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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: quentin in the "present"
« on: July 26, 2006, 02:09:29 PM »
Hmmm. Well, maybe when Barnabas and Julia time-warped, even though when they got back everyone SAID it was 1970, it was really... 1975???

What really bugs me, Mscbryk, about the sloppy continuity in this part of the show, is all the hints and clues they gave during the Summer of 1970 about the Java Queen, Gerard's pirate crew, Gerard and Daphne's shipboard romance, Tad and Hallie's closeness to Gerard and Daphne, etc. etc. and then in 1840, NONE of this shows up!  at all!

Of course the same thing happens in the run-up to the 1795 storyline.  Nearly everything we're told about the histories of Barnabas, Jeremiah, and Josette ca. 1837 is disregarded when Vicki arrives in 1795.  Somehow, though, the 1970 continuity gaffe just seems WAY more outrageous to this viewer.

A New England curmudgeon,


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: July 25, 2006, 10:15:38 PM »
I just double-checked, and those last 4 tracks have an asterisk which marks them as "bonus tracks."  I presume they are bonus to the previous release which must be the one you have.

Does yours include a couple of extremely rare photos in the inlay "booklet" (which is only two pages in mine)?  Mine has a shot of Joe giving Maggie a kiss (from a 1968 publicity session from which another picture of the two together has been much more widely circulated), a picture of Quentin in his post-werewolf shredded clothing posing in the drawing room set, shots of Gregory Trask and Magda, and a photo of Liz and Carolyn together from Episode 2--all seldom if ever seen elsewhere (by me).

Best, G.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: July 25, 2006, 08:59:27 PM »
Sorry to rehash this again, but I just got out my copy of the CD, "Original Music from Dark Shadows, volume 4," dated 1990 on the Media Sound Records label (once distributed by MPI).  I gather this is now out of print.

Anyhow, the final track on this disc, track 28, is a 2.24 minute version of Ode to Angelique arranged for solo piano.  Part of it was heard several times on the series when Bruno would be seen tickling the ivories (as we used to say) with what seemed to be not just his favorite, but his ONLY composition (I think he played it so much because he knew how much Quentin loathed it).

I played the track through and it's just piano--no music box or other sound effects.  Really very pretty music.

Let's hope this track is included on the massive new set Darren mentioned in an earlier post.

Best, G.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Cookbook
« on: July 25, 2006, 08:12:11 PM »
Hi Charles, I have it at home and if I can remember, I will post it in this thread tomorrow.  It sounds like fun but I have never tried it.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Cookbook
« on: July 25, 2006, 05:10:32 PM »
Well, Diana's book is called "I'd rather eat..."  The great lady did not say anything about actual COOKING, now did she???

Grayson had a recipe for a grape dessert that was published in at least two daytime TV mags back around 1970-71.  In interviews she mentioned vitella tonnata and carpaccio (which is sort of like beef sushi), the latter of which she first sampled at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy, as among her favorite dishes.  She was known for her flair with Mexican cookery but in the Sixties identified herself as a French chef (I think this may have been Julia Child's influence).

Best, G.

Polls Archive / Re: A seriously laughing matter
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:36:41 PM »
Since I just watched it recently, I would go with Nicholas' evil laughter at Cassandra's new "manicure."  (Clever thing to call it!)  It's understated and, if evil laughter can ever sound natural, fairly plausible. 

I do like Angelique's evil laugh but all too often they replaced it with some canned laugh from an actress who sounded as if she'd gotten into Roger Collins' secret Scotch stash.

Special mention has to made of Julia's demented laughter when lawyer Tony Peterson states his belief that Roger is the individual Julia does not want to get his paws on her diary.  I just love the Divine One's laughter from beyond the border of sanity: "Ra-ha-ha-ha-ha-HA-jerr!" Great stuff.


Oh, what sad news!  I'm so sorry that her last years were marred by that hateful illness.

My only exposure to her was on Strange Paradise, where she was more or less a guest star.  She was on for 3 weeks in the first "season" of the show and they brought her back a couple of months later as another character--an actress who was wont to slip into a bit of Shakespeare, or Noel Coward--divine!  It was such a superb role for her and I cherish those shows--I've watched them several times.

I wish I could have seen that local access show she hosted.  Like Grayson Hall, I can imagine Tudi Wiggins reciting the phone book as riveting theatre.

Best, Steve

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Grayson Hall--Better than Heroin!
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:24:38 PM »
Heather, you are a GEM!  I love coming here and seeing those snapshots from Gargoyles.  Thank you so much for including the scene where she rushes into the sheriff's office, goes STRAIGHT for the drawer where he keeps the "emergency liquor supply," grabs the bottle and takes a few good strong slugs.  I think as she's grabbing the bottle the deputy is about to say something like "Take it EASY, Mrs. Parks!"  Great stuff.

Thank you for a bright spot of my week!  Now, if only some good samaritan could add some snapshots of Hoffman at her most sinister and smug... I love the scene where, with gritted teeth, [spoiler]Hoffman complains to Angel/Exis, a propos of Maggie:  "I HATE taking ORDERS from her!"  ANY scene involving Hoffman in PT is truly better than Heroin![/spoiler]

A lifelong Hall-o-holic,


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Illustrations, dahlings
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:13:38 PM »
Thanks, luv, for posting this link... I noticed Connie's comment (I think I must have missed it originally) and went back to look.

