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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: quentin in the "present"
« on: July 15, 2006, 08:42:16 PM »
I thought there was a line or two in there about Liz inviting Quentin to live at Collinwood after the Leviathan catastrophe.  He had done a lot for the family at that point, and he WAS a relative.  If the dialogue wasn't there, well, it should have been!

I definitely agree with you that the idea of Quentin living in that room in 1970 is beyond bizarre.  It almost feels like somebody's idea of an in-joke.  Apart from anything else, given what had happened in that room (in the REVISED history of 1897) who on Earth would want to live there?  At the very least, the walls should have been stripped and the decor completely changed from the 1890s look.  [spoiler]I mean, a corpse was ROTTING in there for decades![/spoiler]

But, that's DS--sometimes any pretense of logic or plausibility just goes right out the window!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: A change of heart?
« on: July 13, 2006, 08:22:52 PM »
Dear Amanda's hairpiece would have gone FLYING had Buzz ever taken her for a ride on his hog.

I can see Roger in one of his drunken bouts of hot-rodding down the hill thinking it (the errant hairpiece) was a wandering armadillo, swerving dramatically, and winding up with another band-aid on his forehead.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Missing Episode & Kinescopes
« on: July 13, 2006, 08:17:15 PM »
During the period of the "missing episode," the series was being repeated on one of the Washington D. C. stations (I believe) in the evenings (I think this would have been Channel 7? Channel 13 was ABC's Baltimore based station which was where I watched DS from 1968 through the end in '71).  IIRC, they ran it at 11:30 at night.  I seem to recall some of the shows being repeated on Sunday nights as well.  It stands out in my memory because until the 1990s, this was my only opportunity to see any of the episodes more than once (I did videotape one on a visit at my parents' home in the 1980s, I think).  The shows I saw in the first 1976 syndication were brand new to me--from 1967.

Anyhow, since those shows were being re-shown in other markets, it's possible that extra copies were made of those final weeks of the PT 1841 storyline. So, yeah, one could show up one day.  It seems unlikely at this stage of the game, but who knows.

The one I want the original color master of is the debut episode of Countess du Pres and Angelique from 1795.  I hadn't heard about the recovery of a color master from the 1970 sequence.


Current Talk '06 II / The Slap Heard Round the World
« on: July 13, 2006, 02:44:27 PM »
Today's slide show features one of my all-time favorite moments on Dark Shadows: Julia bitch-slaps Cassandra!  I'll never forget watching that for the first time way back in the Summer of '68.  My jaw was literally on the floor. And I gave an extra little cheer when Vicki told the smirking Witch "You deserve a great deal more than that!"  Great stuff!

As I've commented before, Julia got to slap more people than anybody else on Dark Shadows.  Once I made a video for a friend and part of it was all of Julia's slaps (that I could get my hands on) edited together.

I'm mostly drawing a blank on other characters who administered or received slaps.  I remember Naomi's great slap to Rev. Trask in 1796.  Anyone got any others?


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Leviathan story vs 1970PT story
« on: July 12, 2006, 06:48:17 PM »
I've posted here so many times about my fondness for Leviathan, but I'm almost as fond of PT 1970.  I particularly like the set-up of PT 1970 with the beautifully re-dressed sets and the crisp, fruity dialogue (hmmm makes it sound like granola--aaaanyway), and "Ode to Angelique" makes a great theme for the storyline.  I have mixed feelings about the Cyrus/Yeagar storyline, and the haunting of Damian Edwards subplot also does not seem to come off very successfully.  But Aunt Hannah makes a great partner in crime for Ange/Lexis when the rest of the gang is out partying at T'town (haha).

When everybody comes back it turns into a wild ride and some of the best episodes in the series, as MB has commented.  I really liked the English actor who played the Inspector (although why C'port should have an English police inspector right out of the pages of Aggie Christie is beyond me).  Too bad they did not bring him back later on.  Probably the weakest elements of the conclusion of the story is the fact that neither Quentin nor Maggie come off as a very attractive characters, nor is Barnabas' motivation in helping them at all well established.  But, if you want to watch Dark Shadows, sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride, and there's certainly plenty of great sights along the way on this one.


Darren, this sounds really exciting!  I look forward to hearing more about the set.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Revival Series -- Sigh
« on: July 12, 2006, 03:52:46 PM »
Don't faint, anyone, but I am about to defend Lysette Anthony.

