« on: February 08, 2007, 08:20:24 PM »
Hi Dom,
I can understand why you're confused. What she means is that the old VHS release of the series (the tapes that started coming out way back in '89) were edited so that most of the Jason Maguire story was left out, and even non-Barnabas scenes of episodes featuring Barn were sometimes eliminated. I guess that initially, MPI execs thought the only reason why anyone would buy the tapes would be to see Barnabas. They had not yet figured out that there are fans here who want to see every second of DS--bloopers and all!
I don't own the new volume one DVD set from 1966, but from what I have been able to determine, a technical glitch led to ONE disc of that set getting a few seconds edited out of the closing moments of each episode. (I actually think I have an idea of how it happened--the people producing the discs may have inadvertently forgotten to re-set the defaults on a day when they had just been processing something that involved a "mix" feature on one of their editing machines. This happened to a friend of mine recently when he burned a CD for me.)
Just to add a further wrinkle of complexity, we've also been discussing how the DVD issue of the 1991 remake failed to include deleted scenes that were incorporated into the VHS release for that series. In the case of 1991, the VHS release IS more complete, both in terms of deleted scenes and in terms of image presentation (the DVD of this show was cropped to turn it into a "faux widescreen" look).
Hope this helps!