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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: David Selby on Cold Case
« on: November 20, 2007, 10:24:38 PM »
Wow.  Definitely a different role for Selby than that hootchie-kootchie show on that other network...


Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0431
« on: November 20, 2007, 04:28:50 PM »
Hi MSC, I believe that in Sam Hall's article based on his notes for what would have happened with the storyline in 1971, he mentioned the arrival of Tracy, to be played by Kate Jackson, a new governess for David and presumably Hallie and a new love interest for Quentin.

I hope you have had the chance to read David Henesy's brief essay in one of the recent Pom Press books.  It would be really great if he wrote a book length memoir about his time on DS.  He said in the earlier piece that was published that he has crystal-clear recall of those long-ago days.


Thanks for this interesting news.  I look forward to seeing the book.

I thought I knew EVeryone who played on Dark Shadows, but I draw a blank at the name Elizabeth Wilson.

I thought it was a real hoot when I was reading Stuart Little's Off Broadway history years ago when researching Grayson's career, and learned that one of the leading lights of the OB stage back in the early 1960s, at least in the eyes of many who followed it then, was none other than a certain character actor named.... Addison Powell!  *faints*


Jackie, honey, your new avatar is TOO PERFECT!!!!

Many thanks for the smile you gave me just now!

Best, G.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: The Annual November Juliathon
« on: November 16, 2007, 03:27:12 PM »
Oh yeah Sandor and Willie you get all that PLUS Cassandra in her shiny black glisteningly-lacquered wig and lime green coat dress walking slowly towards Liz cooing "and then I must TOUCH you ... I puh-ROMISED you THAT!"  What a hoot!

Julia really is like the head of the Collinwood loony-bin in that episode!


I just saw an announcement about this on the DVD Talk site!  I had somehow missed the original announcement last week.

Happy shopping to all!


To paraphrase Miss Jean Brodie--for those who find this sort of thing important, this is the sort of thing that would be important to them.  *wry grin* I think these polls (they run them on sites all over the nets, don't they?)  are hotly followed by folks who spend a large part of their day socializing online.  Not at all to say that that's a bad thing--in these days of iPhones, people can be online while driving, working, paying bills AND having dinner with their friends.   [hall2_shocked]

I personally don't think DS will ever be acclaimed as one of the top ten TV shows--nor do I mourn that fact in any way.  I think if DS had the potential for that kind of acclaim, it would be far too generic for me to stay intrigued by it all these years.  I do think that it's interesting that as the years have gone by and the series hasn't been picked up by any other network, DS' visibility in pop culture has seemed to spike in the past year or two.  The fact that they included a scene from one of the shows in that high profile Augusten Burroughs thing last year, plus all the hoopla around the Depp project, certainly means it's very much out in public view.  Not bad for a show that hasn't been on the air for several years now.


What fun!  Even if Alec doesn't get to do much beyond yell, cry, run around and take his clothes off (yum!), this should be good exposure for him.

Sounds as if they're not using Madonna's song Into the Groove which was in the original movie; too bad.  That song really defined Desperately seeking Susan for this viewer.


Current Talk '07 II / Today's Glorious Slideshow
« on: November 14, 2007, 03:28:01 PM »
Ah, once again we delight in the slides from THAT show!  It hit me that the snapshot of Julia hysterically clutching the phone could be captioned:  "PLEASE!  Ple-e-e-hee-heeeeease don't tell me you're all out of kalamata olives!  NO!  NO-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOO!"

I'm sure I did post some years back that some people with whom I am vaguely acquainted ran this episode as a run-up to the Oscar telecast and the people at their party were so riveted, they demanded to play it again ... and again ... and AGAIN. Grayson stole Oscar's thunder!

When "Julia goes off the deep end," theatre mavens applaud!

On a side note, I'd totally forgotten about "Gloria" Winters.  Cousin of Little Gloria Vanderbilt no doubt.  I'm now imagining some of Vicki's 1795 dialogue delivered with a Locust Valley lockjaw intonation...

Thanks once again to MB for making me smile today!


I actually prefer shows to be "slow," particularly "slow" by today's standards.  I've already seen pretty much every plot twist the mind of wo/man could invent, and then some--what makes a drama worth viewing for me is CHARACTER, and a more layered approach that suggests possibilities of interpretation.

I found the character of the lead vampire's mentor jarring in a flat, rather banal way.  The writing was horrendous and the actor obviously did not have a clue what he was supposed to be doing.  He did actually seem as if he was fairly competent craft-wise.  Perhaps if the writing has improved and they have changed directors, they might have been able to make something of the character.

Glad to hear YOU enjoy it!  I'm all about people enjoying themselves.

I must say I am fascinated to learn that there are people out there who regard Angel as the be-all and end-all of vampire stories.  Truly fascinating *raises eyebrow in Spock-like fashion*.

cheers, G.

Thanks, Lori, for posting that link.  I did watch the first episode of Moonlight and although it was amusing, I found the casting sketchy, particularly the fellow they cast in the Lacroix role--I have no idea who or what he was supposed to be, but whatever it was, it really wasn't working!

I did think that Sophia Myles (do I have her name right) is fabulous in the thankless role of the ingenue.  And the fellow who had Mick had some potential.  too bad the silly script had him sleeping in a deep freeze.  One wonders what on Earth the vampires did before the invention of refrigeration units?


Current Talk '07 II / Re: DVD Long-Term Availability
« on: November 13, 2007, 03:41:40 PM »
DS has, as far as I can tell, broken records yet again in staying IN PRINT consistently for far longer than is usual for ANYTHING on home video/disc.  Presumably that trend will continue with the new excitement in the run-up to Depp's film and the fact that the series, as a pop culture artifact, seems to be more widely visible than at any time since 1968.

Willie, we're probably going to see a DVD release of the two movies within the coming year.  If you have to have new copies of the VHS releases, try Amazon markets and other outlets on the Net.  I recommend getting the laser disc if you have a player for them although they still were not released with the correct screen ratio (can't speak to the audio mix).


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: Julianna McCarthy on Cold Case
« on: November 12, 2007, 11:11:16 PM »
Julianna McCarthy, for me, provided the ONLY noteworthy performance in the 1991 revival series--apart from Barbara Steele's Julia.  I thought McCarthy's understated malevolence helped give some bite to the threat to Vicki from the witch hunters--I frankly found Roy Thinnes so over-the-top as to be laughable in his work as Trask (and were those eyebrows REALLY the preserved flattened millipedes they appeared to be???).  I'm sure the directors are to blame (and most like DC is to blame most of all) since several people I have seen do excellent work in other venues were either way off-the-hook or just plain bad here.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: The Annual November Juliathon
« on: November 10, 2007, 08:06:43 PM »
Mysterioso darling, so exquisitely do our days mngle the threads of Art and Life that at this very moment I am *wearing* my Legion t-shirt with the image of Barnabas rescuing Julia above.

Thanks for the lovely assemblage of scenes!  You're a peach with a gorgeous bloom on your cheeks!

cheers, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: New Photo of Jonathan Frid!
« on: November 09, 2007, 02:55:37 AM »
How very sweet.  Bobbi could almost be Julia as she is today had she lived, and Arthur could almost be Willie Loomis' grandson!

Jonathan gets extra credit for wearing such a sprightly shirt, too!

cheers, G.

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