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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0224
« on: February 02, 2007, 04:26:28 PM »
What a fabulous episode!  This is the one I alluded to in a previous post, where ABC's S & P office sent in notes stating that it must not seem that Jason is implying that Willie and Barnabas are a gay couple, in the dialogue about Willie and "light housekeeping."

Jason is such a treat to watch.  He says that line about the Swiss bank account with such sleazy zest.

Maggie's dream is so brilliantly staged.  When I first saw these shows I thought this was the first of the surreal dream sequences on DS, but now of course we know that they had had plenty of practice in the preceding Laura Collins storyline.


Polls Archive / Re: Vampires Rule the Night
« on: February 02, 2007, 04:17:44 PM »
Tom Jennings, hands down.

My neck isn't the only place I'd want that mouth of his, but we could start there.

Naughty Gothique

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0223
« on: February 01, 2007, 10:46:45 PM »
I think Vicki's voiceover referred to Willie, esp. since the action of this show revolved around how Liz was irate that thanks to Barnabas, she was still stuck with having Willie skulking around the grounds.  Just my two drachmae.

Is this the first time we see Burke sorta-kinda positioning himself as the protector of Liz--and Collinwood?  I thought it seemed like a real switch from Burke's original determination to buy the house right out from under Liz.

Presumably, Willie was out purchasing hardware supplies at the time of Liz's visit.  It is decidedly odd that they don't lock that door!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: DS The Beginning DVD Disc Problems?
« on: January 31, 2007, 09:42:47 PM »
Maybe this was covered somewhere else--do the DVDs include the opening slates the way the tapes did?


Current Talk '07 I / Re: DS The Beginning DVD Disc Problems?
« on: January 31, 2007, 03:46:29 PM »
What a nuisance.  Everybody who bought them should phone MPI (and perhaps followup the phone call with a letter--if it were me, I'd ask for a name and address where I could send a letter of complaint).

Of course, if they admit there is a glitch in how that disc was authored and they agree to replace free of charge, AND it doesn't happen in the next set, things will be resolved very happily.


Thanks, Midnite.  I checked the link and sent her an IM.

Best, Steve

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0220
« on: January 30, 2007, 04:17:15 PM »
Hope you feel better soon, Raining wolf.  Do be gentle with the pneumonia--you really don't want to monkey with that!  Bleah!  My Dad is still a bit weak from having had it several months ago.

I am forever reading a gay subtext into Jason-and-Willie and Willie-and-Barnabas but almost never mention this here because I figure fans here really don't want to hear about it.  I was hysterical back in the Eighties when I got hold of the old "Introduction of Barnabas" book and they reprinted the memo from the S & P office at ABC about some dialogue Jason and Willie had where the officer stressed that "we must not lead people to think that Jason is inferring a homosexual relationship between Willie and Barnabas." What a hoot!

cheers, G.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0221
« on: January 30, 2007, 04:10:26 PM »
Maggie seems so clueless all of a sudden.  I wish there had been dialogue for her along the lines of "That Mr. Collins may have the manners of a gentleman, but he's STILL a creep."  I suppose that what is happening is that he is throwing what in Magick is called a "glamour" over her, blinding her to his true nature so he can worm his way into her affections... and her neck!

Another classic shot in that final image of Barnabas at the window.  Many thanks to our Mysterious Benefactor for adding the images to Robin's notes.


Hmmm, I look forward to my attempt to navigate the site sufficiently to try and figure out just who the "account holder" is... I've seen some Euphemia clips from 1982 and I thought Grayson was superb in the role!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Diversity of The Actors
« on: January 29, 2007, 10:21:58 PM »
As revealed in RJ Jamison's biography "Grayson Hall: a Hard Act to Follow," Grayson was part Rom (Gypsy) as well.

Overall, DS remained a very white show even as time went on and more and more series added African American characters.  I can only think of two black actors on DS, and one of them didn't have any lines.  Sho Onodera had one episode as Mr. Nakamura and again, maybe two lines?

I thought in the 1990 remake it would have added a lively degree of interest had Angelique been cast with a black actress.  (Of course, had a certain storyline been pursued, this would have meant casting David with a biracial actor as well.)


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0220
« on: January 29, 2007, 04:11:24 PM »
The moment when Willie tries hard to get Liz to listen to him is a neatly pitched thrum of high tension in this show.  Beautifully played by all involved.

And that final scene between Barnabas and Willie has, for me, the feel of a classic 1930s Universal horror film.  I adore the use of color on later DS but there's a certain atmosphere they captured in these monochrome shows that was, by any standard, exceptional.  It looks great on a shoestring budget.  Phenomenal.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Wed. Slideshow
« on: January 25, 2007, 10:21:36 PM »
I agree in thinking that the original Laura story of early '67 was a major highlight--perhaps THE highlight--of all DS.  It was incredibly well crafted, and beautifully mounted.  The one jarring note for me is the character of Dr. Guthrie; I find him far less engaging or dynamic than Professor Stokes, or, for that matter, Dr. Woodard as portrayed by Robert Gerringer.  After his initial week or so of episodes, he gets to be a bit more charismatic, but when he first shows up on the scene, the tension of the tale which has held taut up till that point suddenly falls slack, to my taste at any rate.

I do enjoy Laura's return in 1897.  When I originally watched, I had missed everything in 1967 (and the first half of 1968), so my formative impressions of Laura were from his 1897 manifestation.  I enjoyed how the writers wove in the Egyptian occult elements into the tale on that go-round.  It gave what happened a different flavor from the original narrative of 1967.  In a similar way, I thought the introduction of Angelique and their story together gave the character of the vampire Barnabas a very different tone and a much more explicitly tragic emphasis once everyone got back to 1968.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0218
« on: January 25, 2007, 09:52:34 PM »
What a fantastic thread.  I don't know what's making me laugh more right now--Lydia's delicate sarcasm about Barn's unending concern for Willie's welfare (lol!) or IluvBarnabas' image of the "courtly" cousin from England as a party animal trashing the OH!

This was a great idea!  My hat's off (and stays off) to Lydia!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Warning re: DS 91 Series Reg. 2 UK Release
« on: January 25, 2007, 08:23:20 PM »
What unfortunate news.

That series seems to be under some weird sort of curse!  And now I sound like Mrs. Johnson talking to Nicholas Blair...


Current Talk '07 I / Re: We Love Julia!
« on: January 25, 2007, 02:39:28 PM »
I love Grayson's "entrance" in episode 675 (on today's slideshow).  The shots I'm thinking of aren't among the captures in the slides, but as I recall the episode, we see Julia's hand holding a cigarette, a shot of her coat, and then a close-up of the Doctor herself looking even more world-weary and "over it all" than usual.  FABULOUS.

Grayson Hall is my religion--I admit it!


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