Gawd, I feel old.


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