Hi Philippe,
From what I have read, the DVD and the Blu Ray have identical content, EXCEPT for some extras. I thought the half hour version of "The House" from
The Web was included in both formats, but I guess it is something to check. I have to wonder if Blu Rays can hold more content than DVDs which is why we've seen these "Blu Ray only" extra situations in some releases over recent years.
The half hour version of "The House" dates to around 1954. On websites, it's been specified that Art Wallace based his original treatment for the 1966 launch of DS on a 1957 re-write of the play, which expanded it to an hour running length:
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0591214/An incredible feature of this one is that it would appear that the offbeat character actress Hope Emerson (who I loved as "Mother" on the original PETER GUNN series of the late 1950s) starred in what was to become Joan Bennett's role--somewhat unexpectedly, in "The House" the mother was named Caroline, while the daughter was named Elizabeth (I hope I've got that right). I don't think anyone has found a copy of this 1957 show to date, and I suppose it might be lost. A lot of TV from the 1950s and 1960s is in various stages of missing in action. Some of it is supposed to be preserved in studio vaults but at this stage in the scheme of things, if a film conservator hasn't worked on the material, the condition might be dubious.
It was stated long ago that somebody did have a copy of the 1957 show "The House," and it was going to be screened at a Festival, but initially that did not happen. It may be that what had been found was the same as the one included on the new home video release.
As for Grayson's Playtex commercial, fans have recalled that it was shown as a DS commercial break a few times in 1970, and I think I did see it back then (though that's a vague memory and I question whether I might not be remembering something I never saw). If the original DS videos kept in storage do have all the original commercials, it's on those tapes. Of course somebody would have to go into a screening room and watch a bunch of them to find it.
I'd happily volunteer but of course nobody has asked me...
Best, Gothick