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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '07 I / Re: The Leviathan Episode's
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:52:56 PM »
Thanks for that correction, Mark.  I was actually thinking of "The Haunter of the Dark."  I realized last year while looking at a Lovecraft anthology given to me by a friend some years ago that I had NEVER READ that tale, so I promptly sat down and read it.  I absolutely adored it so you would think I would have been able to remember the title!  Love the notion of the Shining Trapezehedron which seems to have been "borrowed" into the Buffyverse, as well...  (I had to find the proper title of this tale by running a google on Shining Trapezehedron.  Yes, I could remember that unwieldly phrase, but not the title of the story.  My mind is an odd place to live.)

As for that other incident, [spoiler]I know it's mega-naff but I like to imagine that clever Julia had designed a cross that was friendly to Barn but repelled all other vampires![/spoiler]

Cheers, G.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dear Dead Amanda
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:03:14 PM »
I love some of those scenes in 1897 where Q and B were practically chin to chin in one another's faces and it looked as if one was going to kiss the other at any moment--particularly with Q's habit of cracking those sweet, sarcastic smiles when he's about to make one of his famous Quentin-zingers...


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Crushes on DS Stars
« on: March 07, 2007, 03:32:40 PM »
I thought there was a slashy component (no doubt this existed only in my own twisted mind) in the scenes between the original Reverend Trask and Nathan Forbes that were featured in the slideshows a couple of days ago.

Between Trask's HEAVY eyeliner and his sweaty-palmed "enthusiasm," and the Bad Lieutenant's lecherous swagger, I really was ready to see Trask get down on his knees for my OWN idea of "that old time religion" and a little "divine" service (um, not so little when you realize what was inside those "vulgar" trousers).

Perhaps the scene could have played to Dusty Springfield's recording of "Just a little lovin', early in the mornin', beats a cuppa coffee for startin' out the day..." Oh, my bad, Dust did not record that song till the 1968 Atlantic "Dusty in Memphis" sessions.

cheers, G.

I believe the stakes Bram Stoker describes in the novel Dracula were around three feet long, actually.  I recall seeing a documentary somewhere or other where the presenter brought one out and said Hollywood and Hammer had modified it to what we are used to seeing because something that big would look "ridiculous."

One of the few bits used from the novel in the new BBC film version was that the stakes were more like the ones described in the book than we usually see.  Of course they were used in a totally over-the-top manner...

This isn't the first time in history, by a long shot, that a dead dictator's grave has been desecrated by a vengeance-seeking mob.  I believe it was in fact by Parliamentary order that the dead bodies of Cromwell and Ireton, the leaders of the 1640s "English Revolution" that ended in the decapitation of Charles I, were exhumed and hung from a gallows to exact a posthumous punishment.


I'm very sorry to hear about his fall.  Glad to hear he is healing, though.  The back can be a very troublesome area, once anything goes wrong; so, if he is already feeling in less pain, that's a very positive sign.

I am sure Sam must have been QUITE startled when it happened--maybe even more startled than JF was himself!

Best wishes,


Didn't Luciaphil write a hysterical story on the old Lighter Side BB about how Bob the Bartender was such a cheapskate at the Blue Whale, he refused to buy any new 45s for the jukebox and just let the same 3 songs play over and over again?  I still crack up every time I think about that.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: The Leviathan Episode's
« on: March 06, 2007, 08:47:05 PM »
Hi Arashi,

if you have the chance, some day you should read The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by Lovecraft.  It includes some flashbacks to the 18th century that are far more historically realistic than what was attempted on DS--the closest link, I think, apart from a Professor Stokes-like character who gets involved, is that it was an inspiration (via the film adaptation, The Haunted Palace) for the film Night of Dark Shadows.

I personally find Lovecraft's fiction quite addictive.  The Lurker at the Threshold and The Thing on the Doorstep are great yarns both of which have a DS sort of atmosphere about them.  I guess you'll either love it or hate it.  It's difficult to be indifferent to HPL!


Sandor sez "Ah!  what fine Wheeeesky!  Surely no one will notice one less bottle..."

What a cute contest, Mysterioso darling.  Only you could be "casually reminded" of a thread from four years ago...


The wonderful, the magnificent, the incomparable Thayer David.  Truly favored and a sad exemplar of the truth of the ancient proverb that the Greeks had--"those whom the Gods love die young."

I wish whoever owns the rights would give a proper release to Thayer's Nero Wolfe film.  It is one of his finest roles and deserves to be more widely known.


Current Talk '07 I / Dear Dead Amanda
« on: March 05, 2007, 04:48:59 PM »
So, yesterday I was watching some 1897 episodes... not actually watching whole shows but just fast forwarding around to various scenes... and I saw one of the early scenes between Tim and Amanda.  And Tim actually informed Amanda that her face was full of "wisdom and innocence."   I just about died.

I couldn't think of anything that could top Trask's line about Abigail's "kindly, loving face" but this did the trick.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Final Two New Slideshows
« on: March 04, 2007, 08:17:57 PM »
Thanks for explaining!  I'd missed that there were new shows this time around.

Lovely shot of Magda with Sandor in today's series... as it happens, I pulled out some Magda shows to watch earlier today for a Sunday treat.


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz..........
« on: March 03, 2007, 11:42:29 PM »
I hope Buzz returns soon.  Who else can help us recall those infinitely poetic words of wisdom from the Great One:

"If you feel it, SIT IT!"


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Final Two New Slideshows
« on: March 03, 2007, 11:38:22 PM »
So, you're discontinuing the slideshows?  I'll miss them, but I do appreciate how much effort it has taken to keep them going all this time.



Current Talk '07 I / Re: The Leviathan Episode's
« on: March 03, 2007, 11:35:33 PM »
Hi Taeylor,

They never specified exactly what the Leviathan creature looked like, but IMNSHO it resembled the hideous, transgalactic, nightmare terror of "Yog Sothoth" as revealed in the climax of the 1969 film of The Dunwich Horror.  A lot of the plot of Leviathan was inspired by The Dunwich Horror, with some bits of The Call of Cthulhu thrown in for good measure.  (These were both originally short stories by H. P. Lovecraft)

Naga, female Nagini, is a Sanskrit word denoting a spiritual being taking the form of a snake.  If you check Wikipedia there's probably an entry about it.  My talk of Jeb's personal Naga is my own little joke, I'm afraid...

cheers, G.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0245
« on: March 02, 2007, 08:01:45 PM »
That phrase, about the "unholy union" going on in Maggie's blood, really gave me the creeps back when I first saw the show in the 1976 syndication.

The cool, calculated cruelty with which Frid says the line "You knew nothing of the kind" contrasts brilliantly with the facade he puts on for the good dr.

To Alondra--hard to believe it because he looked so youthful, but I believe that John Karlen was 34 when he did these shows.

And to Lori--I was around back in the Sixties and some doctors did have ashtrays like that in their offices.  It's hard to believe just how casually people would light up in almost any setting back then.


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