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Messages - Gothick

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I forgot to mention that another treat in PT 1970 is Louis' bravura work as PT Roger Collins.  I really can't get enough of Roger's bitchy ripostes, particularly when he's needling Maggie--although Maggie is already such a milquetoast, after awhile it becomes tantamount to watchng a bored little boy pulling the wings off a housefly.


Well, I love the Leviathans story.  I just thought it was an attempt to take the show in a different direction and although it eventually wound up as a trainwreck (mainly due to the curtailing of the original storyline because of all the complaints from fans they received about it), the first six weeks or so are brilliant.  I even enjoy the messy conclusion because of all the wonderful scenes with Nicholas Blair, a top favorite character.

I'm also very fond of PT 1970.  I'm going to be getting the DVDs for the first two months of that soon, and I'm looking forward to revisitng it.  Again, they did something different.  My main problem with it as it went on is that I simply did not find Quentin or Maggie very likeable as characters.  My great pleasures with it are Grayson's Hoffman characterization, Thayer's Tim Stokes portrayal (perhaps his most brilliantly understated work in the entire series), and Paula Lawrence as Hannah.  Lara was really good as an alternate version of Angelique--more ruthless but also even more incompetent with her spellcraft than the original (and given some of the gaffes Ang in our time made, that's saying something).  The Cyrus/Yaeger story never did much for me but perhaps I'll enjoy it more when I revisit it later this year.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Who invented Angelique?
« on: April 17, 2008, 03:57:02 PM »
Sam Hall wrote the first script in which Angelique appears, and spoke of having created her among other characters for the show in an interview segment he did for one of the DVDs.

The idea of Barnabas becoming one of the Living Dead because of a Witch's curse was probably Dan Curtis' idea, though--he seems to have had a lot of strong opinions about where the show should go and even very detailed things about what should happen.


A very warm welcome, Jonathan!  You won't get any argument here about how wonderful your own site is.  It's unquestionably a fan favorite!

cheers, Steve

Nice to see someone acknowledge the superior craftsmanship of Diana Millay and Thayer David, since they're both so often overlooked in writings about the show intended for the masses.

But where the hell did he get "Bob Corbett" out of Robert Cobert?

cheers, G.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Early songs in The Blue Whale
« on: April 14, 2008, 08:13:37 PM »
I loved how Vicki's theme from 1966 was re-orchestrated (with cheesy lounge arrangements) for the flip side of the "Ode to Angelique" 45 and retitled ... "Missy" (!!)

I just imagine an enraged Carolyn Stoddard confronting Vicki as she's returned from another evening of burgers and intrigue at the Blue Whale with Burke Devlin, jabbing her finger at Miss Winters and snarling, "Just who do you think you ARE ... MISSY???"

Ah, one of those scenes we can imagine and recall the lines by Keats: 

Heard melodies are sweet
but those unheard are sweeter still!

cheers, G.

My dear Mrs. Peel,

May life bring you all the elegance, charm, wit and vivacity that your name enshrines for us all!

cheers and Happy Birthday!


Golly.  They really screened a Davis real estate video?  Whew.

We can get real estate commercials from Roger Davis, but no Grayson Hall Playtex commercial?  That's just wrong.

*insert Gothick frownie-face*


I also have to wonder what Jim Pierson was thinking when he scheduled that Sciography segment to air during that Festival banquet.

Surely an individual with even a modicum of social instinct would be able to understand just how upsetting the completed segment would be for the actors and many of the fans?


Can someone refresh my memory and tell me who Ice-T is again?

I *think* he's a rap artist who dabbled in acting along the way.

I have a morbid curiosity to see that Sciography segment.  I remember thinking when they were sending out press releases asking for fans to be interviewed and they were looking for a fan who slept in a coffin and thought they were Barnabas or Angelique, "HELL will feeze over before *I* ever go before a camera for that bunch!"

cheers, G.

Thanks, Mysterioso darling, for letting me know!

Hope you had lots of cake for your special day!

cheers, G.

So, tonight is the new episode of Moonlight?  I might try to check it out.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Elizabeth Collins / 18 yrs at Collinwood
« on: April 09, 2008, 02:24:03 PM »
The episode where Vicki persuades Liz to go into town to try to help Carolyn is one of the best.  Joan Bennett was incredible.  What a great actress.  Moltke and Barrett were also fabulous in that one, of course.


Happy Birthday!

cheers!  Gothick

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Happy Birthday MB!!!
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:19:21 PM »
Mysterioso Darling, It's YOUR Special Day!

Here's wishing you health, happiness, and much joy!

Standing and Cheering,


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