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Messages - Gothick

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Thanks for looking that line up, MB! I do remember that scene now, but it's so long since I last watched those shows that I don't recall the line at all. I'm sure Grayson had fun with that bit of dialogue.


Very interesting! Thanks!


Whether or not he "needs" to be a part of it, I don't think it would fly at all with the network or the backers without Barnabas.

I mean, to 99 percent of the population, DS WAS Barnabas Collins, full stop.

One reason why the show was canceled in the first place is that Frid no longer wanted to play Barnabas--or at least, did not want to play him as a vampire. I think Dan Curtis was ready to move on in any event but Frid's decision must have been a big factor in realize they'd reached the end of the line with it.


I actually watched a few episodes of THE WONDER YEARS back when it was on, and I thought it was a really well done show. Of course I have no idea what calibre Mr Perry's more recent work has shown. I did think his comments in that press release were thoughtful and on a hopeful track, and that wasn't just because he quoted Grayson (I actually don't recall her saying that line on the show).


I finally watched the entire third arc all the way through last year, in the Spring. I enjoyed it, but some of the Harding Lemay scripts were so awful. One of the worst was maybe 2 or 3 weeks before the end. Cosette Lee obviously needed to take some time off, so Lemay wrote this scene where Raxl became invisible. It was never explained or accounted for and after that episode, she simply did not show up until somebody (I think Jacques, possessing Jean Paul) "summoned" her to return. When she reappeared everything that had happened to her during the preceding one to two months had been wiped out and she was back to being utterly EEE-vil.

It made no sense at all, but Cosette played it all with ferociously committed elan. I think I only like the series so much because I enjoyed Colin Fox and Cosette in their roles, hugely. I don't think most people care for any of it very much. I noticed when Danny Horn did a week about SP, he despised Raxl and Cosette's performance. I figured he would not get very far with it given that he did not care for her work on the show.


And a Hello to VictoriaWintersFan--I've been on the board since its inception, as is the case for most of the few people who still post regularly on here.


Mark Perry (if I've got the name right--I am not familiar with his work, because as we all know, I live in a cave) has the good taste to quote Grayson Hall. He gets a Steve merit badge for that.

Let's be real--whether the series appeals to old guard fans or not is a fairly minor point in the greater scheme of things. I don't know what the target demographic of commercial TV is now, but I'd guess the most important market share now is around 15 to 35 year olds. If a significant share of that group doesn't tune in, the show is unlikely to last long. It's the CW again and I for one will be surprised if it airs at all, but who knows.

If DS takes off the way recent cult shows such as American Horror Show and Sabrina have done, then it could go gangbusters. One way those shows succeeded was by doing shorter seasons of only 10 or so episodes at a time, and I'd think the same will be true of the new DS if it is ordered to series. Just seems to be how the decision-making players run the game now.


I may have posted this link before--this is a cool edit Curt did of the first three shows. Each show is complete but he segued them together to make a faux "pilot."

What makes this of special interest is that the version of episode 1 here came from a copy of an original videotape issued for syndication, and it includes some footage that was trimmed in the version eventually released to VHS, and then subsequently shown on the "Drive-In Classics" channel.

Among the new footage are some shots of the original Dan (played here by Paul Harding) entering his office building--this sequence was shot at the actual studio offices of CJOH in Ottawa, which was the studio that produced the show under the auspices of Steve Krantz/Vikoa. Dan's office where he meets Alison later in this show was actually a boardroom where the network directors met.


Thanks, Uncle Roger and Doctor and K9. The entire series used to be on Youtube but the final 13 weeks (episodes 136-195) are missing now, or were the last time I checked.

I love the characters of Vangie and Erica in the first 13 week storyline. In the second storyline, I think Irene and Laslo who are the main villains are a hoot. When they bring Tudi Wiggins back in an "is she or isn't she Erica?" storyline, it really is rather reminiscent of Angelique on DS.  The best scripts in the series show up in that second arc and were the work of one Cornelius Crane (which may have been a pseudonym--nobody knows) and Ron Sproat, who wrote the only really good scripts in the third arc. After a few weeks past episode 136, Harding Lemay (who went on to great fame in one of the prominent mainstream US network soaps) took over writing ALL the scripts--so it ended as it began, with one person writing all of it. And the plotting and writing really went downhill, though there were some good moments because of the actors. Cosette Lee, who played Raxl, really knew how to shred scenery in fine style. I adore her.

Best, Gothick


At least a few DS fans also watched STRANGE PARADISE, which was produced in Ottawa, Canada and syndicated on Metromedia and a bunch of other TV stations with some repeats during the early to mid 1970s. DS producer Bob Costello along with writers Ron Sproat and Joe Caldwell eventually worked on SP (after they had departed DS). For the first few months, every episode was written by Ian Martin, an actor-writer who went on to script many episodes of the 1970s CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER which was my favorite late night radio show back circa 1973-76.

I wrote this remembrance of my initial 1969 viewing of SP for my friend Curt's blog:

Best, G.

Wonderful! That photo from the Barrie play What Every Woman Knows is new to me. Great to see.


Nice selection of photos including one that seems to be from NoDS (but might be hoDS--shot is of the swimming pool).


This is a video of part of the 1980s production of Lillian Hellman's playThe Little Foxes starring Elizabeth Taylor (in a truly ghastly faux Southern accent). It was obviously shot by somebody with a camcorder in the audience. Humbert Allen Astredo appears, somewhere around the five minute mark I think. I haven't had the chance to do more than have a glance at it--he is debonair and flawless, as always.


Hi Philippe, from what I read a few months ago, Art Wallace wrote two versions of "The House." The one that is on the disc is apparently NOT the one that he drew upon when he worked on the early episodes of DS. At least, that is what I recall.

My comments about these "Matinee Theatre" plays being a precursor to DS were somewhat tongue in cheek, though I noticed another person saying they thought the "Dark of the Moon" play foreshadows the style of DS. It's pretty way out.

Best, Gothick

Another play in the same series... the bizarre story DARK OF THE MOON in which Tryon plays a lustful "Witch-boy."


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