The way you showed the "sculpting" of Grayson/Peggy's back bears a strong resemblance to a symbol commonly used today by Witches and Neo Pagans for the Great Goddess in Her aspect as the "Triple Goddess," specifically with lunar associations--the two back-to-back C's (often drawn with a circle in the middle) are signs for the waxing and waning Moon.

Pure serendipity, but, given that some of us routinely refer to GH as "the Divine One," don't you think?


Current Talk '06 II / Re: the hemline switch of 1970
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:07:14 PM »
Forget the hemlines, what about Sebastian Shaw's utterly sexxxalicious leather trousers, seemingly sprayed on!  EEEEEEE-YOWWWWW!

Talk about sights that can cause a strong man to slither in a gelatinous puddle to the floor...


Current Talk '03 I / Re: Classic Blooper edited out on MPI DVD#6
« on: July 19, 2006, 03:16:00 PM »
Golly, many thanks to Housefly Cameo for bringing this to my attention again.  If I do get that particular DVD set, I'll be sure to hold onto the VHS of Bathia's episodes.  Those are among my top favorites of the series.

btw, Anita Bolster had a small role in the Woman in White--the 1940s version with fabulous Sydney Greenstreet (an inspiration, I always feel, for our beloved Thayer), in one of his finest roles as the sinister Count Fosco, and a minor but extraordinary role for the Divine Agnes Moorehead.  Anita only had a few lines but the eyes, the voice, the stance were all there.  Long live Bathia!


Current Talk '06 II / Grayson Hall--Better than Heroin!
« on: July 18, 2006, 01:38:34 PM »
(For those who don't get the reference, the title of this topic is inspired by an old Saturday Night Live skit, "Coffee Talk," featuring Michael Myers as talk maven Linda Richman "filling in for my dear friend Paul Baldwin, who is STILL in Boca Raton with shpilkis in his genechtigezoink."  In this skit, Linda and two of her dear friends, played by Madonna and Rosanne Barr, were discussing "Barbra Joan Streisand" and the movie "Prince of Tides," which they kept saying was "like BUTTAH."  Madonna said "It's better than HEROIN, not that I would ever know what heroin is like!")

In honor of the imminent publication of "Grayson Hall: a Hard Act to Follow," by R. J. Jamison, the new full-length biography of our very own Dr. Julia Hoffman, I am starting this thread to discuss favorite scenes by the Divine One on our show.  Her own favorite role on the series was that of Magda--after 1969 she mentioned in several magazine interviews that Magda was "still alive" and hinted that she would enjoy playing her again.  One of my favorite Magda moments was featured in the board slide show a couple of days ago:  [spoiler]after Sandor's death, Magda tells Barnabas to bite her, so she can know what Sandor went through during his last months of life.  Even better, perhaps, is the scene where Magda takes an axe (at the end of this show) and chops the Hand of Count Petofi in two--I just love the look on her face in this scene![/spoiler]

This highlights how so many of Grayson's great moments on the show were entirely (or almost entirely) non-verbal.  I loved the scene (used by Claude North in one of his videos available on You Tube) where Julia comes to the Old House in the 1967 storyline and [spoiler]informs Barnabas that she's wiped Maggie's memory through hypnosis--and Barnabas is now going to have accept that Dr. Hoffman is in charge.  While she makes this statement, she lights her cigarette off of one of Barn's cherished candelabras, inserts it into a long holder, and casually blows smoke around the room, while he glares at her in outrageous.  It's a FABULOUS moment.[/spoiler]

I do think that in some ways, Grayson's finest acting was as Hoffman, the housekeeper in Parallel Time 1970.  You get to see her toning things way down and working with a degree of restraint not seen in her other work on DS.  I love how subtly she intimidates and condescends to Maggie in the initial days of the storyline.  One of my favorite moments is when she is talking about Quentin and says (clearly thinking of his sexual relationship with late wife Angelique, whom Hoffman idolized) "He had EVERYTHING."  The way she says the line makes it clear, with devastating finality, that in Hoffman's eyes, Quentin deserved NONE of what he had.  And then there's the great moment when Hoffman comes into the drawing room and [spoiler]sees Alexis for the first time, believing her to be Angelique back from the dead.  Her reaction is beautifully played and very realistic.[/spoiler]

I encourage other fans to share their favorite Grayson moments in this thread.

Can't wait to see the new book!  Big congratulations to RJ!

Best, G. 

Hey there girl, have a big bodacious beautiful one!

Best wishes,


Current Talk '06 II / Re: How much time passed in the series?
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:15:49 PM »
Well, as Luciaphil has stated, Vicki's initial story took up a little over five months of air time which seemed to represent a little under 3 weeks of "real" C'port time.  Nevertheless, when Vicki arrives in town, it's summer, but by the time Laura arrives (towards the end of the Matthew story) it's close to Xmas.  If that doesn't tell you that they were all living in the middle of a big ol' time-warp, well, I'll buy you a scotch at the High Hat Lounge.

Another thing that is hilarious is that when the night of the seance begins, it is 1967, but after being in "the Pahst" for a few months, suddenly Vicki is talking about returning to 1968.  A firm date for her return is provided in the script when she visits the cemetery and mentions that it is April 2, 1968.   From this point on, the passage of time becomes VERY vague, although I believe in the scripts they included information about how much time was supposed to have passed from one episode to another.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: quentin in the "present"
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:07:28 PM »
Gerard, I'm dying here!  Just the thought of Hallie slapping Quentin around... oh boy!

*tipping hat in salute*


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