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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '06 II / "Julia starts to go off the deep end"
« on: November 14, 2006, 04:52:51 PM »
Folks, I just have to share that that image (see title and today's slide show) is just PERFECT for my day, my week, my month and my lifetime.

kiss kiss,


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Has TV Land Snubbed Us?
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:24:00 PM »
For reasons unknown to me, I got an email a few days ago about Amazon (which I prefer to call amazombie--it's what Quentin Collins was heard chirping outside Rachel Drummond's window during a certain storyline:  "amazombie! amazombie! amazombie!" yeah, I know I have WAY too much time on my hands) starting up a "store" on their site where one could "buy" episodes of Star Trek for upload onto their laptops.  I have a friend who has been watching a current series called Heroes this way, buying episodes at the Apple Store and then watching it in his car in the bumper-to-bumper traffic of the LA mega-glopolis.

I can already foresee classic TV shows such as DS getting this treatment.  If I had access to the software to do it, it would depend upon the fidelity of the upload.  I am of the opinion that a lot of the stuff that's shared online winds up looking or sounding utterly wretched.  Maybe the quality of the hardware you play the thing on enters into all of this.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Most shocking recast....
« on: November 13, 2006, 08:20:06 PM »
I personally felt the Woodard recast did the most damage because Peter Turgeon, no doubt through no fault of his own, just did not capture the audience's sympathy in the way Robert Gerringer did in that role.  Gerringer was perfect as the family MD (those of you who are over 45 may recall that now mythical being of once-upon-a-time) way out of his depth determined to find out the truth.  Turgeon came across more as a schoolteacher or adjunct professor.

If Gerringer had been able to play out the ending of the Woodard story, I think this would have been recalled as the most shocking moment in DS history.  It would have been on a par with[spoiler]Barnabas attacking Carolyn in the throes of his accelerated aging, which as it stands must be the most horrifying scene in the show's history.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '06 II / Re: carolyn and "miss hoffman"
« on: November 13, 2006, 08:06:06 PM »
Hey MSC, I got the tape out last night just to watch that scene between Laura and Magda again.  It's better than Special K!

I'll look next for the other scene you mentioned.  I recall roughly when that happened.  Pistol-packin' Magda!  As I recall it, both Grayson and Joan chewed the scenery with maximum elan!

It's not so much catty as an example of extreme complacency, but another fab scene around that time involves Laura and Minerva Trask comparing notes on their favorite topic of PROPER child-rearing.  Hysterical!


That's an awesome photograph of Mr. K.  ROWRRRRRRR!  Reminds me of the friend to whom I loaned Daughters of Darkness who commented upon returning it, "was he ever in Seventies porn?"  He found him quite the stud...

Isn't that Kathy Cody in that mirror?  If folks want to see more stuff along the lines of that wallpaper, they should check out James Lileks' "Interior Desecrations" gallery (the book makes a great Yule gift, btw) here:



Current Talk '06 II / Re: carolyn and "miss hoffman"
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:34:29 PM »
On the topic of catty scenes, another marvelous one is between Magda and Laura in 1897 when Magda was "helping" Laura clean up the cottage and the Phoenix demanded a tarot card reading.  The facial expressions of the two actresses as they play out this little scene are beyond priceless.  And Grayson Hall must have dealt one mean hand of poker, judging by Magda's dexterity with those cards.


What fabulous photos!  I love that suit on Frid.  Edmonds must have been quite envious!

And what a wonderful casual shot of Lara Parker and Humbert Allen Astredo together at the glorious height of Nicholas Blair's Reign of Evil!

I can only dream that there's a shot of Grayson in there somewhere...


Current Talk '06 II / Re: carolyn and "miss hoffman"
« on: November 09, 2006, 03:55:08 PM »
Watching "Miss" Hoffman slam the phone down on Carolyn when she's in the middle of making her latest date with hot lawyer-hunk Tony Peterson, and then Carolyn's icy reproof to Julia to "dress for dinner because we expect a certain standard in our GUESTS," is WAY  better than any drug you can get on the street, IMNSHO.

At the same time, it strikes a poignant note a couple of episodes later when [spoiler]Carolyn tells Barnabas she thinks he's being very cruel to Julia.  That interjected a more human note into the proceedings which had reached a fairly baroque level at that point.  Of course, Barn's response to Carolyn's admonition is a fairly telling one ...[/spoiler]

I also, of course, love the Laura/Liz showdown scenes in '67.  Another memorable, and delicious, series of showdowns, is between Dr. Hoffman and Nicholas Blair in 1968.  As far as I'm concerned, those scenes more than compensate for the endlessly dreary stuff with Adam and Jeff Clark that make up the bulk of that period of the show.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Another Birthday
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:36:11 PM »
Hooray for Love at First Bite!  She made it!

Happy Happy!

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: DS on Gothlist
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:40:14 PM »
That column seems more about the author's cultural illiteracy than anything else.

The fact that Lugosi was laid out in his coffin in his vampire cape was a far more significant Goth element at his funeral than the mere fact of his death.  (In fact, a few years before on a television appearance, Lugosi had uttered the fateful words:  "Dracula never dies.")

No mention of Nick Drake, one of the great misbegotten bards cherished by the more intelligent segments of Gothiana (yes, they do exist).

No mention of Montague Summers, failed Roman Catholic Priest who stalked London in the late 1920s and early 1930s in a long black cape, almost invariably seen scowling over a huge blackbound volume of incunabula.