Having enjoyed Anthony's work in a number of UK productions, I don't think it's fair to judge her by the ghastly travesty of her work on the DS 1991 series.  I'm not sure whether it was miscasting so much as poor direction.  That accent alone is awfully hard to get past.  It may have been miscasting, but I think Lysette would have surprised people by how good she would have been as Laura in season 2 (I think the plan was for her to return as Laura--I know there is a book where they published the notes for the projected second season).  Without the crap fake-French accent and with hopefully better direction, I think she would have brought a smolderingly sinister quality to the part.

Agree, IN SPADES, about the OTT vampire makeup.  That stuff has become as over-used as the blacked-out eye effect for Witches casting spells on TV.  Those blacked-out eyes always make me think of this terrible film Robert Fuest directed in the 1970s, The Devil's Rain.  Ernie Borgnine plays Asmodeus.  Need I say more??

Penny Dreadful, I mostly agree with your assessment of the acting on that 1991 show.  I do think Julianna McCarthy deserves high marks for her work as Mrs J and Abigail.  She was really solid in her work for the show (to echo what Alexandra said about the original Mrs J--the Divine Clarice Blackburn!).


What fun!  At first I thought he was going to say "Marie Wallace" when he was talking about the actress who helped him!

Thanks for sharing,


Happy Birthday DS to DA!

May you continue to thrive in your art and life.


Golly, what's the scoop on the DS music CD set?

I already have 7 or 8 CDs of DS music, but why not get more??


Claude, darling, you're a genius!  but then, we already knew that...

Gang, there's a NEW Neely O'Hara video available on the site!

I have no idea what "fievels" are but I STILL found these very funny...

AND, you chose two of my favorite 1967 Julia scenes!  The Man and a woman one is a particular fave of mine, as I'm sure you know.  I wish the dear Doctor had used that cigarette holder more frequently.  I still think it was Grayson's old prop from Satan in High Heels!


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Period Costuming in Dark Shadows
« on: July 07, 2006, 02:15:56 PM »
What a great thread!  thanks to Pansity for getting it going.

I love all the historical costumes on the show, but I disagree that they were anywhere near accurate in the period.  The dresses worn by Naomi and the Countess are MID 18th century--1760s at best, I believe.  I read somewhere that the costumes for 1795 came to the production from a play or film for which they had originally been made. I've often wondered whether the availability of those costumes had anything to do with the date switch in the "origins of Barnabas" storyline from the original ca. 1837 date to the 1790s.  I'm by no means an authority, but the costumes for Joshua, Barnabas, Forbes and Jeremiah all look more Revolutionary War than Federalist to my untrained eye.  Anybody have a URL handy for men's clothing of the mid 1790s?  The arrival of Napoleon on the scene seems to have brought a lot of innovations in its wake--in fashion and elsewhere, although when I was reading Dangerous Liaisons I remember the notes saying that some years before '89 the women's clothes had already been streamlined and the character of the Marquise was Laclos's comment upon proto-feminist thought in the 1780s.

I do think Angelique's clothes in 1795 are more correct--for a lady of middling class but not for a servant girl.  The mob cap is a nice touch, of course.

The women's clothes for the 1897 serial seem a little nearer the mark to me, but a friend told me that the men's clothing (Quentin, Edward, et al.) was more 1870s than 1890s.  Carl's suits do look like old photographs I have seen of 1890s men's holiday wear--appropriate for a gentleman of (aspiring) leisure.

I'm not sure that people in early modern society had all that many changes of clothing.  I've heard Americans who travel comment that people of good background in, say, Italy, tend to have three outfits--the work outfit, the relaxing-at-home outfit, and the party outfit.  They'll accessorise those outfits with changes of tie, scarf, gloves, whatever.  The idea of a closet packed with 40 different outfits is an innovation of US consumerism of the 1950s and 60s.

Just a few thoughts from me on this topic...


The only name that piques my interest in this line-up is Sybil Danning.  I thought she was a hoot in the Howling II!

However, her promotional photo on the site looks as if it is close to 25 years old.  Ah well.

Could be a fun event!


The answer to this question is complicated for Ode to Angelique.  An arrangement of the tune plays as a cue for the early glimpses of life in the Parallel Time room in episodes that aired in February of 1970.  In March we first heard the Bruno Hess version on a phonograph record that Hoffman tricked Maggie into purchasing for Daniel.  Shortly thereafter, we hear Bruno playing it (for the first of MANY occasions) on the piano in the cottage.

As for Quentin's theme, I believe it was first heard playing from Quentin's gramophone in December of '68.

Hopefully others can give you specific day/month/year dates and episode numbers.

Best, Steve

Big congrats!  Now for a little luxury.  You know you've EARNED it, darling!


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