« on: October 02, 2006, 04:30:10 PM »
Warts and all, the Adam and Eve storyline contains many of my absolute favorite episodes of DS. In particular, the confrontation scenes between Nicholas Blair and Julia are exceptionally well written and brilliantly played. In one of these scenes Blair actually has the line, "Doctor, I think you've been reading too many gothic novels"--a very large wink from the writers to themselves and it never fails to make me fall about.
There's also all the wonderful stuff with Stokes from this period--again, I love his line on the phone to Carolyn in one high-tension moment: "Miss Stoddard, are you much given to melodrama? No, don't answer that; I'll answer it for myself shortly." Brilliant!
I agree that Adam's scenes in the later part of the storyline become very one-note, whiny, repetitive and dull, but that's no fault of the actor. I think that every storyline has scenes of this sort. I personally find the scenes of Vicki's trial in 1795 unwatchably tedious.