No mention of Vampira, aka Maila Nurmi, whose horror-host show in 1950s LA was the original definition of the Goth chick aesthetic.

Venus in Furs was an allusion to a novel by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the man who gave Masochism as a sexual fetish its name.

I would go on, but after awhile, what's the point?

cheers, GOTHICK.

Polls Archive / Re: Films that have plots that influenced Dark Shadows
« on: November 07, 2006, 04:53:06 PM »
I think the motif of the Peter and Vicki love story across the centuries may have been inspired by a movie I've never seen with Leslie Howard called Berkeley Square, from the early 1930s.  I don't think it is available in any format, however.

Berkeley Square has the distinction of having been H. P. Lovecraft's favorite film, as well.  (His most deeply cherished desire was to live in the 18th century.)

I know I've posted about this before...


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Monsters We Shoulda Seen
« on: November 06, 2006, 08:09:52 PM »
I think a cat-creature would have been cool.  I'm thinking of something in between the original Cat People story, the novel The Green Eyes of Bast by fab cult novelist Sax Rohmer (he also invented Fu Manchu and Sumuru), and the 1940s Cat People film.  There could have been a brother and sister who were both were-cats as in the Nastassja Kinski version of the story.

I'm not sure that a mummy story would have worked.  Perhaps if the Mummy had been more like the one played by Chris Lee in the Hammer 1959 version.  Instead of Yvonne Furneaux, the Mummy's lost love could have been one of the KLS or Kate Jackson characters.  It would have been more interesting if the Mummy had taken on the guise of a modern day antiquarian, rather like Im-Ho-Tep and Ardath Bey in the original 1932 film.

A complicated plot involving Laura, the resuscitated Mummy, a feline brother and sister AND Nicholas Blair hell-bent on bringing down Collinwood and getting his revenge, would have added a LOT of color to the otherwise dreary Summer of '71...


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Burke him or hate him?
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:53:50 PM »
mscbryk, I thought what you wrote about Burke as the forgotten hero of the show was very interesting.  He was so central to Art Wallace's original concept, but at this stage of the game, when the old chestnut of a new DS gets trotted out, we NEVER hear fans discuss what should be done with Burke, who should play him, etc.

Even less remembered by fans is my candidate for Vicki's fiance, Frank Garner.  Apparently Conrad Fowkes' request for a raise led to DC ordering the character to be written out of the series, according to reports of Mr. Fowkes' statements at the last Festival (I missed him, unfortunately).

I first encountered Burke Devlin in one of those silly "Marilyn" Ross novels.  At the time, I assumed that Devlin was a creation of Ross.  It wasn't until 1976 and the airing of the original Barnabas storyline in a local syndication market that I got to see the Anthony George version of Burke.  I think my first exposure to the Mitchell Ryan characterization (apart from brief clips on the original Ressurection of Barnabas Collins MPI videotape) was in the late 1990s when a mysterious, kindly gentleman sent me a package of 1966 tapes from his remote estate in the countryside.

Like Adam, Burke was a character defined initially by a pronounced streak of monomania.  Unlike Adam, the writers actually allowed Burke to grow and change.   Perhaps the character was too realistic for the "wild and woolly" tone of post-1795 DS.  Had he remained involved, his romance with Vicki would have at least given Moltke a little more to do than stare at Cassandra and complain that she didn't understand.

I do love this scene where Burke and "Miss" Hoffman are talking turkey in the drawing room.  There's such an old boys night out atmosphere in the way that scene is written and played.  This was in the era of Anthony George, who was a friend of Grayson Hall's in real life.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Other Julias
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:45:24 PM »
My theory is that it was Lovelady Powell who appeared in the one episode a few months before as Portia Fitzsimmons.  I could see them trying to get her for Julia.  It would be really interesting to know whether she did a reading and then bailed or whether they simply decided she wasn't right for the part--if there's anything to my theory (hearing an echo here of Barn's snide comment to Julia in their fateful rapprochement in her boudoir "you assume that I'm interested in your... THEORY, Doctor" where he makes a "theory" sound like something of a lady's no gentleman would have truck with).

I think RJ was able to get confirmation from Sam that Grayson was a re-cast on DS, but I don't believe who could recall the identity of the other actress.  GH wound up being a re-cast a number of times in her career... it seems to have been a pattern.  I forget just how Nancy Barrett put it but she did sum up brilliantly that Grayson was tough to cast because she was so "odd" (and OUT THERE, I add from my seat in the balcony).

cheers, G.

Current Talk '06 II / Joan and Grayson: better than crystal meth
« on: November 01, 2006, 10:29:08 PM »
Last weekend I happened to be viewing some scenes from the shows from the week that chronicled Amy Jennings' arrival at Collinwood.  Grayson and Joan had several scenes together; Grayson in one of my favorite dark blue suits of hers, and Joan in a regal power red number accentuated with a magisterial gold brooch.  Not for the first time, I reflected how much I have enjoyed watching these two divas mulch scenery together on the show (though a waggish friend of mine insists that their contrasting acting styles makes the experience similar to "a 78 played alongside a 16 1/2 rpm speed disc"--this analogy will be lost on younger viewers, alas).

I think my favorite of their scenes together comes during the Leviathan era--I've written about it too many times to repeat myself again, but it involves a somewhat tacky gold shopping-bag with something special Liz has tucked away for everyone's favorite houseguest...

Anybody else care to share their favorite Joan/Grayson scene here?  The technologically advanced should feel free to add photos!


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