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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: OT: Being Human pilot
« on: March 10, 2008, 09:34:03 PM »
Wow, I've watched part one and a bit of part two, and it's really quite well done!  Thanks for posting this.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: DS & Innovation Comics.
« on: March 10, 2008, 04:07:52 PM »
I thought the Innovation stories were set in-between episodes of the 1990 series.  I seem to recall editorial statements in the letters section of the mag clarifying the chronology of the stories in the books.

I bought a few of them during a stressful period of my life when I was teaching at Wesleyan University and the comics were being sold at this little hole-in-the-corner shop near the bus stop.  I'm not a fan of the 1990 series but the books were fun to read.  Some of the letters were interesting since there were fans from what I think of as the REAL DS (from the Sixties) and there were comparisons between the original lore and the changes made in the 1990 version.

Best, G.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0483
« on: March 10, 2008, 03:24:33 PM »
It's been a long while since I had the chance to watch the show.  Last night for some reason I chose to watch this episode.  I've seen it several times before, but this time I really enjoyed the back and forth between Barnabas and Julia.  I loved how coolly Julia poured scorn upon the notion of Barn's "pangs of conscience" and how persistently Barn kept needling her until he wore her down.  In that final scene at Windcliff, when she informed him that she hadn't made her decision yet, and he sort of faux-sweetly said, "You didn't need to," I loved how Jules looked at him with this "are you for real???" ice in her eyes.  GREAT stuff.

But after watching, I realized that DS really does take place in its own little world.  Willie was supposed to have been locked away for the murders of several people AND for kidnapping and terrorizing Maggie--face it, with a conviction like that, they'd have thrown away the key.  On DS, it's just a little cat and mouse between Barn and Jules and the Collinsport Strangler is out for a little light housekeeping and a courtesy call on his former victim.  Yikes.

John Karlen deserved an Emmy for his work on this show.  What a powerhouse!


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Moltke/Von Bulow Trial
« on: March 05, 2008, 06:25:16 PM »
Here's a Wikipedia link:


I was living in Taiwan during the time of the trials (there appear to have been three of them), so I have never seen any of the footage of Alexandra testifying, but DS fans have mentioned it repeatedly over the years.

A link to DS history that made my skin prickle was the fact that Claus and Sunny were married on June 6. 1966.  Cue the Twilight Zone theme...


After I posted, I revisited, ran a search for "Dark Shadows" in the DVD cat, and realized that only SOME of the sets are on sale.  Still, it's quite a large number. A couple of the 1966 sets and the 1991 set are also on sale.

Nice to hear about Tony George's early 1960s series.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / DS DVDs on sale at Amazon.com
« on: March 05, 2008, 12:04:55 AM »
Fans, a friend was kind enough to alert me that there's a massive sale on a huge number of classic and cult TV titles now on amazon.com.  The DS DVDs are part of the sale and are priced around $30 to $31.49 apiece (not including shipping).  Usually on the site if you buy more than $25 of merchandise they throw in the shipping for free but am not sure if this applies for this sale.

No doubt the sale is stimulated in part by all the reports in the press lately regarding "the death of the DVD."  A Boston paper last week interviewed faculty at a media studies and communications dept. at one of the local Universities stating that internet downloads and home-burnt DVD-Rs (or Blu-Ray-Rs, I guess) are the wave of the future, although the final statement of one professor was that "speeds are not quite there" for the kind of quality that most consumers would expect for a paid download.

The growing numbers of file-sharing sites around these days remind me of the "Napster" craze of some years back.  Interesting times!


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Shadowgram Update #182
« on: March 04, 2008, 09:46:23 PM »
Hi Retzev,  I've read in the books that the series was very popular in Mexico and some other Central and South American countries.  I know Jonathan Frid lived in Mexico for part of the 1970s. 

On YouTube, when I searched Grayson Hall's name recently, I found a couple of clips from DS dubbed into Spanish.  Try there if you'd like to get a taste.  One of the episodes was also included in a DVD release, I believe.

cheers, G.

Isn't that supposed to be:  "Roger Davis is coming.  Look busy!"?

Just checking ... I get confused so easily. 


Greetings, fans,

Mario Bava's 1960s films may not have directly influenced DS, but they were very much in the background of 1960s artists reworking classic horror myths and supernatural motifs.  (Some images and aspects of BLACK SUNDAY may have influeced one of the storylines in Parallel Time 1970, but I'm not prepared to try arguing that here at the moment.)  Anyone in LA this month may want to take advantage of the Mario Bava Film Festival being mounted at the Egyptian Theatre:


Sounds like fun!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: That Room Downstairs
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:04:57 PM »
Forget the lightbulb.  I still want to know how they keep those candles and torches lit--sometimes for CENTURIES!-- in every secret room on the premises.


Good grief!  Glad I've held on to my VHS tapes my friend made for me from the Laserdiscs.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: brandy and blackmail
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:06:51 PM »
What a hoot!  It does indeed sound as if somebody on the staff of that soap has been watching their old tapes from the Jason Maguire storyline.

I like to call that show "The Hung and the Listless."  An acquaintance of mine is a huge fan of actor Daniel Goddard, who used to play The Beastmaster on that show about 9 years ago, and is now on Y&R as a character named Cane ('"as in Hurricane").  Apparently there are masses of current clips from Y&R on YouTube, perhaps some including the storyline involving the Jason Maguire clone.

Now all that has to happen is that a young wastrel friend of the Maguire fellow shows up with an interest in the family jewels. Tee hee!


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Shadowgram Update #181
« on: February 24, 2008, 11:40:57 PM »
Joan Bennett as a Madam ... WOW!  That, I would love to see.  Maybe this show will be one of the vintage series up for DVD release later this year. I know I'm excited about VCI's plans to release Honey West.

I hope that there can finally be a screening this year of Grayson Hall's Playtex commercial to placate members of Her Legion.  I know that there must be a copy of it on one of the 1970 DS Master tapes because they contain all the commercials, and the spot was aired more than once during DS.

They'd better plan to repeat the commercial at least once because you know there will be screaming, stampeding in the aisles, etc. as soon as it starts!

All in all, it sounds like a fun Festival.  AND, it's all happening in Beautiful Downtown Burbank!  Will Ernestine be on the phone lines reminding us that somebody or other is "omnipotent"?

cheers, G.

Hooray, Hooray!  I can't wait!  Thanks so much for sharing the new, Claude darling!


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Shadowgram Update #181
« on: February 23, 2008, 07:27:59 PM »
I watched The Governor and J. J. frequently but must have missed Miss Bennett's appearance on it. Of course, I last saw it IN 1970, so ...


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